- Thread starter
- #321

AJ's eyes moved slowly across what was in front of him. He looked down into the fire, which had been restarted since their absence. Across from him sat Yeroc. Nobody moved.
For a few minutes, all the both of them did was stare into the fire. Yeroc eventually broke the silence.
"I know what happened AJ."
"I know."
Yeroc had looked up from the fire. AJ's eyes remained fixated on the flames, sitting slouched on the log. It was left at that for a few moments more. How peaceful it was, when you compared it to what had happened just a few moments earlier.
"Why?" he asked simply.
As a log snapped in the fire, a flurry of embers drifted up into the night sky.
"You read the start?" AJ asked.
A few moments more of silence.
"Chad wasn't killed, AJ."
AJ looked up from the fire. His previous melancholy state was gone. His eyes asked questions.
"He logged out. Never came back."
"Oh God..."
"I tried to tell you all. Piece ignored me. I'm sorry," Yeroc said, "you weren't getting revenge. You WERE the killer."
AJ stared back into the fire. If he could have made himself seem any smaller, he would have.
"I killed all of them, Corey. Even Ricky and Benjy. None of them did it. It's my fault."
Yeroc's only answer was silence.
AJ got up from where he was sitting. Before Yeroc could have done anything, he had walked into the blaze.
"Goodbye Corey," AJ concluded, falling from the burn damage.
Yeroc sat there in silence. Whether stunned or sad he wasn't quite sure. His friend was dead. Nobody wins in a game like this.