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Minr Mafia 13: Glitches

East and West is the best. West to East is a rotation for the norm.

  • East

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • West

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
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The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Only one person voted. Everyone could tell the world was coming to a close soon.

Mr_Destructo69, an INNOCENT, was voted off the island!


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Dead period. I'm updating late tonight/early tomorrow morning.


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
The skies began to darken, and the remaining members began to tremble in fear. They knew what was coming.

With the death of the innocent leader, all began to seem lost. Some began to pack their belongings and tried to move away, but they should have done this long ago. There was no longer any option to escape.

As Piece of cheese looked down upon his new kingdom, he laughed an evil laugh. Him and his mafia DID this! He called up Yeroc424, one of his trusted mafia members, and told him to come to him. As Yeroc kneeled before him, he gave him a task. Finish off the remaining innocents. Yeroc gave a sly smile, and said "With pleasure".

Chaos. Chaos descended upon the town. The few innocents were running around, trying to find somewhere to hide. Those who wished not to die went before Piece and begged for his mercy, but none was given. Slowly, the innocents were dying off, no longer able to fight back. The ones who still had powers were found quickly. They were chained up and brought to build a castle for this new dark age.

Piece descended upon the townspeople, currently being chained up, saying:

"Seriously? This is how you act? I want to bring a new golden age, and you get to be a part of it!"

There was no singing or dancing. There was no feasts. Only misery.



The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Remaining Mafia members:

Pieceofcheese87 (Leader/JohnFlap to some)

Remaining Innocents:


While innocents DID still outnumber mafia, it was highly unlikely that Innocents would still win, and with interest seemingly decreasing, I ended it now. Mafia was going to win.

I wanted to keep this a fun game for everyone, so I assigned more power roles for each side. IF I had to redo it, I would have made a few less mafia members. I originally had 7 out of 28 players, and I think with 5, MAYBE 6, it would have been slightly more balanced. There was roughly and equal amount of powerful innocents. All the powerful innocents knew who each other was in the beginning of the round, and I think this helped the balance.

I was trying to keep it interesting by creating ciphers/riddles for you all to find out, but I quickly found out that this was a little more time consuming that I imagined, so I wasn't able to continue that for very long. This is still something i'm very interested in seeing in the future.

I had suggested to the leaders that they not share their role to begin with, as their roles would not be subject to change. The role switch was a planned event, but the round could have happened without it happening. In order for this to happen, one of two things must happen.
1. Jagman77, the Innocent leader, is lynched during the day by Innocents.
2. Pieceofcheese87 was targeted by the mafia during the night.

The second event occured, with Piece being "killed" by the mafia. He had a fake death, and was sneakily brought back the next day, as to not bring too much suspicion to him. The same thing would happen to Jagman if his condition occurred.

There was some complaints that you all were "starting from square one", but I don't think this is true. When the role switch occurred, there were 19 members left. When I was picking who to switched, I picked a random 1/3 of players, which worked out to 2 innocents, 2 powerful innocents, and 2 mafia. They then switched sides randomly between them, so a majority of players didn't actually switch roles. I didn't want it to be too overpowered.

Thanks for the great game guys!
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I'm still a little salty at forgot. Even without knowing I was neutral as well, his reasoning was of the same level of meta that he spent a good chunk of a round berating me over.


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
You might have been. I missed updating my spreadsheet once or twice. I must have forgotton to update it.

fixed it.


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
Wait I was dead too.

But GG guys :) Pretty clear from the role swap that Mafia would win. Using the mafia calculator there was something like a 3% chance of the innocents winning :p


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
if anyone cares, here is the original mafia quicktopic. Altthough much more was said in skype
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