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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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Aug 29, 2015
As far as Fire's proof goes, you can clearly see that that is in fact the ONLY page in his messaging, complete with the date of the screenshot. Furthermore, it hasn't changed from the video we were shown days ago.

I do think that Zath's video is odd, but unless Fire agrees to change votes, we can't risk not lynching today.

For Drah's proof, the picture continuity is solid, especially with the time the screenshots were taken. Because there are three pages, it seems that even if the pages had been edited, it would've taken more time in between edits and we see there aren't extra tabs or pages open.


Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015
And i tried to include a bit of the previous message in each screenshot to show continuity.


Aug 29, 2015
Fire, at the end of your Butler proof video, it cuts to Windows Media Player. It's picky, but I wanted to point it out.

Edit: I asked him on the server, this is the conversation:

The_Fire_Ghoul: Something went wrong with the file, and an error happened every time I tried to upload it to youtube, so I had to record an OBS vidoe of me playing it
The_Fire_Ghoul: Kinda like with my bad Agni recording
lomour: but that uploaded fine? :/
The_Fire_Ghoul: The screencap video of my playing on OBS did
The_Fire_Ghoul: Not the video itself

Getting antsy so I'm pulling at random things. Make of it what you will, this is just so the info's available.


Aug 29, 2015
I was going back through some pages, and I noticed pickles' will had this in it:
I thought there might be a generic roleblocking message, but then later on we also have pooka who claims to be blocked by a Drunk. (also attached)

So, there was an Invoked at some point. There has not been an Invoked death in the game yet, meaning that they are now Cult Leader. There are only 3 role blocking roles (afaik): Drunk, Butler, and Invoked. Drunk definitely shows the target that they were blocked by a Drunk. (Drah did, in fact, block pooka prior to the message above; I checked.)
Someone other than the Drunk definitely blocked pickles, and there's only one person who could've done that, according to their claim: Fire.

Fire claims he never blocked anyone.

#Unvote Drahmee
#Vote The_Fire_Ghoul


May 13, 2015
What are you talking about? My video shows both the top and the bottom of my PM page.

Edit: what bottom and top are you talking about? The bottom of the page for me is the Xenforo copyright, the top being the page address and tabs. What's supposedly missing?
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May 13, 2015
Is the video somehow not good enough? I explained why the media player menu pops up at the end. That statement you made, lom, has a very big logic jump: just because an invoker was previously in play doesn't mean that's me because I have a roleblocking ability as well. It would be one thing if I had claimed to occupy someone who turned out instead to be invoked (if that's the right word), but there's no connection between me showing I haven't occupied anyone and someone being blocked by a role I'm not... that only further proves it wasn't me. How do we know for certain Drah wasn't that invoker? That drunk block mentioned by pooka may very well have been from Grave, and probably was. Judging from people's hesitancy to trust simple screenshots, how do we know they aren't faked? The videos at this point are the only definitive proof we have. Drah, you say you proved yourself to Grave and multiple others, but they're all dead, so don't know that to be true. Even if it was, Grave has made mistakes in the past, as shown by the fact that this game isn't already over.
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Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015
I was the drunk who blocked pooka. Just a few msgs before I posted the screenshots, i listed all who i blocled, in order from earliest to most recent


Aug 29, 2015
The video is not good enough. Everyone has provided "sufficient" proof, so that really proved nothing. Obviously, one of the proofs was faked.
The media player isn't important, I merely included it for the sake of everyone who wasn't there.

Grave and Drah have been working together for a long time, it wouldn't make sense for Drah and Grave to roleblock the same person. I honestly don't believe Drah would go back to figure out that pooka was roleblocked and forge that in his PM with Distinct. At the point pickles died, Drah was confirmed and all of the cult members were accounted for (Creepa, Hex, Invoker, Electro). There was a max of four, and we know for a fact that Drah was not part of the cult at that point.

Zath was confirmed at that part of the game as well.

This just shows that the Invoker never died. There's an unaccounted-for roleblocking person, who isn't Drah. It would make the most logical sense to assume that it's the person who claimed a roleblocking role.


May 13, 2015
Well, looking back at the screenshots, it does seem like Drah can't have forged them.

#Unvote Drahmee

How the hell could one of the proofs be faked? Isn't the inclusion of the refresh supposed to prove it's real?


Aug 29, 2015
We thought that the refresh was supposed to confirm it, but clearly we were wrong. Again, everyone has submitted proof that passes by the same standards. We've exhausted those standards and gotten nothing.


May 13, 2015
Well I have 0 video editing experience. Believe me when I say there’s no way I could pull off faking something that intricate. Someone like you though, with a lot of experience with tech and programming...


Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015
Except Fire and I have proven our innocence 100%, and Lom and Zath have gone radio silent


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

The town gathered once more
To discuss what they had before
They had begun to run low on friends
And so were attempting to make the final cleanse

At first Drahmee had the worst stance
and so he was going to be their lead chance
But then Fire came into the light
and that had given everyone a fright

In the end, nothing occurred
But victory was still not assured
Lynching would be the final push
Either that, or one final ambush

One vote for Drahmee
One vote for The_Fire_Ghoul

No Lynch today


Night Ten begins now. Make sure to send your moves in during the next 24 hours.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

The town went to sleep.
That was it.
They slept.
They all had a good rest.


Day Eleven begins now. Get to lynching. Not just a suggestion, but a helpful hint!
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