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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I'm wondering why z3 was killed instead of other people. He was active, but I feel like there were other people who stuck their necks out even further. The only reasons I can think of for this are that 1) the most active people in the thread are mafia or 2) the mafia are attenpting to frame the more active people in the thread by leaving them up.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
no message for me. yea, z's death would only make sense as a frame job or if he managed to touch on something.


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Alright - new day new lynch.

I do not have a read on these folks:
Gravebound, Antonio, Ricky

These folks have been commonly called out I believe, and a voice inside my head is telling me to vote ricky because he doesn't post much or something like that. A motive for not posting is probably being independent but I have no idea what ricky's alignment is.

Well today's the day, it's time for discussion, let's do something.

Also I got a message
Also my goal is to lynch at least one mafia before tomorrow night. I like being arbitrary.

#VOTE RickyBoy
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Nov 18, 2013

Not sure where that voice in your head comes from, but it sounds ominous.

I have about as many posts as you, so that's not a valid point to 'attack' me on.
Also my goal is to lynch all mafia before the game ends.
Also haven't gotten a message.

I'm not necessarily going to protect myself, but lynching me won't really get us anywhere (that's what they all say!) I'm not a loss, nor a gain for innocents, mafia and independents. I'm just mere cannonfodder. I'm a better choice to lynch than anyone with powers (say yeroc), so if I'm the alternative, go ahead.

Anyone with a more accurate power than sleek have any information from this night?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I'm a bit suspicious of both ricky and sleek with their wording. However, I don't feel I have sufficient info to make a judgement either way.


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Orange then White. Seems interesting. Perhaps it is the forum ranks of the players who were lynched by mafia, seeing as Ricky has responded the day after rman got lynched with Orange (rman is orange) and Z3 with White (Z3 is white on the forums). I could be wrong, but it is a pattern I noticed.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Sleek, that's a neato idea you have there, better than anything I had thought of. However, there were two different kills night one - this implies that rman was the mafia kill. This leaves whoever else to kill swimmy that first night. Also, if this were true, Ricky would probably have to be mafia unless he was told each turn-of-day which player the mafia specifically killed.

Hey mafia, do us a favor and try not to kill someone off next night. We need to see what color ricky gives if any.


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Seeing as ricky is cryptic, I will continue off my first post: I think Grave and Antonio are suspicious because they joined the vote train on nahfakler early on and I don't feel they have been contributing and following with yeroc's theory, they could be mafia as well.

#UNVOTE Ricky - We need to see what ricky posts next time ;)

#VOTE Antonio

Grave has some leverage regarding defending bstrey somewhat, antonio has not really contributed to any discussions unless I am missing something.
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Oct 29, 2013
I'm actually super curious about rick now .-. If Antonio doesn't say anything by the time lunch day comes, I would support a vote for afk removal. Maybe after another night we will have more to go off of, but as of now, we're merely picking off the quiet ones. I doubt every mafia member has remained silent.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
You know, this is rather interesting to me. We did the luma vote to test yeroc's theory. The vote revealed luma to be mafia. Now, instead of looking further into it, we are back to afk removal.


Active Player
Apr 13, 2017
Sorry for not saying anything for a while I will do more talking if I don't get killed

Fake News: 8 Mafia Remain

But real talk did anyone get an anonymous message last night and why wasn't it me? :(
I didn't get a message.

What do you think forsaken leader means?


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Forsaken was just a descriptive word for flavor text. Leader was the role. Due to my role, I knew a Leader exists for both the Mafia and the Innocents.

If Sleek already claimed to get a message, I don't expect anyone else to say they have. If you did too, however, feel free to speak up. No need to say that you didn't get one now.


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
How does @yeroc424 know someone sent an anonymous message if he didn't recieve one in the first place?

Also I would like Antonio to defend himself against my vote because I did not vote him for the sole cause of being 'afk'


Oct 29, 2013
After going through stuff in my head, I'm going to place my vote on Zath. He mentioned a few times he didn't like Z's play style, and that may have been why he was killed. Other than being the original person to target Luma, I don't see much else he did that would make him worth killing.

#Vote Zath


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I want to hear zath's response to this, but building on the theory we tested, I'm going to have to

#vote bstrey

I could very easily be wrong to listen to yeroc's earlier post, but the evidence thus far points to him being independent. If he was mafia, pointing out other mafia would have been a bad move. Bstrey's first vote took luma out of the hot seat. After we vote kill the mafia boss, instead of making any statement to explain why she isn't in cahoots, she nonchalantly brings attention back towards focusing on the people who are quiet. After this change in focus is brought up, she points at zath with a fairly weak reasoning. I don't think disagreeing with a play style fits as a reason to target someone.
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