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Minr Mafia Round 7: The Story Book

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Nov 2, 2013
As many others have said titles don't mean anything. I now have suspicions for creeper because he immediately assumed many things withoht having proper evidence. Why don't you explain creeper? (Also finals start next week)

It you really care about titles why are you called "Creeper" Man? Creepers blow stuff up> kills innocents.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
For defense, I say that I pointed to distinct first (with evidence that people called dubious) and he was mafia. I also think that anyone who, when put on the hot seat, responds with accusations on the person who is looking at them has something to be worried about. I think the titles mean stuff. Otherwise, why would forgot take the time to make them up?


Nov 18, 2013
I also think that anyone who, when put on the hot seat, responds with accusations on the person who is looking at them has something to be worried about.
Erm.. Noone wants to die, everyone wants to stay alive. Obviously if the only way to safe yourself is throwing in a potential anawer to a clue.. You'd do it right?


Nov 2, 2013
For defense, I say that I pointed to distinct first (with evidence that people called dubious) and he was mafia. I also think that anyone who, when put on the hot seat, responds with accusations on the person who is looking at them has something to be worried about. I think the titles mean stuff. Otherwise, why would forgot take the time to make them up?
You still didn't to respond why your title is "Creeper" Man . Does it mean you're an antonoginst because my poetential clue scared you? Also keep note there is no TNT on the name, this can be a great clue. Maybe creeper may use a TNT during a round?


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

The players were really in quite the state of disarray. So many deaths, and so quickly. First Forgot and Chad, and now their leader Cory. Creep knew that if their group was to be salvaged, he would have to do something right that instant.
So he called a meeting.

Everyone sat down around the firebowl. As the sun began to set, ricky got to work lighting a fire for the group. Although they were all distraught, there would be no need to freeze. Quickly getting a small flame, he threw on a few logs and sat back down. In a few moments, the fire was blazing.
Creep stood up and walked a little closer to the fire. Warming his hands, he looked around at the others, some of whom were chilled from being further away from the fire. Before Creep could get to his speech, he noticed a player was missing.
Quickly double-counting all present, he noticed Spontida had disappeared.
"Has anyone seen Spontida?"
Players glanced at each other and murmured, but no-one spoke up.
Pointing to Zath and HC, he motioned for the others to come with him.
"Let's go see if we can't find him."
When they got to Spontida's tent, they noticed that his stuff was in disarray. Clothes had been strewn all across the ground. A closer inspection of the campsite proved that he was nowhere to be found. They would have to wait until it got lighter and warmer the next day if they were to find him.

Spontida was in a bit of heat. In truth, he hadn't ditched or anything of the sort. Walking to the firebowl, he had made a false steo and tumbled the whole way down the hill. In the process, he had broken his ankle and a number of other bones. He had tried to call for help once or twice, but whenever he did, the pain in his chest grew so intense that he nearly blacked out.
Rather unfortunately, he had neglected to bring apples, a blanket, or any form of medicine, so he was out in the cold, surrounded by mobs, unable to move, with no chance to defend himself. His survival odds were slight at best.
Moving his head to the side with some effort, he noticed that to his immediate right was a cliff.
'At the very least,' he thought, 'I didn't fall off that.'
Turning his head back to the right, Spontida's momentary grimace faded entirely.
'Oh joy...'
What remained of Spontida after the mob found him was hard to say. His bones were cold, and bits of flesh still remained on him. Perhaps the others might at least be able to bury the body...

  • Spontida10 has been mauled by Zombies. Clumsy clumsy...
  • It is now Night 4.


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Well not necessarily though. i think aj's guess about spon was a bit farfetched. In fact, this tells me something else. It tells me that aj could STILL be an antagonist. Since he started the suspicion about spon, and spon wasnt an antagonist, aj could have been misleading us, and got what he wanted.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

The players had all gone to sleep. For most of them, even the anxiety and adrenaline were beginning to wear down, and many of them were beginning to crash, right when they had to work the hardest. A few of them, such as Piece and HC, had never needed to crash though. They were sleeping like babies, and ready to do any of the work thrown at them.
So HC decided to split wood. With Freak gone, they didn't have much of the strength they needed for laboring, and if someone wasn't chopping wood, they were bound to get cold in a hurry.
Between chops, HC listened to the sounds of the night. Shuffling, a hoot every now and again. Rather peaceful really.
In-between a chop, HC heard what sounded like a shuffle in the distance. As soon as he stopped to listen, he could no longer hear it though. So he chopped again. Yet again, for just a moment, he heard a shuffle.
Lifting the splitting maul up once more above his head, HC suddenly turned around. With a yell, he swung the axe as hard as he could into the person who had attempted to sneak up on him.

Piece lay stunned on the ground for only a moment before getting up. The axe had bounced directly off his skin, without any physical harm coming to him. HC stood in front of him, eyes practically bugging out of his head. Piece smiled. Surely he didn't think that the axe was going to do anything?
He got up and walked back to his tent, leaving a baffled HC with much work to do.

HC was thoroughly baffled. He began replaying what had just happened in his mind. It made no sense to him whatsoever. He shook his head and started moving towards where the maul had bounced to.
Practically on all fours, he moved his hands through the dirt in the dark and cold, trying to find his axe. He had plenty of work to do before the sun came up.
After a number of minutes searching, he stood up. He had no clue where the axe had been flung. Perhaps it had run out of endurance bars?
He turned around and saw his axe...
"Hello HC," said the Antagonist, "how nice of you to do such work for us. We'll certainly need this to keep warm."
HC, stuttering, backed up, "H-how? Why?"
"It's simple really. After people started dying, I realized I hated the rest of you," The Antagonist said, getting up and moving towards HC.
HC began to turn, hoping to flee his pursuer, but it was of no use. HC felt the maul enter his back, and immediately knew he was done.

  • HC has been 'mauled'.
  • It is now Day 3.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Bstrey has been killed for talking outside the thread. Didn't see it until after the update sadly, but regardless, she is now considered dead.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
  1. Sir Benjy of the Mon
  2. The Cat, Blie
  3. The DJ, AJ
  4. No Title Zatharel
  5. Henni: Boy Wonder
  6. Ricky: Boy Not-so Wonder
  7. "Creeper" Man
  8. Just Kidding Kelly
  9. Ian and Anth
  10. 87 Pieces of Cheese
This is who we have left. People in dark blue are people who have featured prominently in a story, and people in light blue are people who have been mentioned in a story


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
lol :p

However, I'm not trying to say that people who haven't been mentioned are mafia. We know for a fact that Jkjk is innocent, because Dist tried to shift blame onto him when he was being targeted


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
No, im just sad i havent been mentioned :(

Anyway, we have 10 left, 1 antagonist down. But the question still remains, how many antagonists ARE there?!


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013

No seriously, I don't know.


Nov 5, 2013
I have a huge issue with jk, regardless of him being mafia or not.
Jk, the only thing you've been doing all game is fillering. You haven't said anything that could be of use.
All you've been doing is putting random trolly replies.
I'm sorry, but I don't agree with the whole thing about Distinct trying to blame jk and that proving jk innocent. That's actually one of the most common strategies used in mafia games - blaming your partner so others assume you are innocent.

Unless @Jkjkelly1 can say something useful for once, my next post will be a vote no questions asked.
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