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Minr Mafia 11: Forums

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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
for the past few games, all I've seen from freak are troll posts that don't actually advance the logic of the game, so I'm not sure why you are worried about him not posting


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Inactivity helps with absolutely nothing in this game, if we are unable to communicate with someone during a game, they are of no use. Therefore, due to lack of communication from your end Spontida......

/BAN Spontida10


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Why does he seem to have to go through you to say everything he wants to say? It's a game that revolves around communication. If he's not willing to say anything here or in game to anyone but you, I really don't see the point of him sticking around. We know the Mafia was either inactive or busy, and from what I see he's fit the inactivity roster every game so far- this one included.

Even if he is Innocent, he's not going to be helpful. He hasn't said a single word since he signed up. He's not defending himself. He's not voting. He's not giving his thoughts, even under direct questioning. *I* would much rather just vote him off and hope we're right than waste a day checking him with our cop.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
I just got a question (two), WHO is the cop and HOW does he find out?


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
1) You don't need to know who the cop is. Saying so might get them killed.
2) They message Distinct and ask each day?


Nov 5, 2013
Spon hasn't been on recently? haha, nice one, Spon was on last night.
I get keeping silent when you have nothing to say, in fact I do it myself, but it's been 3 days. I'll be the nice guy out of all of you and just hear what @Spontida10 has to say. If I don't get a response until I get home, I'll vote.


Nov 18, 2013
We could've given him a bit more time to respond, but oh well....

Remember in always innocent. Vote me off anyways...
Anyways about last night, couldn't it also mean that someone's protection role came into effect (if there is one)? It happened mutliple times that such things happened before, and I wouldn't be shocked if that didn't happen this day. Although, dist writes it so that it seems like they didn't do anything at all, which could also be the possibility, and therefore the choice to vote spon off would be a good choice.

After thinking about that for a moment, I don't think that's the case. I suppose it's alright to vote off spon.

"It took them a long time but they narrowed it down to 2 people. As they were debating they called for a break"
they seemed like they WERE active, but never came to a conclusion, which could mean that spon could be innocent. Creeper seemed a little defensive of spon, so if spon turns out to be mafia, my next suspicion would be on creeper. (Also the random question about the cop is a little.. weirdish).

They created a new name for themselves, REKT: (Random everyone's kill twats) In honor of that night and them not banning anyone.

nobody died because yolo
Just those sentences instantly let me think of freak.. I suppose.. could be a possible target if we want to knock out another "afk'er".


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
I'm not exactly defending him, just giving u guys a hint at what he wants to do.

In the hope of speeding this up.

/ban Spontida


Nov 5, 2013
/ban Spontida10
I'm sorry, but I just don't like your reasoning. If you knew you were going to be busy, then why did you enter mafia?


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013

At the sudden spur of inactivity, the members gathered round trying to figure out who was lazy, or very layed back. A few people came to the innocents minds, but forgot had only 2 choices.
Freakworld & Spontida.
He openly accused them both, and freak just shrugged it off, while spon didn't even respond. Forgot took this hesitancy as a sign that spon was nervous. He IMMEDIATELY accused him of being a spammer!
"That moment of hesitancy, did you all see it? He was unsure of what to say! Clearly this means that spontida is a SPAMMER!" Forgot said quite rapidly
"BAN HIM! BAN HIM! BAN HIM!" The members all shouted as they crowded around spon
"No no, i swear I'm not, just trust me! Halex is the spammer!" Spontida cried out as a latch ditch effort.
Halex was quite stunned by this sudden accusation. But nobody else was, for they had already decided.
The day ended, and the votes were tallied:
6 votes for spontida10
1 vote for halex44
Spontida10 the innocent has been BANNED!

Many of the innocents had second guesses about following forgot after that.
Could he be trusted?
Offline period 3 beings now:
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
That night, the spammers were 100% sure who it was to die. No questions asked, nothing. A silent gaze passed between then, as they inputted the name into the code and set it to run. Not a word was said between them that entire night, for they were determined.

Forgot was sitting at home alone, still blown away that spontida wasn't a spammer.
"He wasn't doing anything for the team." he whispered to himself
"It wasn't my fault! I swear!"
"He was acting suspicious anyways, my acts were justified."
Forgot rambled on and on about it, until finally creeperTNTman came over and quite literally smacked him
"Dude wtf was that for?!" Forgot asked in a panic
"You were acting bat-shit crazy dude, i just wanted to snap you out of it, seems to have worked" Creeper quickly countered
Creeper walked forgot home, then went home himself

Jkjkelly1 was getting more and more antsy, every day he was at a risk of getting voted off. Kelly had never done anything wrong as far as he knew, but he was unsure on how safe he would be able to stay. Perhaps he could rise to power like forgot and not get voted off. That would be really good for him he thought to himself. He began to pump himself up, ready to be as persuasive as forgot is, then he lost it all. He shriveled up into a ball, and just stayed there until he fell asleep. Poor Kelly :(

Back to the spammers. The code was put it and sent through, no problems were had.

The next day everyone came on the server to see:
TheForgottenUser, the most liked innocent, has been BANNED!
And with that​
Online Period 4 begins now:
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