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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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Oct 29, 2013
I didn't realize I had to explain. I very strongly did not want to be associated with anyone, including Luma, and tried my best to distance myself from him. Voting off the people who are quiet makes sense, as they are: not contributing as much and therefore wouldn't be too missed if a mistake was made; or a mafia member who has no opinion, as they'd have to kill everyone anyway at some point.

I of course, would not take yer's theory to the next logical conclusion myself, since I would die. However, no one else felt particularly suspicious. Zath is the strongest pick I have, and I completely disagree that someone wouldn't kill off another based on play style :p

If anything, I find it odd that you'd dismiss my accusation :p even if it is weak reasoning, it's not as unreasonable as you make it out to be.

<If i phrased something bad and reiteration is needed, just ask. I feel like I made a million errors in there>


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Never said you had to explain, but an explanation beyond the initial statement is appreciated.

As to yeroc's theory, you were not the only option for the next logical conclusion. I can understand you being wary of the option of yourself, but I know that--had I been in the same situation--I would have taken a moment to explain my case. It's understandable to be wrong in your thought process in the first night's vote, but to just gloss over the results is suspicious.

While, yes, there are people who would just kill off someone because they didn't like their play style, it would be a wasteful effort. It would be far more prudent to take people out who you felt were the most useful to the opposing side. Additionally, I don't feel that zath would target in that fashion if he was mafia. Additionally, I do not pick up on those tones in his messages. Perhaps it is a difference in how we interpret his phrasing, I can't say for sure without a lengthy discussion over the exact points of his messages.

While I understand your reasoning with removing silent players, I disagree with it. As ricky stated, some of them probably have nothing to add because the rest of us are much more vocal. Or, they had unforeseen complications in their access to the forum. I do find it annoying that they would sign up for a game that is so dependent on communication and then say nothing, but I do not believe it is good to dismiss investigating other theories in favor of voting people off just because they haven't said anything.


Oct 29, 2013
To be honest, I don't see a flaw in your logic, and when I think about it, I imagine Zath would pick more strategically.

I have nothing more to say except declare my innocence :p I am not sure how to finagle my way out of being lynched this time. The only new piece of information I can add is that I have a power role, albeit likely a useless one at this point. It depends on how many innocent power roles there were.


Nov 5, 2013
After going through stuff in my head, I'm going to place my vote on Zath. He mentioned a few times he didn't like Z's play style, and that may have been why he was killed. Other than being the original person to target Luma, I don't see much else he did that would make him worth killing.

#Vote Zath
Sure, I'll bite.

I hate relying on meta to explain myself, but consider this. You've played with me many games over, so I'm assuming you know at least a bit of how I play. That said, why on earth would I kill someone off because I don't like their playstyle? What exactly is the strategic outcome of that? What do I gain?

Oh, also your next post.
However, no one else felt particularly suspicious. Zath is the strongest pick I have
No one else is particularly suspicious enough to be voted, so I'm the strongest pick?

If anything, I find it odd that you'd dismiss my accusation :p even if it is weak reasoning, it's not as unreasonable as you make it out to be.
To be honest, I don't see a flaw in your logic, and when I think about it, I imagine Zath would pick more strategically.
So, you do know it's weak reasoning. Why are you finding it odd it was dismissed then?

I also find this interesting:
I'm actually super curious about rick now .-. If Antonio doesn't say anything by the time lunch day comes, I would support a vote for afk removal. Maybe after another night we will have more to go off of, but as of now, we're merely picking off the quiet ones. I doubt every mafia member has remained silent.
Didn't you want to pick off the quiet ones like, yesterday? What's changed?

It seems like the only logic you're following is "well they're planning on voting me, so I'd better scapegoat someone else, doesn't matter who". Yeah... find someone else to scapegoat.

#vote bstrey


Oct 29, 2013
I'm sorry Zath, but my memory isn't good enough to remember meta. I hope you know I was not trying to attack you as a person, I was merely trying to contribute to the game.

I'm terrible at debate, and realize that my logic probably had many fallacies. Did my best to keep up though :p


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
The Innocents, motivated by the success of the previous day, were eager to continue to implement yeroc's theory, despite the doubts whether he really was aligned with them. However, (disappointingly) not many people showed up today.
Votes were spread across, but at the end of the day, bstrey was the one who fit the bill. She was only one extra vote up compared to Antonio and Zatharel.
Alas, the rules and traditions must be followed, and it was bstrey's time.
They didn't have the numbers to organise a bonfire like the previous day, so they resorted to pushing her off a nearby mountaintop.

[2] bstrey - srentiln, Zatharel
[1] AntonioT111 - SleeknFoxy
[1] Zatharel - bstrey

What have you done? You are crippling those who can help you best?!

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Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
Finally back from my holiday :D very glad I'm not dead. After reading this, I'm gonna voice what I think is happening. So from what I read, Yeroc has an ability to send messages, so he sent one to sleek. No idea why btw. And Ricky has been doing this wierd code thing, which is to be tested after this night cycle. If someone could confirm this all, that would be great :D

Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
Also, I suspect the independant(s) isn't a serial killer, because otherwise there would be 2 night kills, unless both killing groups targeted z3 for some reason.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, shoot. We now know that the theory was just coincidental correlation with the first vote.

I'm going to just shut up since I caused this one -.-


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Edan, yeroc is a "mail bro" so I don't think he saw the message, he just knows it was sent.

Honestly I am also surprised bstrey got lynched because I thought it was pretty clear she was innocent during the day she was voting Luma off.
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
I didn't send the message to Sleek, but I've been desperately trying to find who did.

List of potential bros judging by what was said in thread:
- ricky
- Grave
- Antonio
- creeperTNT
- Electro

I wish someone would hint it to me, but maybe I've just been missing the hints (?)


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Night 3 passed by quickly for most innocents, and not many stayed up to talk last night. It had been a couple of stressful days, and it was really wearing some people down to the bone. What ever matters were that could be discussed could wait until the morning.
Nobody heard anything that night.
In the morning, it was like nothing had ever been disturbed during the night. No damage was done, no screams were heard.

It took them a very long time to figure out Srentiln's house had vanished, with a little garden in its' place.


A logical thinker, calm and methodical, was gone. The Innocents kept losing those who could help them the most. But it wasn't just that, some of them felt something missing. They felt a lack of cohesion and leaderless. It was not until a little bit after they discovered Srentiln's fate that ricky realised to his horror what it was.
Their leader, the leader of the innocents, is dead.
After a quick role count, they determined the victim, and burst into his house.
They found him stone dead on the table, his face in a smile.

I don't think you realise... how close you all are to destruction...
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Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
Well this is certainly not good. I have no idea why they would kill srentiln, because he voted for bstrey to die. I got nothing now, so if anyone else has ideas I'm all for it.
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