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Minr Mafia 11: Forums

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, some thoughts:

1) forgot's plan has me concerned. Somehow at the very start of the game, three people just "know" each other to be innocent? That seems rather fast, and we don't know what roles there are.
2) his martyr idea relies on all of them being truthful. He could just as easily be on the other side planning to use bstrey as a diversion by sacrificing her early to gain trust. Additionally, he doesn't name them. He could easily claim anyone who doesn't speak much in thread to be one of them while killing them and use it as "proof".
3) if bstrey is innocent, how will we know whether he is the hacker or one of his unnamed cohorts is?
4) why draw so much attention to himself the first day by claiming to have the identity of one of the hackers? All that does is make him a target.

Without knowing more about what roles there are and their abilities, I do not have a better plan at this time. However, I am going to withhold my vote as I do not have enough reason to believe him on bstrey.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Okay, some thoughts:

1) forgot's plan has me concerned. Somehow at the very start of the game, three people just "know" each other to be innocent? That seems rather fast, and we don't know what roles there are.
Fair enough. They just happened to be on when I was and we skyped.

2) his martyr idea relies on all of them being truthful. He could just as easily be on the other side planning to use bstrey as a diversion by sacrificing her early to gain trust. Additionally, he doesn't name them. He could easily claim anyone who doesn't speak much in thread to be one of them while killing them and use it as "proof".
Nope. I readily admitted you don't have to trust me if she is mafia.

3) if bstrey is innocent, how will we know whether he is the hacker or one of his unnamed cohorts is?
You can kill me. I trust the other two that much, and won't try to shift blame at all.

4) why draw so much attention to himself the first day by claiming to have the identity of one of the hackers? All that does is make him a target.
Because there's no point in waiting to kill a spammer if you know they are one for sure.

Without knowing more about what roles there are and their abilities, I do not have a better plan at this time. However, I am going to withhold my vote as I do not have enough reason to believe him on bstrey.
EDIT: Need to go to school.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
/ban forgot

I'm just making the vote a tie. I don't necessarily trust him and it's too early to start sniping people.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
/ban bstrey

Sorry, but this plan does work. I believe Forgot would not be reckless enough to lead a lynch right away as a spammer, but if bstrey is banned and she's innocent, I say we go for Forgot.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I actually have not talked to Forgot, he messaged me this morning at 9:00 but I was at school.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
/ban bstrey

Sorry, but this plan does work. I believe Forgot would not be reckless enough to lead a lynch right away as a spammer, but if bstrey is banned and she's innocent, I say we go for Forgot.
Actually, thinking about that, it does make sense. Forgot probably wouldn't tell us to lynch an innocent since he would get lynched the next round.
can i switch my ban to /ban bstrey?


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'd like to please double-check that everyone gets the plan I laid out. It won't work if only some people go along with it and everyone else lies/refrains from sending their roles in later. If you don't understand, drop me a message here or skype and I'll try to explain it to you.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'll elaborate my plan a little further, but I'm still not going to use names, as I have no clue what powers the Mafia have. It goes like this:
  1. As of right now, myself and three other members trust each other. I'm not going to say how, as doing so would make finding the Mafia harder for us later down the road. Be aware that we're all trusting each other with 100% certainty. This isn't a shaky truce between a few nervous players.
  2. Knowing this, if one of us were to martyr themselves, you'd see they were innocent. They can name one of us (probably me since I've been our speaker so far) and say with certainty that we're good. We're not planning to waste a day voting them out, instead they'll just off themselves during the offline period by typing into the thread something like: 'hey forgot's innocent, you guys can trust him. If there's a doctor role protection would be nice.'. They're then modkilled and their role is revealed.
  3. Now knowing that I'm an Innocent, everyone can send me their role pm's privately. From here, we can look for anyone whose role seems suspicious, and then use our cop to gain support each day cycle. We also then know what roles we have to work with and can develop a strategy to end the game quickly.
  4. If I die, the cycle repeats. The group has a screenshot of a PM from me proving that they're innocent, which they can reveal upon my demise. They become the next public speaker. If they die, they do the same. By not revealing who the innocents are, the Mafia will never be able to find our cop's identity.
And that's the gist of it. I doubt I'll have anything to say for a while after this- at least in public.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
The members were all very nervous, all except one, Forgot. Forgot was above it all. He was level headed, helpful, and was a natural leader. He and he alone became the voice of the members.
Then suddenly, he was hit with some knowledge, hard. Something in his gut told him that Bstrey was not what she claimed. He voiced his opinions to his new found group of members:
"Guys, I know this seems a bit irrational, but I think i know who one of the spammers is." Forgot said to his group.
"Well speak up man!" a few of them said from the back
"The spammer is... BSTREY!" He shouted as he pointed his finger right at bstrey.
Bstrey, quite shocked by this accusation had no words to defend herself, so it was the voice, or rather were the voices of reason that came out to challenge forgot.
"How could you possibly know she is a spammer," Said piece. "She doesn't even have that many forum messages."
"Yea how do you KNOW this forgot?" Srentiln asked with quite a suspicious face (he was suspicious after all)
"Just trust me on this one. If she isn't then you guys can just ban me anyways." Forgot said, his grin widening.

The members mulled this over. Minutes later bstrey finally came to her senses saying:
"The only reason forgot would accuse someone of being a spammer so quickly is because HE is a spammer."
A few of the members looked at forgot's stats and thought that maybe he was, but most of them were not swayed by bstrey's argument.

The day ended and it came time to vote:
2 against forgot
4 against bstrey

And the command was sent out
BSTREY the spammer has been BANNED
The server rang out with joy for they had finally won one battle in this never ending war
Offline period 1 begins now:


*Except me
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Desctructo is out of the game. Do NOT talk to him about anything game related if you expect an answer. He cannot respond as of now.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013

As all the members went to sleep the spammers began the program, however, saddened by one of their own being banned so quickly, they had a hard time figuring out who to eliminate. But we'll come back to that later.

One of the members, Mr_destructo, wanted to find out who it was that was hacking the sever and banning people, so he himself attempted to hack the server. Unfortunately, he was not as talented as the spammers were, and so his efforts did not go unnoticed. The program he had written didn't bypass the firewall, but instead gave the IP address to the server the forums were hosted on. The forums locked up, took the IP, and BANNED IT!
Mr_Destructo69, the innocent, has been BANNED

"Shit, i thought i had it." Destructo said in frustration as he leaned back in his chair and looked outside. It was then that he realized, the truth. But it was too late, he had already gotten himself banned.

Back to the spammers:
"Damnit, why did she have to go and get herself banned."
"Calm down, it probably wasn't her fault. Look lets just lay low for a while, then we won't meet the same fate as Bstrey."
"Ugh, isn't there anything we can do to make this process speed up?"
"Nope, not a thing, unless you're an expert coder."
"Well who should we eliminate."
They went on through the night arguing about who they were to eliminate, it came close to the time the server starts up, but they finally decided on a target.
That morning all the members came on and saw:
Srentiln, the innocent, has been BANNED
Online period 2 beings now:


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
I wonder why he (dest) got himself banned. I doubt it was an accident.

Does he have a plan in mind? And who with? (Probs Forgot)
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