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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
@Drahmee Grave has already effectively said why he celebrated ("It's essential to the innocents victory" meaning that their deaths lead to more information being gathered than was ever exposed before) and its just a defamation at this point. It doesn't progress the game at all and you've already spammed the thread enough with the question. Attacks of character do nothing in this kind of game.


May 6, 2016
It doesn't seem that he has been lying to me. Seems to me he has been pointing out evidence and the people being accused are trying to convince people otherwise, even with the amount of evidence piled up against them.


Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015
Should be an interesting day, either way. I think there will be an immense amount of info revealed today. <---random emoji


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

As dawn broke, the world seemed to awake with it. The sun warmed the grass and cobblestone. The wind breezed through the town, carrying the leaves of the past with it. Both animals and people began to stir in the town, and some of the earliest vendors began their daily rounds. Creepa could hear the sounds of the wheels over the uneven cobblestone street below.
"What a swell day it'll be" he thought to himself. Oh how wrong he was.

Creepa put on his trench coat and made his way to the town hall, but once there everyone turned toward him.
"Care to explain?" started Grave
"Explain what?" Creepa asked
"Explain why the bottom of your coat has blood stained all across it." responded Grave
Creepa looked down at his jacket only to realize he had grabbed the wrong one by mistake on his way out the door that morning. He had instead grabbed the jacket he had used last night when he had... encountered that traplord Yeroc with his buddies. He had no way to refute from where he currently stood, so instead he poured out all the information he had on Grave, hoping it would distract them from everything wrong with himself.

But it didn't work.

Eight votes for Creepashadowz
Four votes for Gravebound

Creepashadowz the APOSTLE been LYNCHED

His will reads:
"I think I should leave my final thoughts here.

I'll repeat what I said to rick last night, since I think it is pertinent.
Gravebound is not to be trusted. With a successful lynch, he is sure to be trusted by all, and hailed by all, as the saviour of the town.
This is dangerous. With credibility high, he can control the town, and lead them in a "search" for the Cult. With almost total control, no one will doubt him, and no one would be willing to lynch him. I speculate Grave to be The Possessor, and I do not do this lightly. The Possessor is almost impossible to kill, without a lynch. And with how Grave will have seized control of the court by the dawn of tomorrow, Grave will be unkillable. You can only win when The Possessor is dead.

While my death here today is inevitable, I implore you, sent Grave to the gallows tomorrow. Not only will it test his credibility, but if I am right, will remove a crucial barriers to winning for all. For if you wait, it will be too late. Night and day, The Possessor has a chance to kill a dissenter, by rope and by steel. Should you wait too long, delay a day, and support for a grave lynch will erode. Some of you may look at this and laugh, for what does the word of a cultist matter? To you I say, fault me in the logic here. You may question my motivation, but this serves as a warning, heed it or not.

And to rmanimal, our esteemed King, I tip my hat to you, hand you a watch, and bid you farewell. Be careful of the enemies you make."


Night Five officially begins now. You will have 24 hours to put in your nightly moves.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

As the summer approached the days grew longer, and the nights shorter. Soon, it felt like as soon as the town went to sleep it was already time to wake up again. During the summer the town was always the most lively, even during the night it somehow felt more alive than normal.

However, the day after Creepa's exposure as a cult member, many eyes began to turn to those who had defended him, whether it was justified or not. Of those people, TheHexer seemed to be the most obvious target. He had not only defended Creepa's actions but also had accused Gravebound, the town sweetheart, of also being a part of this satanic cult, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of many.

As the sunset, the plan was then set into action: The plan to kill Hex. It was a simple plan, go to his house, and kill him. And that is quite literally what happened.

TheHexer the SEEKER has been KILLED

His will reads:
"Yall should find the Possessor. Like, seriously. Yeesh.
So here are my top 3! It's Hex's Haunted Heeby Jeeby Possessor Finding Hour! (In order of likelihood)
1) Gravebound Never once let on to his own class in chat, curious.
2) Rickyboy320 I have found literally nothing on him, at all. Makes you wonder.
3) Lomour A bit surprised he hasn't been credited to a kill yet, truth be told. But who knows man. Not me. Not me at all."

I wonder if he was always so sick and twisted?


Day Six Officially begins now! It will last 48 hours as per usual. Sorry for the late update, I was busy being a keyboard warrior.
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It's all good
Apr 10, 2016
Here's what happened. On day 1, Yeroc reached out to me and asked if I wanted to align with him. I was a bit hesitant as the game was so early. Eventually Yeroc told me to align with creepa. Seeing as Yeroc told me he was the prince and I believed him I took his advice and teamed up with Creepa. That being said I had no clue that Creep was cult. Creepa never told me / gave awaya info information about the cult.


Mar 26, 2014
Also Pooka, it would be beneficial if you'd share your role with someone of us you trust at this point. Please do.

As for people claiming I never claimed my role, I've stated over and over that I'm a Drunk.


Occupation: Farmer
Oct 26, 2015
And when Grave shared it with me, it was identical. How would he know how it was written, word-for-word?


May 13, 2015
Sorry if this is really obvious, I’m still new and am just making sure:
It was a knight/prince that used Cold Steel on Hex to kill him, correct? Doesn’t seem like it was possessor or some other neutral killer based in the wording of Dist’s post.
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Nov 18, 2013
Grave asked me to post this in advance, so here we go (so that we have a reasonable time to consider votes).

The Observer investigated swimmy last night, and it turned out he's aligned with the Cult. Considering his behaviour ever since we pointed him as the fool may drive that point further home, but we may be making a mistake. It'd be better if swimmy died in the night to be sure, of course, but we don't have any killing roles available (we've got the hunter but that has a rather long delay, and we haven't heard anything back from the hunter after last night). If it turns out swimmy is cult, then we're as good as done with the cult, after which only the Possessor will remain. If swimmy is not cult, that points towards our observer supplying us with false information, meaning they'd be suspicious instead.

Since there are only 2 bad roles remaining that have to be found (the Possessor and the likely mafia member #4), I would like to take the risk to hang swimmy this day. If he turns out to be mafia, we are free to kill the leader and are no longer at risk of being converted or a double night kill. We would be much freer to close in on the possessor, be it whom it may be.

#Vote swimmy1212


Aug 29, 2015
#Vote Swimmy1212

Just curious, does there have to be a Possessor in the game? I don't see why else there would be one.


Nov 18, 2013
Ajs claims she has been possessed once, and there have been deaths on the nights where mafia (probably) did not kill. It is likely there is a neutral killing role, as innocent killing roles cannot kill innocents.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
I personally think this feels like a mafia stunt; we have zero info to who the observer is and I don't believe there is much hard evidence against me. So, that said,

#vote Gravebound

Gravebound is on the same list of suspects as hex and creepa were, seems like the obvious choice that, since it has not yet been wrong, to go after him.


May 13, 2015
#Vote Swimmy1212

Just curious, does there have to be a Possessor in the game? I don't see why else there would be one.
I was actually possessed on night 4. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier, I thought that Gwen's and ajs's possession had already confirmed it. Actually... now that I've just reread Dist's story, I think I know who the victim: Yeroc. I was not occupied on night 4, so unless the person I was possessed to attack was protected or had immunities, I think it was him based on the fact that, in Dist's story on what happened, two people stabbed Yeroc, one of them from behind, and not referred to as being part of the group. That may have been referring to me. I don't know if Dist always has the ones attacked stabbed once for just one attacker, but that was case for Gwen and Pickles. So, based on that, I think it was yeroc I was possessed to attack on night 4.

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
#vote swimmy1212
Why would Grave be on the same list of suspects with people they wanted to vote up, especially now that two of them were confirmed mafia why would he weed out people he was working with?
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