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Minr Mafia Round 7: The Story Book

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Nov 18, 2013
Also those sounds of the night, lead to a "cat". Who is a cat? Blie4.
Also the very first clue: keep on working little mice. WHO would say that anymore than who's a cat? (Tom and jerry) there's certainly something with blie.

We could go for aj, spontida or blie.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I honestly think that aj is innocent. He did a rational explanation of why he was not mafia, and he offered an alternative in spon. Both spon and blie are better targets because they are both not doing anything, while aj is at least doing something. I also noticed the name of the channel was krazyKAT, which i think indicates that blie was out doing something in the night.

Im more inclined to think that blie is mafia for now
@blie4 Explain


Nov 5, 2013
I'd like to clear something up.
The "no title Zatharel" is probably because Forgot couldn't think of anything.
Aj, your title is "the DJ, Aj" but that's because your name is Ajdj.
HC's title, for example, is Hardcore HC because HC stands for hardcore.
But there is literally nothing you can say about my name because it stands for nothing, nor does it mean anything.
I made my name from adding and removing a few letters from the movie title "Zathura".

Anyway, I'm convinced that my initial theory was correct.
Everyone who was mentioned in the chapter where Electro was killed is INNOCENT.
We've seen 2/5 people mentioned in the post get killed, and they were both innocent.
To save you from searching, the people were:
-cory (Dead)
-Electro (Dead)

I'd prefer we not jump to any conclusions yet and wait what blie has to say.


Nov 2, 2013
Sorry for the delay, I never got around to completely working out the clue. After Ian's interpretation of the clue I realize that my life is in danger. As we've seen with Freak it doesn't matter what I say I am because there is no way to prove it, so I am going to try a rational appeal; The way i see it, broken beat could refer to me or Spontida. I say Spontida because his title on the first post is Sporadic, which could mean he is happily dancing to the broken beat knowing that his chaos as an antagonist is creating it.

Edit: Also if you look in chapter 4, where this clue originated from, you can see that I am mentioned as being present when the volley of arrows is launched. I believe that means that the I was attacked by the antagonists!

Furthermore, Forgot said in the original post that not all the clues are helpful. This one is probably attempting to throw us in the wrong direction.

"Every time someone is killed, a clue is left behind. This clue may or may not prove helpful."

Also while looking into this clue. I could help but notice that Zatharel doesn't have a title. That just doesn't sit right with me.
  1. No Title Zatharel
As you said yourself some hints aren't useful I think yours and Sprodiac are meant to throw people off.

I'm here but finals are next week!
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Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I have to believe that my title was based of my profile picture of the comical cat with a mustache. I do feel like the titles were mostly little jokes, like "Sir Benjy of the Mon" and "87 pieces of cheese". Also, if there are any remaining players that have seemed excessively quiet, they could be communicating in their thread, if they're antagonists. Remember, we should try not to be too hasty with our accusations, that was one mistake I recall was made in the first MM.

Also, just a thought: Keep working, little mice, was the first clue. This clearly is calling the protagonists mice. Now what do mice like? Cheese. This could be a hint that piece is on our side.


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Also "The book is good." So i guess whoever has the book is good. Just so piece can feel more secure.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Well, this has at least assured us, to some level, that piece is on our team.


Nov 18, 2013
But why, why is there so much pointing to piece only? What is so special about piece other than he is good?
Do you have superpowers?


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I think that aj's explanation of the broken beat clue makes sense for spontida more then for him. Spon is also not doing anything anyway, so we really aren't losing much if we kill him off. #VOTE SPONTIDA10
@Spontida10 defense please


Nov 18, 2013
True, we aren't losing anything. But as with freak, we don't have a lot of evidence. But with who we do?
I don't know.... I'll just keep off my vote for now.


Nov 5, 2013
Sorry guys, but I'm against this "clue" entirely.
I'm pretty sure that the titles have no relation to the game whatsoever

I do have another person in mind, but I'm going to keep that to myself for now.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I think they mean things. Thats just what I think. I asked him for a defense, and if he can convince me, then I will withdraw my vote
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