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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I'm concerned about sleeks death
He comes out after Ricky, and the next night he dies. Ricky's posts continue to be very confusing, and I'm on the fence as to if he is mafia or being framed. This appears to be the only thing we have to go on right now, so any ideas about this should be put forth


Nov 5, 2013
Yeah I'm not sure what's going on with the whole colors thing.

I'm almost convinced rick is independent and not mafia so it might not be in our best interest to vote him right now, but let me try something first.
Hey, @rickyboy320, what do the colors mean?

EDIT 10 hours later:
Let's give him some motivation.
#vote rickyboy320
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Mar 26, 2014
I'd like to hear that too, and it might or might not confirm my suspicions regarding a certain neutral party.


Active Player
Apr 13, 2017
The Innocents, motivated by the success of the previous day, were eager to continue to implement yeroc's theory, despite the doubts whether he really was aligned with them. However, (disappointingly) not many people showed up today.
Votes were spread across, but at the end of the day, bstrey was the one who fit the bill. She was only one extra vote up compared to Antonio and Zatharel.
Alas, the rules and traditions must be followed, and it was bstrey's time.
They didn't have the numbers to organise a bonfire like the previous day, so they resorted to pushing her off a nearby mountaintop.

[2] bstrey - srentiln, Zatharel
[1] AntonioT111 - SleeknFoxy
[1] Zatharel - bstrey

What have you done? You are crippling those who can help you best?!

I think that @Zatharel is a innocent because creepa's post said "what have you done? You are crippling those who can help you best?!".
A innocent won't help mafia.

I also want to know why @rickyboy320 is saying colors


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
I think that Zatharel is a innocent because creepa's post said "what have you done? You are crippling those who can help you best?!".
A innocent won't help mafia.
1) Eww, a tag. Poor Zath has to deal with the alert now.
2) That's just flavortext. Creepa probably won't reveal any helpful info about remaining players in his posts.
3) The innocents have probably helped the mafia PLENTY already.

I also want to know why rickyboy320 is saying colors
1) Eww, a tag. Poor Ricky has to deal with the alert now.
2) No shit. So do the rest of us. You and grave are absolutely useless with your posts; I'd rather you just not post and take the starve-kill.

I want to see Zath alive because I do believe I have one piece of info on him that isn't publicly known. I'm also interested in keeping ricky alive because the more colors he spits out, the more we may have to work with. Right now, it doesn't seem that the color he says maps perfectly to an extra kill during the night. Edan isn't a complete idiot, since he claims the other innocent is probably not the serial killer. Electro, while not posting in a while, caused a lot of chaos the first two days by being vocal, and I applaud him for that.

Grave and Antonio are literally useless in that they echo every obviously shared thought made by some other player. Saying "I'm curious too" every single time some event occurs would lead one to think that a truly curious individual would do their own goddamn research and bounce it off of people to gauge a reaction or response. If the bouncing is not going on in this thread, then think hard about where it is occurring.

I am a man of utter nonsense sometimes, but lord knows that I am a MAN OF THE NEWS. I want to hear words and view actions. Headlines don't need to be so clever to catch my attention because I'll be reading the full article anyways. Of course I love the chaos, of course I love to see mischief and sometimes the wrongful death, because it adds to the story of it all! Hell, I would not have picked up this Mail Bros job if I didn't love it and live by it in the first place.

And seeing some of you be so silent and useless shreds my heart.
TL;DR shut up and die so it shows up in the paper. The paper that I deliver.

#vote Antonio


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
The light inside many of the remaining innocents was dying. In the face of such overwhelming odds, many began not to show up to meetings. Discussions were dying down. All was quiet among the inhabitants of Zero, as they were struck down by the Mafia, the very people they were trying to destroy. They tolerated their own destruction. After a while, the call of hunger pulled some of the silent out of their homes and briefly sparked a discussion, there was one who did not stir. ElectroUnderwear, who in the beginning, was thought by many to be the saviour of everyone, had gone silent. Deadly silent, for reasons unknown.
There was nothing the others could do for him, as the clock slowly ticked down towards his demise. Some of the others survived, but Electro - his clock hit zero.

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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Apologies for the delay, I didn't want to get this one wrong

Ricky had always been the odd duckling out, whether he liked it or not. Worse, he felt useless. He had no powers to help anyone, and he didn't have the slightest clue of who could possible be Mafia. Frustrated, he began to sing a little song that he thought might help him get a grip on some of the others.
Of course, his rambling did not go unnoticed by the others. Some people thought he was insane, others thought he might have been forced to it. But amidst the quiet discussion, one person decided that perhaps his insanity was a sign of his criminality. That person was Zatharel. Even though he was the only person voting him, and despite yeroc declaring Antonio should die for a cool news story, Zath had the aggressor's advantage. Ricky never stood a chance. Not this late in the game.

[1] rickyboy320 - Zatharel
[1] AntonioT111 - yeroc424

Your destruction is imminent...


Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
I have noticed something, and I wanna see you guy's opinions on it. What I've noticed is, on every day, Zath has voted for the innocent who gets lynched. You may argue "But he voted for ProLuma." Yes he did, but he was the last to vote, and voted due to what other people had said, even though it was clear Luma would be lynched anyway. If I die, take it as you wish.


Nov 5, 2013
I have noticed something, and I wanna see you guy's opinions on it. What I've noticed is, on every day, Zath has voted for the innocent who gets lynched. You may argue "But he voted for ProLuma." Yes he did, but he was the last to vote, and voted due to what other people had said, even though it was clear Luma would be lynched anyway. If I die, take it as you wish.
...what does that prove exactly?

That said, I'm going to hold off on my vote until bstrey responds to what I just said. For the sake of information, I'm currently deciding to vote between bstrey, Luma and one more person I want to see talk again before I make a vote.
I literally told you that I would wait on my vote. Are you sure you're reading back at all?

That other person was, if not obvious by now, ricky. Ricky spoke, and then I waited for bstrey to reply.

I saw her post a few hours later and took a bit of time to re-read it. Right after that, I said I'll buy it and voted Luma based on the logic sren was using for yeroc's theory. That's something I again, already stated. If you want the exact quote, it's on page 11.

Bother to read my posts before you call me out on something I said 5 pages ago please.

Hey, yeroc? Are you by any chance taking job applications over at mail bros? Doesn't have to be full time I just wanna help deliver newspapers and shit.

Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
K, I'll admit I was in the wrong about you Zath. But I now really wanna hear what Grave's suspicions were about this neutral party, and how Ricky's explanation would confirm them.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Sorry, everyone.... I didn't want to flake out of this, but I was preoccupied by other things and it never really worked out :(

Good luck winning


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Yeah Zath I'll set you up to deliver every other night, specifically even-numbered nights, just stop by in the morning so I can show you the route and familiarize you with our custom newspaper press.


Nov 5, 2013
Yeah Zath I'll set you up to deliver every other night, specifically even-numbered nights, just stop by in the morning so I can show you the route and familiarize you with our custom newspaper press.
Great, thanks! I also got a really good idea for a headline I think you'll love, but we can wait and go over that tomorrow.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Some knew that the following day would be critical. Others may have felt it, but were unsure. Either way, the coming day is the final shot the Innocents have.

In the morning, the Innocents and the not so innocent awoke to find yeroc, sitting out in the grass. By the state of him, he must have been out there half the night. He was staring at a body, with an envelope clutched in his hand.

He looked devastated. He had devoted so much time searching for people,
only to be slain before he ever spoke a word. None of the Innocents said anything, and they left him, alone with the body of creeper.


Welcome to the final stage...
Lynch correctly... or die...
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Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
This is really looking bad. I have come up for what I think could be the 2 most likely options for who the mafia is. I think it's either Yeroc and Zath, or Grave and Ant. Grave and Ant have been quiet this game, which I find suspicious, probably the most likely in my eye. Or, Yeroc could be pretending to be independant, and he's been having strange interactions with Zath lately about delivery stuff. If anyone wants to prove to me that they are innocent, now would be the time.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Hey Zath, come to think of it, we do have a vacancy now in the Bros... I'm actually really sad about this because I was looking all this time for him, and he only came forward this late. Rest in peace brother, I deliver you to heaven like a finely-wrapped parcel. At least I was correct in that he was a potential candidate for the position, but I don't recall him ever hinting to me in this thread.

Also Edan, I can't possibly prove my innocence. I can prove my independence, and I can also vouch for Zath's innocence.

I can see why you're considering the two potential mafia teams, but I wish to reassure you that I am not mafia. Creepa confirmed to me via legal private message that he was the Mail Bro last night, right before he died (this actually was alluded to in Creepa's post, surprisingly). He was the independent Insane (I don't know what that means) and I am also independent (but not Insane, something else). You can tell that I'm an independent Mail Bro from my alluding to it on the first day, which was before I may have had a real chance to investigate other roles if I actually had the power.

Using my mail delivery on the first night, I sent Zath a message, telling me to give a codeword for whether he was innocent, mafia, or independent. He had a post containing the keyword for innocent. That event started our rapport, as he knew I sent it (hence the knock knock joke making it clear for him [read: everyone] that I was giving him the "anonymous" message). Before this, we were two separate parties; I was doing my thing, and he was doing his.

I missed out on delivering mail on night 3 due to "irl difficulties" - of course, that doesn't exist in this universe so I'm gonna say that I fell ill and had to stay in my house. No delivery from this sicko. Not jeopardizing the health of my customers, never.

The evidence for which duo is mafia and which is not has been present from the get-go. Don't be an idiot here or else I'll have to publish a scathing article about you before your death. And if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask.


Nov 5, 2013
Hey Zath, come to think of it, we do have a vacancy now in the Bros... I'm actually really sad about this because I was looking all this time for him, and he only came forward this late. Rest in peace brother, I deliver you to heaven like a finely-wrapped parcel. At least I was correct in that he was a potential candidate for the position, but I don't recall him ever hinting to me in this thread.
Oh man..
Sorry for your loss.

I'll let you hear my side of the story and you can decide for yourselves.

Before all of this started, I was a peaceful man. All I ever wanted to do was cultivate my TULIP garden in peace, but no, it was not meant to be. So now amidst all this chaos, the one thing giving me a glimpse of hope are these TULIPs. And when a few nights ago I received an anonymous message telling me that someone can help my TULIPs survive, I revealed my identity through a cryptic manner. I took the bait. Wouldn't you?

And that alliance, despite its downs, has done some great things. We killed a mafia member. No, we killed the mafia leader. So the final course of action now is to take down the ones who remain. I have a feeling you're innocent, Edan. And I've known Yeroc is independent since game-start, the cryptic stuff made it quite obvious.

So, now, it's clear who is mafia. Join me and let's end this struggle.

#vote Antonio

Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
I do really believe they Yeroc and Zath are on my side. But I'm gonna hold off on voting until either Grave or Ant post. Also, if you guys can explain how Zath knew this "code word" that would be great.
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