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Minr Mafia 11: Forums

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Jan 8, 2014
Well I haven't participated in minr mafia before and I don't know if I will have a lot of time to, but I'll try it anyway :D
*sign up Mathwiz592


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Mathwiz you only need to know one thing:

No matter what I say mindlessly sheep me because I'm always right.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Sorry for the delay folks. Forgot about this for a bit, Woopsie. Anyhow better 4 hours late then never. Role pm's sent story begins now.


Our story begins with all sorts of members from across the forums banding together to form a group they called the MAFIA. (members against freaking idiotic annoyances) As their first meeting came into session they realized that everyone from the forums was there, and that not all of them were good.

"Look, there is no way that all of these people are with us in the cause to remove the spammers." Chillers whispered to Yeroc

"It doesn't matter so long as most of them all, I have a plan, we'll ban one off every day and eventually it'll only be me you and the good guys left." Yeroc whispered back.

But even though it was just a whisper it carried to the ears of a hacker, and so they went home that night and began to write a program that was able to ban someone every time the forums went offline, but it was a slow program, so it could only afford to ban one person from the forums per night. They contacted their friends and told them about it and they were on board with the plan to ban off everyone starting with Yeroc and Chillers.

Brief break: I know a few of you dirty rascals are gonna be like "why can't they just unban themselves or chillers unbans the goodies, and this is because there was no unbanning from the forums program yet so they were unable to do so. Back to narration:

The next day everyone came into the forums and they saw in big bold letters:
Yeroc424 has been BANNED
It was at this time that chillers began to feel unsafe on the forums, but he continued about his daily business. He then packed up and went home.
The next morning everyone came on and saw in big bold letters:
Chillers has been BANNED
The innocent members began to panic, they had no way to remove the spammers now? What were they to do? Luckily some of them stumbled upon a fail safe. A hidden ban button. The only problem was how would they use it? They decided it was for the best to have a majority vote to decide who was banned next.
And with that all being said
Online period 1 beings now:

(You can ban someone today if you wish, or not your call)
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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'd like to get the wheels rolling Day 1 before the thread has a chance to derail itself.

There's a total of 19 players. I'm guessing we're facing something like 4 Spammers. There were 3 in my game, which was fairly vanilla, and had 20 people; There were 4 in Henni's which had 16, but had somewhat powerful roles. Based on this I'd like to guess we're up against something like 4 Spammers. So far I believe I know 3 innocents (myself being included).

As for strategies I see this:
  1. The three I do know all trust each other. If one of us was to martyr themselves and be shown as innocent, you would be able to trust the other two of us, and then everyone could send in their roles to myself or that other person. This would give the innocents a good starting point to work from, and then we could start developing strategies and try to see who doesn't fit with everyone else. In the meantime I ask you DO NOT SHARE YOUR PM WITH ANYONE. If the Mafia gets their hands on a regular Innocent Role PM, then things will be much harder.
  2. If anyone else has a better idea or an objection I'd like to hear it, otherwise this is the best course of action me and my pals see.

There should be a no-lynch start as usual, unless someone screws up bad. Since I'm active and can easily change my vote if this is the case, I'm going to /ban No-one. This prevents a quick kill if someone tries something stupid. As always, a successful victory is only going to happen if everyone communicates, so please share your thoughts.

@DistinctMadness What happens if there's a tie vote this game?


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
If history repeats itself, the bad guys tend to type less on the forum thread.

Nice cooltext btw, mattress.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Just found out bstrey's a spammer from one of my pals. If I'm wrong you're free to kill me. If I'm right you don't have to trust me.

/ban bstrey


Oct 29, 2013
Since I haven't talked to anyone except for you (when you approached me) I'd like to know who your pal is. Until then I'll tie the vote with
/ban Forgot


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
You'd assume not considering I'm putting myself out on a limb by banning you Day 1, wouldn't you.

EDIT: Also I find it suspicious you'd go for banning me rather than nobody. Either vote ties it up for you, and you have no evidence against me. Wouldn't an innocent vote nobody and a mafia vote for me?


Oct 29, 2013
Last round, your vote for nobody didn't end up counting, remember? ;P

Edit: I can't respond anymore for now, I have class.
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