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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
To clarify something, not everyone can just kill players. Only players with roles that state that you can kill a player can do so.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Everybody suddenly began running around in panic...
"Wtf is a 'Server Restoration Sequence'?"
"14 AND 19"
I sense a clue in bold. Perhaps important locations this move? We don't have 19 players, so maybe area #14 is an important place to be?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
piece, didn't you notice who the vote-victim was? XD

good point forgot...

spont is the 14th on the list of participants, that could be related to that as well...

Currently, we have no clues as to who is what or where. Perhaps we should try to locate people?


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
Perhaps Im completely wrong, but 14 and 19 is a very common puzzle answer in chat, so it COULD just be a joke...


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Perhaps Im completely wrong, but 14 and 19 is a very common puzzle answer in chat, so it COULD just be a joke...
That's the answer to the one of the rooms in Detention. Again, I could be wrong, but it also might be a clue if one of the locations is Detention.
(Pls don't ban me for posting the answer)
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I'm not on zero nearly as often as I used to be, so I missed that reference, heh


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Oooor it could just be a reference to the fact it pops up every day in chat (but it's clearly a secret puzzle of freak's)

Out of curiosity, does Aqueous exist as a location? :D


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'm going to go ahead and suggest the usual route for Lynching Day One:

Unless anyone screws up as bad as halex did last round, no lynch first turn. We have an almost 90% chance of killing an Innocent if we go at random. If you're agreed, just go ahead and hit the little 'Agree' rating. No need to spam the thread.

If you have a reason not to follow the usual course, it'd be best to make a post detailing why, rather than using a button.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
A little reminder that you may already send me locations that you want to move to. Also there are 16 locations in total.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
I myself am not too happy to have to match the number with the location name in all areas. It is a major hindrance at this point in the game not to know where anything is, and I personally think it might be helpful if there would be a way to anonymously submit your number and location name, which could be posted on this thread for a reference. Since it is anonymous, there is no real risk. A killer would be no better off reading this list than picking a random number and going there. I just thought it would be helpful, if anyone has any objections feel free to say them.


Nov 5, 2013
I myself am not too happy to have to match the number with the location name in all areas. It is a major hindrance at this point in the game not to know where anything is, and I personally think it might be helpful if there would be a way to anonymously submit your number and location name, which could be posted on this thread for a reference. Since it is anonymous, there is no real risk. A killer would be no better off reading this list than picking a random number and going there. I just thought it would be helpful, if anyone has any objections feel free to say them.
While I think this may be something that should be done,
I don't think we should interfere with the way freak made the game.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I myself am not too happy to have to match the number with the location name in all areas. It is a major hindrance at this point in the game not to know where anything is, and I personally think it might be helpful if there would be a way to anonymously submit your number and location name, which could be posted on this thread for a reference. Since it is anonymous, there is no real risk. A killer would be no better off reading this list than picking a random number and going there. I just thought it would be helpful, if anyone has any objections feel free to say them.
I think we should go ahead and tell everyone names and numbers for locations. We'll all be moving this turn anyways, so it should be no hindrance to anyone.

If we don't, we're seriously giving the Mafia the upper-hand. Whereas individually we can only explore one area at a time, they will be able to explore three. That means that they'll be finished much quicker. Although by making the locations public, the Mafia will also have access to them, at least we will have leveled the playing field.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
-I will not reveal any roles before or during the game, I will only do so once the person with that role has died.
(Note: To give you a general idea of which roles could be coming up, please check this site: http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Roles)

Also, it must be said that the whole point of this game is knowing. If you are aware of your surroundings and know the workings of the playing field, you will live. If you are kept in the dark, the mafia win.

One more point to consider: freakworld referenced "destroying locations", killing everyone there. We want to avoid bunching up innocents in locations to avoid them being murdered in droves. If we could figure out some system to make sure everyone visits their own location, it would be much safer.
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