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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
#vote Edan
This vote is really important if you can provide us with info Edan then we can unvote


May 13, 2015
tf, why are voting Edan now .-. He’s the king?

Edit: I’m dumb, sorry
#Vote Edan456 the 2nd


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

The town gathered once more, for what they hoped would be the final time. However, what was to come was not what was expected.

Starting off the conversation amongst the comrades was an accusation thrown out against The Fire Ghoul, for he had not been as willing to kill before. While initially the town seemed to be all for his death, they were brought back from the brink of killing Fire because he quickly provided an alibi to the crimes that had been committed by these cult fanatics, and so he was let off the hook.

Next was an accusation against LomourKong, for he was the one most unknown to the group at the time, however killing someone simply off lack of knowledge wouldn't make much sense in the grand scheme of things, so his accusations were also dropped fairly quickly.

That left only a couple people still under the radar of the town, and one of them was the newly elected king himself, Edan456. When looking at his alibi's and his actions to prevent or discover this violent cult, they just seemed negligible. While he wasn't inherently at ends with the town, he also didn't seem to be pushing them in the correct direction. This combined with his willingness to quickly become king made him even more suspicious. And so, the town decided that the king would be the next one to die in the name of justice.

Six votes for Edan456
Two votes for LomourKong

Edan456 the GOOD KING has been LYNCHED!

His will reads:
Asked Rick who was king, he said luma, asked luma if he was king, he said yes. Since luma started the vote, my guess is that Ricky is possessor, teaming with cult member luma. However, don’t listen to them unless they’d actually have proof m8s. Glhf

Make of that what you will.


Night Nine officially begins now. You have 24 hours to send your moves in.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

That Night the kingdom was very active, perhaps even more so than during the day.

Starting off strong, was Gravebound. He was having his usual fun with others during the night, but unfortunately he drank a bit too much that night, and he couldn't quite remember what happened that night. Unfortunately, he also had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting with someone who had differing opinions with him that night, and words quickly turned into actions, and well he was stabbed. Instead of actually waking up the next morning, Gravebound was instead found on the ground. Dead.

Gravebound the DRUNK has BLED OUT
His will reads:
"I have done my job, I leave this in your capable hands"

Next there was ajs626. She had been watching Grave every night for the past few nights, making sure he was always in bed safe and sound, but on this faithful night, she had a lapse in judgement and let Grave out of her sight to simply relieve herself. When she came back, she was unable to find him, despite how hard she looked. By the time she had found him in the alley, he had already bled out! It was too late for him, and because of that Ajs was experiencing extreme grief. As such, she decided the only suitable course of action was to also take her own life.

Ajs626 the MERCENARY has committed SUICIDE

Finally there was Pro_Luma and Rickyboy320. They had decided that tonight would also be a good night to go out and have a good time, perhaps at the same tavern as the local town drunk Gravebound always went to. He had always said the liquor there was fantastic. Well, tonight happened to be one of the worst possible nights they could have gone out, for they didn't even make it to the bar that night. Instead, they were confronted and attacked by... someone. Before they could even call for help though, the attacker had already done his damage and was on his way out.

Rickyboy320 the COURT WIZARD has been KILLED
Pro_Luma the PRINCE has been KILLED

All three of them had no wills.


Sorry for late update, I have a test tomorrow (today?) so I was busy studying for it.
There are not enough people left alive for there to be a new king, so the rest of the game will have no king.
The people required to lynch someone is currently 3.
Day 10 officially begins now, good luck and don't forget to lynch someone x)
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Nov 5, 2013
Well that took a goddamn awful turn. I was sincerely hoping that I wouldn't have to pay much attention to this and that we'd kill off the remaining cult easily. Oh well.

Anyways, I've been paying next to no attention to all this the last few days. My chats with Grave contain the name cult leader, but I have no idea if he's the only cult left in the game. Unless someone has a grand idea that they can back up, I'll just out that name and we can vote it.


May 13, 2015
OK, so here's what I can deduce:
We know for a fact the cult leader used eradicate, so at the very least he didn't convert. We also it's just him left, because on the day Electro, Creep, and Hex were exposed, the cult had to have been full with those three and the last person here. Electro was perpetually jailed by Luma starting that night until all the other cult members has been gotten rid of... which we wrongly thought we had done. Last night was the first night that this new cult leader was able to anything, and he didn't convert. So we know for a fact it's still just him.

Because we know he can convert tonight, if he isn't lynched today, we lose.

Zath, Luma told me yesterday that he jailed you, and that you sent a video proving yourself. I assume this is true with Luma being confirmed innocent, but do you mind showing it here so the rest of us can see?

Now the only one left who hasn't definitively proven themselves innocent is Drahmee. So, Drah, until you provide the evidence the three of us have (which I doubt you can),
#Vote Drahmee


Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015
I have played as an ally of Creepa and of Grave at different times. I am the drunk, which I proved to Grave. I thought he would have told those he trusted. Without guidance I debauched Gwen on night two, then later Creepa, Pookabear, bstrey, ajs626, then Ricky. I'll try to take a video on my phone to post with my PM from Dist.


Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015
Screenshot 2018-01-23 07.38.59.png Here is a screenshot...The 5 sec video I tried was 11MB, too large to post here
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