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Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

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The Anti-Navigationalist
Oct 29, 2017
Thanks all for a fun first experience with minr mafia, although it was a bit intimidating to be mafia in my very first game. Grave referred to it very fittingly as a "baptism of fire." I was lucky enough to have Fire and lom to help me out along the way, and I wouldn't have made it to the end without their experience.

As Fire said, there were a few instances during the game in which I definitely should have been found out. Had they been noticed or pointed out I would've been as good as dead, and I wouldn't have been surprised if we had lost the game for those reasons. Some details were overlooked (and some accurate theories were never voiced) that managed to keep me alive through some seriously sketchy situations. Hopefully, Creep includes the most major ones in his commentary.

Also, thank you to Creep and Grave for managing the game! And to Fire again for his incredibly helpful document (seriously idk how he kept it so organized).
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Actually not that lucky
Sep 28, 2014
I knew the alliance was too good to be true, but it to be you.. Fire? I should've known, haha.

Also I was the original Dr. Constantine who was swapped with Moriarty and afterwards swapped with Dr. Frankenstein.


Nov 18, 2013
I found that out on my last day of being alive actually.

Lysta was originally innocent (tinyyanny), but was swapped the night moriarty was killed. I scried Moriarty that night and found TinyYanny to be killed, whom I fully suspected to be Lystacrl. I sadly made the mistake of trusting Boreal, who then killed me the night after. At that point everything was obvious, but well, hindsight hmm?

I had hoped Pritchett would catch onto those happenings, but alas, Boreal was too trustworthy with his faked role :(



some guy
Nov 4, 2013
GG. Fire, Bailey, lomour, pooka, congrats.

I was Mrs. Coulter, at least until lomour took control of her at the end of day 2. It was frustrating watching the whole game from night 2 onward and not being able to do anything :p

To the innocents that were suspicious of how Coulter acted, I'm curious. Was it something I said or did, something lomour did, or some mixture of both?


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
So in the early-mid game, there seemed to be a recurring theme of "We have no proof yet, so I'm just gonna wait/stay quiet." I think that was the biggest reason we lost. You can never, ever, ever just wait for the game to solve itself, because it won't and didn't work. People have criticized the idea of grasping at straws or making assumptions without hard evidence, but any major mafia community will tell you that that's exactly what the innocents have to do to get anywhere. The Howard lynch was especially hard to watch because almost no one lifted a finger all day and it allowed Bailey to save herself by just showing up once in the last hour- and he was probably one of the worst people we could've lost. I'm not totally innocent of this either, with day 2 and the late Parry lynch coming to mind.

Also, part of having a power role is not revealing it in front of the whole game for no reason. It just makes you a night target.

I'm not bitter about this game and hopefully don't come across as a sore loser. I just want to vocalize everything I've been thinking when I've watched the game without being able to say anything.


Feb 12, 2017
Was okay for my first round ever, wish I had some sort of role so I could find evidence for myself, as I certainly had a lot of trouble deciding who to trust... sorry Bailey for my MAD aggressive post after my (Howard Lovecraft) lynch, think i gave you a bit of a fright bahaha. Idk if i'd ever play mafia again, I really didn't enjoy the fact that I had no evidence to go off myself. Honestly, I would have been more than happy to just figure things out myself and trust no one, but instead I think everyone felt like they had to latch on to those who supposedly had useful information to supply, i.e. Boreal.

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
Thanks for Hosting this thrilling Maf.
Seems like i made bad decisions at literally every point in the game :oops:.
Also dont think i voted to lynch a single person.
Congrats to the mafia. All but Lystacryl had me fooled.


May 6, 2016
Congrats on the win guys! And thanks to Grave and Creepa for hosting! I usually play a lot better but as the game went on, I lost all steam and insights though it probably wouldn't have mattered much since I had trusted Boreal from the start, my bad. This was my third game of mafia and my first loss, but was a lot of fun. Sorry I didn't catch on, Ricky ;-;. I had a moment where I asked myself if Boreal was indeed who he said to be, even saying in our dms "if either one of you is mafia, gg wp", but I just kept going back to Doyle being evil.

I started as Frankenstein > Moriarty > Victor Pritchett


Aug 29, 2015
That was fun, sadly I died (which, by the way, was not necessary according to Creepa) but I guess we won as a team.
Parasitising Coulter was purely damage control, because someone saw Fire visit her. We believed that if the password change occurred, while Coulter was aware of an account controlling role, it would cast suspicion on him. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up my imitation of Coulter, but it worked out :p .

Although, I must say, the response to my death was funny; clearly I died, but "parasite" threw you off. Watching Boreal blatantly lay out what my role is to a bunch of innocents was great. :)


Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015

His level of knowledge about what everyone was made me suspicious. While I do lie a lot, I usually find that as old as I am, I find things which seem weird or nag at my mind, but I can't put my finger on. I kept coming back to voting for Lord Boreal, but it was pointless if I'm the only one.

Unfortunately I didn't have tonnes of spare time to go back through and re-read all the old posts to cross-reference and look for inconsistencies.
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Jan 19, 2015
Glad to have irritated the mafia for the two days I was alive.
GG, grats to the mafia team for a job well done!
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