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Minr Mafia Round 7: The Story Book

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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Sorry for the late post, had to confront my teacher after-school about some things he decided to say to me during class in front of everyone. Update will be out very shortly.

EDIT: Good news, everyone confirmed their role within 24 hours! Looks like this will be quite an active game.
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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

Freakworld opened his eyes. He had never really fallen asleep. Glancing around his Adirondack tent, he rubbed his forehead. He had hoped that maybe the ale would have calmed his nerves and let him forget a little about what happened, but alas, all it left him with was a headache. Sitting up in his sleeping-bag, he poured himself a small drink to get rid of the feeling. For the next few minutes, he stared at a tent cover, face devoid of any emotion. Then he got up.
No matter how bad the circumstances were, he had always been a top-contributor on the server. He was always hard working. He decided to go and hunt fish before the others woke up. They'd see that no matter how bad the situations were, Freak and the others would always pull their load. Treading lightly, sure not to wake any of the others, he right-clicked his chest and grabbed a pole, some iron armor, and a gold sword.
Walking out of the tent, he quickly put his armor on, and walked down the small hill their encampment was on, towards the water. Freakworld usually like the early morning, but right now, he felt as though he were being pursued. Hunted by eyes behind him. He was quite eager to get out of the forest between him and the camp. In his haste, he nearly managed to awaken a horde of zombies nearby. Cursing silently, he emerged from the growth, and immediately turned back.
Nobody was there. His nerves had gotten the better of him. Getting to work, he sat down on a mound of stone that was near the water, yet out of the way of the spray. He placed his line in the water, hunting fish, and then sat quietly, content to listen to the sounds of an awakening biome.

Piece also had trouble sleeping, but it wasn't for the reason many of the others might have guessed. He had chosen to put his tent on the hill, a slight ways away from the rest of the camp. If anyone looked, they might have guessed that he simply hoped for a slope so water wouldn't pool underneath his tent. In reality, it was because of the book. Piece was curious.
Quickly hitting 'e', he removed from his inventory both the Storybook and a redstone torch. Placing the latter on a pole holding up the tent, he opened the book. Although the light was dim, he managed to read the rules again. Flipping pages, he saw that only a few were filled, and most of the text was covered in red smears from... earlier. Opening the book to a new page, he quickly wrote a few lines in the book. Outside, in the dark, between the sound of the night, Piece heard two words: "HELP, PLEASE!!!!"

Halex wasn't having a nice morning. Between the mob eggs that had been thrown in his tent, to being hunted by some figure towards the campfire, it was downright horrible.
Reaching the cleared circle, he noticed that a cobblestone wall had been built on the opposite half of the clearing. His only options were down towards the water or up the impassable mountain.
Just that moment, he saw Freakworld running up the hill from where he had been catching fish. Having previously equipped his armor, it looked like Halex might have some hope. Perhaps his pursuer wouldn't get to him in time! Running towards Freakworld, adrenaline pumping, he grabbed a stick off the ground to help defend himself.
But then Halex started thinking: Why would Freakworld be out in his armor so late at night? What could he be doing... unless!
Halex began backing up. Turning back towards the mountain and the camp, he saw Pieceofcheese come running towards him. He was trapped! He had to pick one of them! He froze in panic.
And that was all the Antagonist needed. Grabbing Halex, who was grunting, trying to scream, he quickly took the rope out of his inventory, simultaneously throwing a sword at Piece, the closer of the two.

The others arrived only to find Piecofcheese and Freakworld at each others throats, a sword on the ground.. Ricky and henni pulled the two away from each other, each claiming the other had killed 'him'. As cory approached, about to ask what had happened, he noticed what was in the tree above them: Halex.
Scrawled on the tree he was attached to was yet another message:


And then the sun came up.
  • It is now Day One.
  • Everyone has confirmed their roles. This will be a very active game!
  • Good Luck!
  • Sorry this one's so long. The next ones will be shorter, I promise.
  • Halex the Betrayer Judoge is now dead.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Okay as the usual strategy goes lets not all start to accuse one another. Also like usual we should probably vote nobody off round 1.
Anyone with objections?

Also @TheForgottenUser nice story


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I smell meta…
also, that note could be important. Given that we are in a story book, and that the mice thing could be a reference to the 3 BLIND MICE, we could infer that there are 3 antagonists. (feel free to discuss this, just putting ideas out there)


Nov 2, 2013
Day one. We must
I smell meta…
also, that note could be important. Given that we are in a story book, and that the mice thing could be a reference to the 3 BLIND MICE, we could infer that there are 3 antagonists. (feel free to discuss this, just putting ideas out there)
It does doesn't it.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
Let's not forget the message from the beginning.

It could have a meaning, It could not.
I agree that we should just discuss things today.
Accusing people right off the bat has never proven to be useful, and I don't see it being useful now.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I'm not mafia, halex, but let me just say that you completely deserved that.
So I now have to blame ricky?:confused:
I think you misread it, I interpreted it as meaning piece and freak were blaming each other, especially since they were at each other's throats and they both saw halex die.
And piece, I honestly don't think that's a clue. Forgot only said that clues would be left when players died.


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
He also kind of outright said there were no hints in that first thing. Although i do find it odd certain letters are in red. HMMMMM


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
He also kind of outright said there were no hints in that first thing. Although i do find it odd certain letters are in red. HMMMMM
I think it's probably red from blood dripping onto the note. My thought is that the clues are in the story, not the notes. According to the story, it was supposedly freak or piece who killed halex, though it could be more complicated than that. Like in Gaiden, we don't know everything about this round...
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