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Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

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Victor Pritchett

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Welp 4 innocents, 1 independent, and 2 mafia left. This is going to be super clench. I also want to point out that Doyle said that mafia members will probably be the most silent, I disagree. When I've played other games similar to this, the most successful mafia member talks very actively. It draws suspicion away from them. So here, any level of activity or lack of shouldn't be counted against anyone at this point. Also we have hung a number of "silent" people and they have all been innocent.

Lord Boreal

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Ford Prefect is the independent in this game. His role is a "Stowaway", which could help either the mafia or the innocents. He has an ability that can only be used two times; When used, Prefect will go on alert, killing anyone who visits him that night. On night 4, either Frankenstein or Lindbergh visited Prefect while he was on alert, while the other was killed by a mafia member. I'm fairly certain the mafia already knows about this, so I think it's good to reveal it publicly. Prefect says he wins the game as long as he simply survives, regardless of the surviving faction.

The Conductor

Jan 9, 2019

This is the end. The end of everything. The seventh night, it has been decided in a secret meeting between the mafia and Prefect mere minutes earlier, was the night of the coup. Now, it was time. The innocents had been gathered (all but one) in the dining carriage - the area that had served as their meeting place for the whole week. Only six remained. Robert Blake lay dead in the neighbouring carriage, having been dispatched earlier that night.

Breaking the stillness, Prefect stood up. He walked over to the chalkboard they had been using to tally votes and scratched Dr. Constantine's name, alongside his own. Then Boreal and Lystacrl did the same. It was only then, when Boreal turned around with a smile on his face that Meriadoc realised what they had done. Weakly, he tried to rise from his seat only to be slammed back down by Boreal, their de facto leader.

It was no use now. This train belonged to the mafia, and the occupants - dead. Constantine was out the door in an instance, but the trio were not about to give up yet. They chased him to the engine carriage, where the fire roared within the engine (it was stoked every night for warmth). With nowhere to go, Constantine was trapped. The mafia, sparing no mercy, promptly threw him to the flames.

Robert Blake, the Innocent SOULMATE, was not invited to the end!

Dr. Constantine, the Innocent SOULMATE, has been fed to the flames!

While the mafia were gone, the remaining two innocents - Meriadoc and Pritchett quickly barricaded the door from the front of the train. They hear the screams, the ghastly screams of someone burning. Realising that neither of them have a weapon - and that without one they would all be toast, Meriadoc quickly rushes out to the kitchen carriage to grab a knife or two. After a while, Meriadoc comes back. Pritchett was surpised at the delay, but nonetheless lets him over the barricade. Lystacrl and Prefect come rushing into the room, only to be confronted to with the barricade. Pritchett motions to Meriadoc to give him a knife. After a brief pause, he obliges. Meriadoc receives a knife - to the face.

Meriadoc, the Innocent PASSENGER, was mimicked and replaced - and endgamed!

Victor Pritchett, the Innocent PASSENGER, has been tricked by the illusion - and endgamed!

Only silence filled the train. The_Fire_Ghoul reverts from his Meriadoc disguise, his mimic ability had been put to good use. Bailey and pooka join him in centre of the carriage. Among the rooms, lay bodies and the shattered intentions of the good. Another job completed successfully - even if everyone didn't make it out alive. Some were sacrificed, but for the greater good - a fatter wallet.

The_Fire_Ghoul, Lord Boreal, the Mafia MIMIC, has seized control of the train - and won!

Bailey06, Lystacrl (formerly Meriadoc), the Mafia INHIBITOR, finished the job
- and won!

thepookabear, Ford Prefect, the Independent STOWAWAY, has aligned with the Mafia - and won!

You are now permitted to use your normal forum accounts. Game accounts will be disabled.
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The Conductor

Jan 9, 2019

The_Fire_Ghoul: Mafia
Lord Boreal

lomour: Mafia
Dr. Watson -> Mrs. Coulter
Passenger -> Passenger

Bailey06: Mafia
Meriadoc -> Moriarty -> Lystacrl
Passenger -> Swapper -> Jailkeeper

swimmy1212: Innocent
Victor Pritchett -> Moriarty -> Meriadoc
Passenger -> Swapper -> Passenger

TinyYanny: Innocent
Lystacrl -> Moriarty
Jailkeeper -> Swapper

Jaybrain: Innocent
Hercule Poirot

awkward_hamster: Innocent


luckylukecraft: Innocent
Dr. Constantine -> Moriarty -> Dr. Frankenstein
Soulmate -> Swapper -> Watcher

Pro Luma: Innocent
Barton Hepburn

Ninja_Cat_: Innocent
Charles Lindbergh

Squidyerser: Innocent
Mr. Fitzgerald

rickyboy320: Innocent

Drahmee: Innocent
Arthur Doyle

ninjaman10p: Innocent
Robert Blake

Zatharel: Innocent
Moriarty -> Dr. Constantine
Swapper -> Soulmate

ajs626: Innocent
Dr. Frankenstein -> Moriarty -> Victor Pritchett
Watcher -> Swapper -> Passenger

ElectroUnderwear: Innocent
Mrs. Coulter

picklesthecheeta: Innocent
Monsieur Bouc

rmanimal: Innocent
John Parry

Pixiface: Innocent
Howard Lovecraft

thepookabear: Independent
Ford Prefect
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The Conductor

Jan 9, 2019
Role List:
Innocent (17)
-- Power Roles (10)
1x Swapper

1x Jailkeeper

2x Tracker
2x Watcher

2x Tracer
1x Medium

1x Bodyguard

-- Standard Roles (7)
2x Soul Mates

5x Passengers
Mafia (3)
1x Mimic
1x Parasite
1x Inhibitor
Independent (1)
1x Stowaway
Player Definitions:

Hello <player>.

You are MAFIA. Your win condition is to eliminate the entire innocent faction and have at least one faction member alive.
Your partners are <player>, playing as <name>, who is a MAFIA Parasite and <player>, playing as <name>, who is a MAFIA Inhibitor.

You are a MIMIC.
[Persistent] Mimic:
You may target any passenger. You will have access to their account for the following day phase.
[Factional] Kill:
You may attempt to kill one passenger. Either you or one of your partners must execute the kill themselves, though this does not prevent you from using your other abilities.
[Factional] [Passive] Communication:
You may discuss with your partner at any time and submit actions together in a private message.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

Account details:
Username: <username>
Password: <password>

Your password may be changed at random, so if you are signed out check back here for a new password.

Good Luck.

Hello <player>.

You are MAFIA. Your win condition is to eliminate the entire innocent faction and have at least one faction member alive.
Your partners are <player>, playing as <name>, who is a MAFIA Mimic and <player>, playing as <name>, who is a MAFIA Inhibitor.

You are a PARASITE.
[Persistent] [1-Shot] [Day] [Night] Parasitise:
You may use this ability in either a night or day phase. You may target any passenger. At the end of the phase, their spirit will be silently killed. You will gain control of their account. Your current account will die without a factional alignment. You retain this ability should it fail. If you use this ability during the night, your factional kill cannot be used. If you use this ability during the day, your factional kill cannot be used in the following night phase.
[Factional] Kill:
You may attempt to kill one passenger. Either you or one of your partners must execute the kill themselves, though this does not prevent you from using your other abilities.s.
[Factional] [Passive] Communication:
You may discuss with your partner at any time and submit actions together in a private message.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

Account details:
Username: <username>
Password: <password>

Your password may be changed at random, so if you are signed out check back here for a new password.

Good Luck.

Hello <player>.

You are MAFIA. Your win condition is to eliminate the entire innocent faction and have at least one faction member alive.
Your partners are <player>, playing as <name>, who is a MAFIA Mimic and <player>, playing as <name>, who is a MAFIA Parasite.

You are a INHIBITOR.
[Persistent] Inhibit:
You may target any passenger. They will be roleblocked. Any actions they attempt that night phase will fail.
[Factional] Kill:
You may attempt to kill one passenger. Either you or your partner must execute the kill themselves, though this does not prevent you from using your other abilities.
[Factional] [Passive] Communication:
You may discuss with your partner at any time and submit actions together in a private message.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

Account details:
Username: <username>
Password: <password>

Your password may be changed at random, so if you are signed out check back here for a new password.

Good Luck.

Hello <player>.

You are INDEPENDENT. Your win condition is to be alive when another win condition is fulfilled.

Your role can be found within your account.

Account details:
Username: <username>
Password: <password>

Your password may be changed at random, so if you are signed out check back here for a new password.

Good Luck.

Hello <player>.

You are INNOCENT. Your win condition is to eliminate the entire mafia faction and have at least one faction member alive.
Your role can be found within your account.

Account details:
Username: <username>
Password: <password>

Your password may be changed at random, so if you are signed out check back here for a new password.

Good Luck.

Role Definitions
You are <name>. You are a SOULMATE with <name>.
[Passive] Spiritual Connection:
You know <name> to be INNOCENT as of the start of the game.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

<Name> has always had peculiar thoughts and dreams. Two specific elements seemed to return to their subconsciousness every night, a red thread - and a face. The more they focused on following wherever this thread may lead, the less obscure this face would become. One day, while walking in a remote park, an individual crossed their path, and the moment their eyes locked, they both knew: this is the one. Their connection. Their soulmate.

You are <name>. They are a SWAPPER.
[Compulsive] Swap:
You may target any passenger. You will swap accounts with them. You must use this action if able.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

Somehow, you don’t feel you fully fit within your body. Your spirit yearns to be at rest, and tugs away from its corporeal anchor.

You are <name>. They are a JAILKEEPER.
You may target any passenger. They will be protected and roleblocked that night phase.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

<Name> is in charge of public safety on board the train. Their job isn’t glamorous, but getting rid of less savory individuals who might threaten to disrupt the honest passengers.

You are <name>. They are a MEDIUM.
You may target any passenger. You will learn the name of their controlling spirit.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

<name> is a self-proclaimed occult specialist with an intense interest of the heritage of someone’s soul. They claim to be able to trace down the ancestry of their spirit with pinpoint accuracy. However, such a grandiose claim attracts many skeptics. Maybe the time to actually prove their abilities is at hand now.

You are <name>. They are a TRACKER.
You may target any passenger. You will know see who they targeted that night.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

Hot on the trail of a new story, <Name> boards the train to chase down a witness. With years of investigative journalism under their belt in a time and many enemies as a result, they have mastered the skill of tracking whilst avoiding the ire of their target.

You are <name>. They are a TRACER.
You may target any passenger. You will learn the account they previously controlled, if any.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

Hanging around people, <name> has always had a feeling. Whenever they converse with another person, they get the feeling that they are… someone else. The feeling has persisted all their life. Perhaps they can finally take advantage of it...

You are <name>. They are a WATCHER.
You may target any passenger. You will who targeted them that night phase.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

Too curious for their own good, <Name> sneaks around in the dark, hoping to chance upon a scene. Armed with a photographic memory and a pair of binoculars, nothing slips past their gaze. Ever vigilant at night, they stalk the train in the shadows.

You are <name>. They are a BODYGUARD.
You may target any passenger. If they were to die that night phase, you die instead.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

<Name> used to be employed by a group as a mercenary. After their family was killed off after when refusing to kill an innocent child, they have relentlessly sought retribution. After being tipped off to their current location, they boarded the first train there. Always on the lookout for trouble brewing, they willing to protect against those who act attack the innocent.

You are <name>. They are a PASSENGER

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

<Name> is just a regular passenger. They don’t have any special interests or skills, they’re just another passenger aboard this train. Whilst to many they may appear useless and unimportant, but they may have a greater effect on the outcome of this journey if they play their cards right.

The initial mafia-controlled accounts are passengers.

You are <name>. They are a STOWAWAY.
[2-Shot] Alert:
You may arm yourself during a night phase. If anyone visits (targets) you during that phase, you will shoot them. You can only use this ability twice, regardless if it succeeds or fails.

All abilities can only be executed during night phases unless specified.

<Name>’s conscience never really bothered them. If they don’t know that they’re here, does it really bother anyone? Even if they haven’t paid. However, being discovered is a big inconvenience. Disposing of those who discover them is not an issue though...

Account Names
Lord Boreal (His Dark Materials)
Dr. Watson (Sherlock Holmes)
Meriadoc (The Lord of the Rings)
Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes)
Lystacrl (Something Creepa saw on a paint can but misspelled)
Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie’s series)
Peregrin (The Lord of the Rings)
Dr. Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
Barton Hepburn (American actor)
Charles Lindbergh (Inspiration for Agatha Christie)
Mr. Fitzgerald (Author)
Montalbano (Montalbano detective series)
Arthur Doyle (Author)
Robert Blake (Cthulhu Mythos)
Dr. Constantine (Agatha Christie’s series)
Victor Pritchett (Author and literary critic)
Mrs. Coulter (His Dark Materials)
Monsieur Bouc (Agatha Christie)
John Parry (Agatha Christie’s series)
Howard Lovecraft (Author)
Ford Prefect (Character from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)

Samuel Ratchett (non player account, so we can kill them night 0 to provide lynching incentive)
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The Conductor

Jan 9, 2019

Day 1:
Jaybrain is lynched.

Night 1:
Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul) mimics Mrs. Coulter (ElectroUnderwear).
Dr. Watson (lomour) kills Monsieur Bouc (picklesthecheeta).
Meriadoc (Bailey06) blocks Ford Prefect (thepookabear).
Moriarty (Zatharel) swaps with Dr. Constantine (luckylukecraft).
Lystacrl (TinyYanny) jails John Parry (rmanimal).
Peregrin (awkward_hamster) tracks Moriarty (Zatharel).
Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma) watches Dr. Frankenstein (ajs626).
Dr. Frankenstein (ajs626) watches Mrs. Coulter (ElectroUnderwear).
Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_) traces Mr. Fitzgerald (Squidyerser).
Mr. Fitzgerald (Squidyerser) does nothing.
Montalbano (rickyboy320) scries John Parry (rmanimal)
Arthur Doyle (Drahmee) does nothing.
Monsieur Bouc (picklesthecheeta) dies.
Ford Prefect does nothing.

Day 2:
John Parry (rmanimal) is lynched.
Dr. Watson (lomour) parasitises Mrs. Coulter (ElectroUnderwear).
ElectroUnderwear is silently killed.

Night 2:
Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul) mimics Ford Prefect.
Mrs. Coulter (lomour) does nothing.
Meriadoc (Bailey06) blocks Dr. Constantine (Zatharel).
Moriarty (luckylukecraft) swaps with Dr. Frankenstein (ajs626).
Lystacrl (TinyYanny) jails Mrs. Coulter (lomour).
Peregrin (awkward_hamster) tracks Mrs. Coulter (lomour).
Dr. Frankenstein (luckylukecraft) watches Arthur Doyle (Drahmee).
Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma) watches Mrs. Coulter (lomour).
Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_) does nothing.
Mr. Fitzgerald (Squidyerser) traces Arthur Doyle (Drahmee).
Montalbano (rickyboy320) scries Arthur Doyle (Drahmee).
Arthur Doyle (Drahmee) does nothing.
Ford Prefect (thepookabear) does nothing.

Day 3:
Peregrin (awkward_hamster) is lynched.

Night 3:
Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul) mimics Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_)
Mrs. Coulter (lomour) does nothing.
Meriadoc (Bailey06) blocks Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma).
Moriarty (ajs626) swaps with Victor Pritchett (swimmy1212).
Lystacrl (TinyYanny) jails Mrs. Coulter (lomour).
Dr. Frankenstein (luckylukecraft) watches Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma).
Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma) does nothing.
Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_) does nothing.
Mr. Fitzgerald (Squioyerser) does nothing, and dies.
Montalbano (rickyboy320) scries Meriadoc (Bailey06).
Arthur Doyle (Drahmee) guards Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul).
Ford Prefect (thepookabear) does nothing.

Day 4:
Mrs. Coulter (lomour) is lynched.

Night 4:
The Conductor blocks Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul).
Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul) mimics themselves.
Meriadoc (Bailey06) kills Dr. Frankenstein (luckylukecraft), blocks Lystacrl (TinyYanny).
Moriarty (swimmy1212) swaps with Meriadoc (Bailey06).
Lystacrl (TinyYanny) jails Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_).
Dr. Frankenstein (luckylukecraft) watches Arthur Doyle (Drahmee), dies.
Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma) watches Montalbano (rickyboy320).
Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_) traces Ford Prefect (thepookabear), dies.
Montalbano (rickyboy320) scries Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_).
Arthur Doyle (Drahmee) does nothing.
Ford Prefect (thepookabear) uses alert, kills Charles Lindbergh (Ninja_Cat_).

Day 5:
Howard Lovecraft (Pixiface) is lynched.

Night 5:
Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul) does nothing.
Moriarty (Bailey06) kills themselves, blocks Lystacrl (TinyYanny), swaps with Lystacrl (TinyYanny), dies.
Lystacrl (TinyYanny) jails Robert Blake,
Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma) watches Arthur Doyle (Drahmee).
Montalbano (rickyboy320) scries Moriarty (Bailey06).
Arthur Doyle (Drahmee) does nothing.
Ford Prefect (thepookabear) does nothing.

Day 6:
Barton Hepburn (Pro Luma) is lynched.

Night 6:
Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul) mimics Victor Pritchett (ajs626).
Lystacrl (Bailey06) kills Montalbano (rickyboy320), blocks Arthur Doyle (Drahmee).
Montalbano (rickyboy320) scries Lystacrl (Bailey06), dies.
Arthur Doyle (Drahmee) guards Lystacrl (Bailey06).
Ford Prefect (thepookabear) does nothing.

Day 7:
Arthur Doyle (Drahmee) is lynched.

Night 7:
Lord Boreal (The_Fire_Ghoul) kills Robert Blake (ninjaman10p), mimics Meriadoc (swimmy1212).
Lystacrl (Bailey06) blocks Robert Blake (ninjaman10p).
Ford Prefect (thepookabear) does nothing.

Day 8:
Dr. Constantine (Zatharel) is lynched.

The Order of the Moriarty:
Zatharel -> luckylukecraft -> ajs626 -> swimmy1212 -> Bailey06 -> TinyYanny
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The Conductor

Jan 9, 2019
Reserved - Commentary

EDIT 7th April 19: I totally didn't forget to do this no.
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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Good round and I want to thank Drahmee who swapped with me mid game. It was fun watching.


May 13, 2015
Thank you all for a fun game, to my partners Bailey and lomour for making this an effective team, and to Pooka for agreeing to help us out (under the threat of death but sshhhh).

The innocents made some big mistakes and oversights that would have made the game a lot harder for us, if not done us in. But I’m sure The Conductor will point those out when he edits the commentary in. The Inquisitor role I went by as my alibi was completely made up; I was actually the Mimic—the reason behind several people posting things they didn’t say themselves.

Over the entire course of the game I continually updated a document listing out all of the information we know, what people’s actions were, their role, their true identity, etc. It also includes every role we were able to discover (which was all of them), along with an explanation of them. I know all of this will be included in Creepa’s posts above, this is just to show what the mafia was able to discover. Here it is: link

I’m going to go ahead and guess everyone else’s identity, just to see how many I can get correct. The ones marked in green I’m certain of (thanks to Montalbano). I, Bailey, and Lom aren’t in here because we’ve been revealed already.
ajs626 — Robert Blake
awkward_hamster — Peregrine
Drahmee — Arthur Doyle
ElectroUnderwear — Montalbano
Jaybrain — Hercule Poirot
luckylukecraft — Moriarty (the very first one, who swapped with Dr. Constantine night 1)
ninjaman10p — Barton Hepburn
Ninja_Cat_ — Charles Lindbergh
picklesthecheeta — Dr. Constantine (and then Dr. Frankenstein after night 2)
Pixiface — Howard Lovecraft
Pro_Luma — Dr. Frankenstein (and then Victor Pritchett after night 3)
rickyboy320 — Mrs. Coulter (before being taken over by lom)
rmanimal — John Parry
Squidyerser — Mr. Fitzgerald
swimmy1212 — Victor Pritchett (and then Meriadoc after night 5)
thepookabear — Ford Prefect
TinyYanny — Lystacrl (and then Moriarty’s dead body after night 5)
Zatharel — Monsieur Bouc

Hope I’m right on most of those. Big thanks to Creep and Grave for hosting, and for a very interesting setup!
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