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Never ending story

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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
What we have so far: (changed a few sentences to make the story flow a little better but the gist is the same).
Once, I saw an orange pig on my roof. It was a big one, he even had a different sound than normal. His skin was not pink. Then an enderman took off with him. And i haven't seen him since. In this moment of desperation i had to do something to get piggly back. So i took my sword and went to a stronghold. But the stronghold turned out to be a black hole. And due to my own stupidity i jumped in. In the black hole there was a lot of darkness. I found myself in an alternate dimension where goldfish are the dominant species. Suddenly a gigantic polar bear appeared, but he seemed friendly! He wanted to rebel against the tyrannical goldfish. He seemed nice so i went to give him a hug. But then it happened! I realized that it wasn't what i thought it was. He was one of the goldfish in disguise. I grabbed my sword and stabbed him! But it was too late... He had already swallowed me. But i had managed to get out my zeeky boogy doog. However, Mr. Weight fell fell on me and crushed me. But then the impossible happened. Jesus came! Jesus then evolved into Super Mecha Death Christ and pwned everyone. But then his evil brother qata came and spammed him to death. So the blue meanies took over. Then there was a savior. It was piggly the orange pig! I couldn't believe my eyes, it really was piggly! Piggly said something magical, It seemed like he had learned a language. I was amazed because i didn't even know the language! Then it occurred to me that i was still in the goldfish's stomach. And then the bodily fluids began, slowly but surely, dissolving my organic tissue. Then, i realized something. I realized that where weren't Goldfishes bodily fluids as Piggly looked me in the eye and gave me a menacing grin. Just then an awkward hamster appeared, stole me calzone and flew off with it! I said, "Oh dear, that calzone really meant the world to me, and now its gone. I swore at that moment to avenge my calzone and murder that incredibly awkward hamster, with a goddamn waffle iron. But then, the awkward hamster turned green and started placing random blobs everywhere! They made for terrible churros. I don't know why i tried a churro but it looked like one and it hadn't eaten since the day before so I, as the youngins would say, YOLO-ed it. And then it all happened: or i returned to my senses: it was in a dream... Its hard to tell when your mind is scrambled like an egg from a hammer in the head. But it was there, he was there! Or was it him? It looked like him. I'll never forget what he looked like... a talking baked potato. Not just baked but really thoroughly baked, but i digress. Otherwise it would be hard to digest. I went to a 'normal' mall and gave me mom a /call however she didn't replay because my username showed up false so i decided to /message her. She was rather cross with me for disturbing her during Pilates and /slap'ed me (turns to page 4) I was sad so i /rocket'ed but due to my error the whole world heard: Zatharel rocketed Zatharel. Afterwards nearly 10 users wrote -s in the chat, but all that was all in a game i had been playing and not REAL life. So i jumped on my racing snail, like in the movie Turbo Only much larger like in The Never Ending Story So the snail took me, really fast, to the cinema, where i would watch a movie. I watched a Hitchcock movie, I think it was Vertigo. I drank 1 5-liter cup of 7-up in the cinema, then realizing i was allergic to 7-up, people started using me as a beach ball so i hit them with a real beach ball. The beach ball was full of metal balls, the metal balls were filled with meatballs. The meatballs got everywhere and before we knew it the cinema was stuffed with meatballs. Someone had also decided to bring cinnamon to the cinema... the small of meat and cinnamon... It reaked, kinda like the amount of times this one guy posted on these forums, but much more distinct, like the mad ramblings of a minr green. But i was still watching the movie, the guy in the movie was in an ancient place called Vret Sert. (turns page to 5) It was terrifying inside there... It was kinda like The Place That Sends you Mad" in that Asterix movie. They ran like vampires from a thousand burning suns but he exploded and it rained confetti! It was spectacular i tell you! The confetti was funfetti cake; the years of impoverishment were over for the poor people of the land. So they bought four avocados to make guacamole, but the guacamole exploded.
I"m going to stop here with this post cause its so long
My addition to the story:
They did taste rather orangy but then again i almost always think things taste orangy


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Even as the thought passed through, I remembered that this is a never ending story.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
but i couldn't shake the feeling that regardless of what i do every story has an end... even the story of life
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