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Minr Mafia Round 7: The Story Book

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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
whoever reported dist, that was good intended, but it would have been better to let things happen. We might not have lost freak that way :(
But whats done is done, lets concentrate on getting the other mafia. Also, cory is right. We need people to be active


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Maybe we should take a closer look at the people who havent said anything yet.

I actually have another perception about the clue with the broken beat. It mentions dancing, and where do you dance? Clubs. Now, who usually runs the music at a club? Why, dj's of course. And whose a dj? Aj. Aj is a dj. Aj also hasnt said a single thing yet. So... im probably wrong, what does everyone think?


Oct 29, 2013
What if the clues aren't talking about who is an antagonist, but rather, who the protagonists are? I looked back at the previous clue and thought it might correspond to piece (a little out there, but eh) , who from my own observations doesn't appear to be an antagonist. AJ doesn't seem likely either, as he is interacting with the others during several of the killings. So maybe we are being told who is innocent.

Edit: phrased better
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Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Yeah, but we have to realize that that is a clue, and it means... something. We might just be better off waiting for the antagonists to kill someone and get another clue.. i just had to get that out there. Like i said, its probably wrong.

Also, if i die tonight, i was probably right.
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Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
Well we took a risk, it clearly didn't work out how we wanted, but one of the antagonists is dead, so I suppose that's one plus.

For those that have been quiet this entire game, I would speak up if I were you. It definitely doesn't help to be silent.
I didn't say a lot and i'm stll not planning to because I got nothing to say. If something comes that I find interesting enough i'll speak. I just said this because you would know I still watch the thread but i'm just silent.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

Pieceofcheese was anxious. The past few days had been a blur, and he still hadn't completely figured out how the book worked. He'd been busy digging ditches with the men they were meant for. How sick.
Sitting up in his sleepingbag, he once again removed a redstone torch and placed it on the tent pole beside the book. What he had said before had happened, true, but it was also quite generic.
Searching for inspiration, he listened to the quiet sounds of the night. He heard birds, the slight swaying of trees, and mobs all about his encampment. Quite peaceful when compared to what had happened recently.
Ultimately, Piece decided not to use it. There was no rush, and no rushing a tired man. He'd have to pick up Freakworld's work tomorrow, with nobody out hunting. Snuffing the redstone torch, he quickly fell asleep.

Piece wasn't the only player up at unreasonable hours. Cory had been dealing with a lot of stress. Trying to keep the menagerie of players together when among them was a killer (or killers?), kept him awake. If he was killed, who would assume leadership? Who would coordinate everything? Surely not Benjy, Spontida, or HC, none of whom seemed to be doing anything helpful. No, he had to keep alert. Keep...
"Keep what?"
Cory couldn't remember what it was he was... what was he doing? Peering around at his tent, he grew more and more confused, until he could scarcely remember who he was.
"Alas, it seems your time leading us is over," boomed a voice from outside, "we learned our lesson with Halex. Potions are helpful."
"Who...? What? Leading...?" Cory responded.
Grinning, the figure entered the tent, drawing from his back a polished diamond sword. Unfortunately, Cory couldn't tell who it was anymore, and hardly realized what was happening until the sword was covered in a ruby sheen.

Nobody entered the tent until midday. When someone finally went in, they came out and demanded the tent was to be burned. Nobody would be willing to bury those remains. Nervous glances were exchanged around the whole party. 13 players left, and killers still among them.

  • Cory has been eliminated.
  • It is now Day 3.


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Also, just notice how AJ's nickname says he's a DJ. Like it's not just, oh his name has dj in it, he IS a DJ. I'm feeling pretty confident about AJ... Again, we still have 2 days to work it out.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Well it was a good game while it lasted. I hope you all can figure it out! I wish I could say something now, but...... I can't.

Good luck, have fun, kill them antagonists!


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
Sorry for the delay, I never got around to completely working out the clue. After Ian's interpretation of the clue I realize that my life is in danger. As we've seen with Freak it doesn't matter what I say I am because there is no way to prove it, so I am going to try a rational appeal; The way i see it, broken beat could refer to me or Spontida. I say Spontida because his title on the first post is Sporadic, which could mean he is happily dancing to the broken beat knowing that his chaos as an antagonist is creating it.

Edit: Also if you look in chapter 4, where this clue originated from, you can see that I am mentioned as being present when the volley of arrows is launched. I believe that means that the I was attacked by the antagonists!

Furthermore, Forgot said in the original post that not all the clues are helpful. This one is probably attempting to throw us in the wrong direction.

"Every time someone is killed, a clue is left behind. This clue may or may not prove helpful."

Also while looking into this clue. I could help but notice that Zatharel doesn't have a title. That just doesn't sit right with me.
  1. No Title Zatharel
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