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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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Mar 26, 2014
Let's try to end this cult chapter once and for all, shall we?

I have nothing to add, except that I've a lot of ways to prove my innocence if it comes to that. For now, though...

#vote swimmy


Nov 5, 2013
After watching this game unfold, all I want is to be able to tend to my tulips again. Let's get this over with.

#vote swimmy1212


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

It was finally time for a lynch.
The innocents thought it'd be a cinch.
They picked Swimmy1212 to die.
They believed his story was a lie.

Soon they would regret
What they would rule
For swim was no threat
But was a fool.

Upon his death he cried
"Its too late, although you tried."
The Innocents watched with disgust
For they had not been just.

Swimmy1212 the FOOL been LYNCHED. As such no lynches will happen tomorrow.
He had no will :(


Night Six begins now. You will have 24 hours to send in your nightly moves.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

As the town awoke, they looked to their king for the monthly report on what had happened in the kingdom. As knowing that his jester had died the night before, the king had quickly gone to bed, presumably because he had been both angry and sad that his favorite comedian in the kingdom had been unjustly killed.

When he wasn't awake and out of his bed by 10 o'clock that day, his servants began to worry. First, they politely knocked on his door, hoping that may wake him up kindly. After another hour of no response they decided it would be best to check on him and make sure he was okay. When they entered into his chambers, what was before them shocked everyone in the kingdom. The king had been stabbed in his sleep, and bled out! Oh the horrors!

Rmanimal the CULT KING has BLED OUT

His Will Reads:
"The innocents are claiming their 'butler' to poison me. Yeah, I bet that's who possessor is
They're going to send Edan as the next king to to secure him
Don't trust any of the leaders...
Grave also claims ajs is mercenary
Do of it what you will"


Alright, the next 24 hours are for people with noble blood to step forward. If you want to step up and you have noble blood message me in PMs. I will introduce those who have noble blood and have stepped forward in the thread. The next 24 hours after that will be held to vote the next king into power, and then we will have a normal day cycle.

If no noble blood steps forward in the 1st 24 hours, then we will have another 24 hour phase where anyone can step forward. The new king will have whatever the old king didn't use for abilities.

I hope that makes sense.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Gravebound has stepped up to become king, with a message: “Don’t vote me.”

Drahmee has stepped up to become king


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Alright the voting may begin on who you would like to be king. To vote someone into power just do the standard #vote (name)
You may swap your vote at any time, or withdraw it completely.
Should two players get a tie, there will be no king this day, and another election will be held the next day (You can vote for yourself if you want)

Gravebound (with message "Don't vote me")
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Four votes for Edan456
One vote for Drahmee
Therefore, Edan456 will be your next king. Long may he reign! I will send you a PM containing your possible moves Edan.

You may now begin your lynching.

Sorry for late update, forgot about the time.
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Aug 29, 2015
No leads? Dead silence? We have most if not all of the cult dead and we need to find Possessor.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

That day, the town had planned to gather to mourn the loss of the local jester swimmy1212, their plans were interrupted by the local crier delivering a message to the whole town that morning.
As the crier ran through the streets, and the whole town heard:
And so the race to the palace began.

First Drahmee showed up, and declared that HE would be the king. This was short lived though as then Edan456 arrived and declared that he would be running for king as well. Finally the local slowpoke Gravebound arrived, and while he did put his name in the ballot box for king, he also seemed to not care at all for who would win, but was there more for his own reasons.

When it came to the vote, the whole town seemed to rally behind Edan, completely shutting out Drahmee. As the day progressed, Edan only gained more votes, until the voting period was officially over and Edan was officially king. The town cried out in unison "Long may he reign!" and with that, Edan ascended to the throne.

Alas, the jester was still dead, and so nothing else happened that day.


Night Seven officially begins now. Make sure to send in your moves in the next 24 hours :)
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