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Minr Mafia 11: Forums

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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

If you seriously don't get why he killed himself you need to pay more attention. I spelled it out for you right HERE.

Side-note: I've gotten exactly 1 PM other than those I already had. ._.
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Jan 8, 2014
I think their plan is pretty obvious, as forgot said:
Knowing this, if one of us were to martyr themselves, you'd see they were innocent. They can name one of us (probably me since I've been our speaker so far) and say with certainty that we're good. We're not planning to waste a day voting them out, instead they'll just off themselves during the offline period by typing into the thread something like: 'hey forgot's innocent, you guys can trust him. If there's a doctor role protection would be nice.'. They're then modkilled and their role is revealed.
Dest was one of forgot's trusted group and he sacrificed himself to show that he was innocent and forgot was innocent (If an innocent is certain another is innocent they probably are). From what I've read so far forgot's plan seems like it would work and I think this means we can trust him.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I think sren being banned is the important bit here. Sren, the main member who publicly voiced concerns about forgot's plan, was eliminated right away. However, Sren is also known for being a smart, deductive player who helps whatever team he is on a lot, meaning the mafia could just be taking out the player who they think is the most dangerous. Also, forgot has me, for the moment, unsure of his true loyalties. It is concerning that he wants all the player roles. After all, last game he was able to convince almost everyone that he was innocent and his team would have won because of that if the other members hadn't goofed at the wrong moments. Also, his plan to have someone martyr themselves could be a interesting ploy to get rid of an innocent and make him look innocent at the same time. However, a smart mafia would know this and kill off sren to both get rid of an intelligent innocent and throw suspicion on forgot. I'm not sure what to think of this, but for the moment I'm going to say /BAN No-One, as I don't have enough evidence to feel comfortable voting off anyone right now. (Related side note: I'm also curious as to how Forgot discovered bstrey was a spammer so quickly. This could support my theory that forgot is mafia, but again, he is also very good at this game)


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
C'mon creep, I know you're smarter than this, and it's bothering me. Since you have so much reference to the past, as long as we're cool breaking the rule regarding meta-gaming, I'll respond in suit.

I think sren being banned is the important bit here. Sren, the main member who publicly voiced concerns about forgot's plan, was eliminated right away. However, Sren is also known for being a smart, deductive player who helps whatever team he is on a lot, meaning the mafia could just be taking out the player who they think is the most dangerous.
Again, if we're fine with the whole meta-gaming aspect of this, you'll see that despite me being mafia last round, I never bothered taking out sren right away. That's because I never saw him as a threat. Is sren smart? Yes. Is he amazing at this game? No. He's admitted as much himself on a number of occasions. Him and I lost an easily won round by doing nothing but bickering.

Also, forgot has me, for the moment, unsure of his true loyalties. It is concerning that he wants all the player roles. After all, last game he was able to convince almost everyone that he was innocent and his team would have won because of that if the other members hadn't goofed at the wrong moments. Also, his plan to have someone martyr themselves could be a interesting ploy to get rid of an innocent and make him look innocent at the same time. However, a smart mafia would know this and kill off sren to both get rid of an intelligent innocent and throw suspicion on forgot.
Again, meta-ing. I was able to convince you because you never bothered to check me. Mr knew I was innocent. Not as in he was guessing, but he knew. I'd like you to re-read my previous post about my strategy. I explained exactly why I wanted the roles, and exactly why Mr killed himself off. In response to it, all you're offering us is your own shaky suspicion, and that the martyrdom might be a ploy (nevermind that you're not bothering to tell us how it might be a ploy).

I'm not sure what to think of this, but for the moment I'm going to say /BAN No-One, as I don't have enough evidence to feel comfortable voting off anyone right now. (Related side note: I'm also curious as to how Forgot discovered bstrey was a spammer so quickly. This could support my theory that forgot is mafia, but again, he is also very good at this game)
I've already explained how we found bstrey. Cop role. Please bother reading what I write so I don't have to repeat myself.

Frankly, creeper, you're pointing out the reason you need to trust me at this point. You're never going to have enough evidence if you don't. I've tried my best to help us so far. I've been the only one to offer a strategy, and none of you have supplied your own or bothered to refute it with your own ideas. Hell, you haven't even bothered reading my posts. I've done what wasn't done last round and shown myself as innocent. I found a spammer. I have a martyr proving my innocence. I've been helping.

Unless anyone else would like to step up, this is what we have and this is what we're going with. It's worked so far.


Nov 5, 2013
I'd trust Forgot at this point, at least until a period of doubt. His plan, if a real one seems almost perfect.
I think sren being banned is the important bit here. Sren, the main member who publicly voiced concerns about forgot's plan, was eliminated right away.
tbh, theoretically, if Forgot is mafia, killing sren wouldn't be the best move I can think of, it just automatically attracts people like you(no offense intended) saying it.
Honestly, I think this is just a fearkill. Fearkills are usually only done by new players, inexperienced players or anything of the sort. Shout at me all you want, but my instant suspicion are the new players.
@Creeper2685 thanks for pointing out the obvious :p (again no offense, don't take anything I say in this game personal)


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Two lines creates //an entire page of points and counterpoints? Interesting.

I'm not sure what to think of this, but for the moment I'm going to say /BAN No-One, as I don't have enough evidence to feel comfortable voting off anyone right now.
I'm going to have to agree with creep1. I don't know what to think.

@TheForgottenUser I'm not sure yet, so you don't have my trust just yet. I will see about you. Your most recent post has a particular style that you wrote in which isn't particularly trustworthy. You seem like you just want to brush everything off.

On the other side, since I'm new at this game, I want to see how things pan out until I feel like I have sufficient evidence to vote.

/vote no one


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Quick question since practically nobody is willing to send in their PM's: Did your PM have your whole name, or not?


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
@TheForgottenUser "...since practically nobody..."

That implies people have done so. This is not anything make or break, but I'm just pointing it out. :)


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
If I die tonight, DO NOT vote forgot off. I can confirm that he is innocent, which I would not be doing if I were not 100% certain he was innocent.
(Also, forgot really needs those PM's. They are actually useful)


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
With the abundance of people saying forgot is innocent, I have to trust him.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Sorry for the inactivity, but I'm here now. And piece, that was quite an amazing argument you just gave. I'm really impressed.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Sorry for the extra day. I thought i had updated Friday, not Thursday.

As everyone gathered around, mourning the loss of their brothers in the cause, (srentiln and destructo) forgot put his plan into effect. He basically went around and asked everyone if they were a spammer or not. (full proof plan, after all who would lie on the internet) Unfortunately for him, most people didn't respond to his question, thinking it was some kind of ploy.
As all this happened, a few members began to snap out of their dazes, and started to think in terms of strategy. Corygolfantic began to think of his own plans, but he didn't think any of them were worth sharing out with others.
Another member, electrounderwear also snapped out of it, but he just started to agree with other peoples strange reasoning.

As the time approached the vote was called. But forgot, annoyed that he hadn't gotten anyone to tell him their roles, gave out one speech to persuade others to tell him their role:

"Brothers and Sisters, I have gathered you here today to warn you of the fast approaching evil that is known by one word and one word only; spam. This evil is caused by the likes of you and you only! For it, is a byproduct of communication. But do not fret! We can overcome this unfathomable evil through just two easy steps.
Step 1: You must all trust me. I know this is hard to do at a time like this, where so many of our own kind are being banned, but you have to trust me, or this will not work.
Step 2: You must tell me your role in this world! This is even harder than the first step, believe me, I know. But if you can bring yourself to trust me, then maybe, just maybe, you can bring yourself to tell me your role. And maybe just maybe, if EVERYONE trusts me we can find out who these dreaded spammers are! SO WHO IS WITH ME?!"

As forgot ended his speech many of the members cheered for him, but many sat still, unsure if he was worth trusting. And on that note they voted on who should be banned that day.
1 vote for no-one.
Nobody else voted.​
Offline period 2 begins now:
(you know the drill, nobody can talk but me)


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
As the server closed, the spammers joined together for another vote. They began to converse, and as they did they started the program. But they couldn't decide on who to kill, so they debated for hours. It took them a long time but they narrowed it down to 2 people. As they were debating they called for a break. They all fell asleep in random ways. (those silly people) When dawn approached, they all woke up. but it was too late, the program had failed because they didn't input the name.

They created a new name for themselves, REKT: (Random everyone's kill twats) In honor of that night and them not banning anyone.

In summary:
The server was quiet, the mafia stupid
nobody died because yolo
Day 3 now:

Online period 3 begins now:


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Sorry I haven't been active guys. Been busy with school and trying to get into better shape. But I'm here now :)


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Mafia didn't even bother voting to kill someone off? I'm guessing they're pretty inactive/inexperienced at this point. The plan's working fine so far. The group has grown quite a bit, and at this rate we should have a majority by the next day.

I'm a little disappointed that I only received around half of the PM's. I've had two players vouch for me at this point. By not sending in your PM's you're making life tougher on everyone.

I'd really like to hear some thought from people that have been quiet this game.
@Spontida10 I've heard nothing from you this game. When I tried contacting you, you didn't really seem aware of the rules regarding when you were allowed to talk. Any thoughts?
@Freakworld I'm a little suprised we haven't hear more from you this game. What's up?

I've heard a little from everyone else this game so far, but really nothing at all from either of you. Considering that there was no vote made by the mafs I'd suggest you defend yourself.

Sidenote: I loved the update. xD


Jan 8, 2014
I haven't seen spon much on zero or tekkit recently. If he is mafia and he's been busy it could explain the inactivity from the mafia members.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
I have spoken to Spon about Mafia. I didn't ask him, he just told me as soon as he got on once.

I'm gonna lay down at this point.
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