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Minr Mafia 11: Forums

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The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Let me put it this way.

I'm not even intended to talk at all.

Hence I don't defend.

So like I'm not even trying, I'm only telling you what I know.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
After the sad sad death of their *trusted* leader forgot, the innocents had no idea what to do with themselves. Thankfully mathwiz knew what to do:

"AHEM! May i have all of your attention please?! I know you all are sacred, afraid of what the spammers could do to us, and frankly, I am too. But that's not why I'm here, I'm here to tell you that we need to control ourselves, and act like civilized people again! I know what some of you smart people out there in the crowd are thinking. How can we possibly trust this unknown person? He just expects us to trust him? Well no, if i was in your situation, I wouldn't trust myself either, but unlike forgot, I have PROOF that i am innocent!" As math says this he takes out his note from the once beloved forgot and pulls out the note forgot wrote, and puts it in view for everyone to read. It reads:

If you're reading this, it means that i am now dead. Because of this, you need someone new you know you can trust for sure. This person is Mathwiz592. I trust him completely, so can you. Good luck, you'll need it
After he was sure everyone had seen this math continued

"Now that you all can at least see I am trustworthy, I need you to all vote with me. As far as I know, the only person here who is mafia, is freakworld."
As he says this Freak just shrugs

Math continued: "People! Now is the time to rise up, take control of your own lives, put the power in YOUR OWN hands. No more fearing. No more death! And NO MORE SPAMMERS!"
As math finished he pumped his fist in the air and shouted! All the members rose up and shouted with him.

But forum user Zatharel wasn't conviced. He was the voice of reason in the sea of stupidity. He tried to voice his logic, but nobody would listen. When he finally found some ground it was time to vote:
7 votes for Freakworld
No other votes
Freakworld, the innocent AFK, has been BANNED!
The members scattered, heartbroken that they had killed another one of their own
Offline period 4 beings now:


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
The day passed and so the spammers met up. They both agreed on who needed to die, just like the night before. They started up the program and inputted the name. But we'll go back to that later

Mathwiz, went home that night feeling quite proud that he was able to rally all the members together to vote off someone, but he was disheartened by the fact that he had killed another innocent. He thought for SURE that that one was mafia, since he had so rarely talked.
"Damnit! We try and we try again but no matter what we do, we just kill off one of our own. I wish we had forgot here to help us through. And now that I've tried to lead the members in a new direction I'm the next target." Math exclaimed as he walked to his house, presumably alone.

But that's where he was wrong, around the corner blie was heading home as well, but he just so happened to have overheard Maths exclamation and began to formulate a plan. If Math was right, and he was the spammers target that night, then Blie would take over. He would get one of those little things that forgot had given Math and show everyone who was REALLY a LEADER.

"MATH! Hold up!" Blie yelled trying to get Math's attention.
"What blie?" Math asked quite cautiously
"I have an idea..."

As blie and math walked home, they discussed blie's plan and math agreed quite willingly. The paper we written and all was said and done.

Back to the spammers. They inputted the name, no problems were had within the code. All went as according to plan.
The members logged on and were heartbroken to see who was banned:
Mathwiz, the innocent, has been BANNED!
They were all scared yet again, for they had no leader
Online period 6 begins now:


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Well, I suppose Distinct has already told you the news:


So far, the only incriminating evidence we've found has been against ricky. This evidence has been in the form of telling us the text in his role PM. Each and every one of our PM's were identical, but multiple differences were found in ricky's PM.

/ban rickyboy320


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
@Creeper2685 , that is a screenshot from a private message sent from math…
That is almost impossible to fake, given that both forgot and math are innocent and wouldn't send that to someone unless they were trusted.


Nov 18, 2013
Now I'm worried for you guys, what happened to the cop? Yes appearantly my PM was 'different' from thr others(which I honestly don't know why). Anyways, ban me if you want, but I suppose this will only take you longer to find that mafia guy.

The plan you guys have, didn't seem to work that well. If this is the ONLY evidence, I can say, it failed.
No idea what happened to your cop, but if you kept finding innocents, well that's sort of good, I suppose. If you have the majority already, well then it's just a search and destroy game..

Creepe2685 does have a valid point however, although I do not suspect it to happen. Blie could have just copied maths logo and framework(left side image) and the message(with some adjustments) again, I don't think this has happened, and I would vote me off in the same situation as you, so alright.

Anyways. GLHF /vote rickyboy320


Nov 5, 2013
But forum user Zatharel wasn't conviced. He was the voice of reason in the sea of stupidity. He tried to voice his logic, but nobody would listen. When he finally found some ground it was time to vote
I'm flattered.

/vote rickyboy320

If this ends up being wrong I have another idea in mind that's been bugging me since game start.
So far, the mafia aren't role fishing, they're just killing off anyone that could be a potential threat. Start with sren for example, the only reason sren could have been killed was his experience in the game and his success in past games. Forgot and Math were both speakers that again, could be potential threats to the mafia's plan.
Last game, when Forgot and I were mafia, we killed off the power roles first, then bothered about the normal innocents (which lead to our demise, but eh).
The fact that all kills so far have been fearkills, I immediately suspect everyone new to this game, particularly @Creeper2685 . Since day one, Creeper has been trying to convince everyone that somehow all the speakers are wrong. This has come from doubting Forgot's plan when it was quite obvious he's right to saying that blie supposedly faked an image which is by the way almost impossible to fake. Why? Let me explain:
-Xenforo forum, unlike normal text editing applications uses a gray font, not a black, without knowing which shade of gray it is, you can't fake the text.
-It also has a specific minimal text size, again very hard to fake.
-You can't fake a xenforo emote, not without pasting the image PRECISELY where it would be if it was written.

pretty much that.


Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
The fact that all kills so far have been fearkills, I immediately suspect everyone new to this game, particularly Creeper2685 . Since day one, Creeper has been trying to convince everyone that somehow all the speakers are wrong.
I do not know what role he has or anything like that. But when I played my 1st mafia game I was very excited to play. And that would explain why he tries to be so active. I don't think a mafia would be so active and certainly not a new player. You'd expect him to either think stuff to hard through or be completely quiet.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
...The fact that all kills so far have been fearkills, I immediately suspect everyone new to this game, particularly @Creeper2685 . Since day one, Creeper has been trying to convince everyone that somehow all the speakers are wrong. This has come from doubting Forgot's plan when it was quite obvious he's right to saying that blie supposedly faked an image which is by the way almost impossible to fake. Why? Let me explain:...
I AM new.

I do not know what role he has or anything like that. But when I played my 1st mafia game I was very excited to play. And that would explain why he tries to be so active. I don't think a mafia would be so active and certainly not a new player. You'd expect him to either think stuff to hard through or be completely quiet.
I am kinda excited.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
As the innocents panicked, once AGAIN (geez you guys are fricken scardie cats) at the loss of their commander, a new member rose to the call. His name: Blie4. Why he did, the world my never know, but he did. He rose up, and accused ricky. No reasoning, just accused him.
Everyone agreed.
Ricky agreed.
They bandwagon-ed.
Creeper spoke.
Nobody listened.
It was GG for ricky.
"Everyone say gg ricky."
They all voted.
Rickyboy320, the innocent, has been BANNED
In summary:
Mob Mentality > Logic

Offline period 5 beings now:


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
The members went their own separate ways, and after they did so the mafia met and discussed who was to be killed that night:
"Who should we kill off tonight." asked one.
"I think blie is a good target." said another
"What about that creeperTNT dude, he's a real thorn in my side"
"Maybe, but he doesn't seem like a leader, clearly blie is their leader at the moment."
"Maybe so, but still, I'mma keep my eye on creeper."
They arrived at the house with the computer and inputted the code. The kill was going to be glorious tonight!

Just as the spammers had done, some of the members who trusted eachother met in private as well
"Who do you guys think is one of THEM?" piped the quiet one from the back
"Idk dude, i thought for sure ricky was one because he had a dif pm... but i was wrong..." said their leader
"Well, lets look at those who haven't talked as much recently or haven't provided anything useful: Cory, Kelly, Ian, Halex, Electro, and Creeper 2." said the smartest one of the group.
"I'd reckon any of em could be it, but how will we know who to vote off?"
"Not sure, perhaps we should have blie lead the charge here too..." the smartest mentioned.
"Not a bad idea, I'm all for it"
"Okay, its been agreed, Let someone else, namely blie, lead the vote."

As they went home, creeperTNT had a strange feeling in his stomach. He didn't like the feeling. When he got home he went straight to bed, since he thought he might be sick. He woke up a few times that night with some hot flashes, but when he got up the next morning all seemed to be fine again.
That was until... he checked the forums. He couldn't log on. No reason, he just couldn't.
Surely this is a mistake he thought as he pulled out reasons why he wouldn't be able to join. Then it hit him like a truck. HE had been the spammers next target.

When the members logged on that day they all saw the command. And they were heartbroken at the loss of another friend
CreeperTNTman198, the innocent, has been BANNED!
Online period 6 begins now:


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
I have an issue. Up until this point, every speaker that has announced that they're the speaker has died up until this point. Right now, I don't trust this "innocent" group anymore due to one person. Blie. Blie has made countless attempts to kill the mafia but each and everytime it ends up being an innocent. Also, the fact that blie did NOT die after announcing that he was speaker is very suspicious.

At this moment, I DO NOT trust blie one bit.

/BAN Blie
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