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Minr Mafia Round 7: The Story Book

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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I think it's probably red from blood dripping onto the note. My thought is that the clues are in the story, not the notes. According to the story, it was supposedly freak or piece who killed halex, though it could be more complicated than that. Like in Gaiden, we don't know everything about this round...
The antagonist killed halex, and threw the sword at piece, who was closer then freak. That could mean that neither piece and ricky are the antagonist


Nov 5, 2013
I call meta on the antagonist's kill.

I'm pretty sure that we have 2 options for today:
1) No lynch d1 + figure out clue - seems like the safest thing we could do.
2) Figure out clue, if any evidence, we lynch.

Now, I'm 99,99% sure there IS a clue in this Chapter.
We just need to figure out what it is.

What if each antagonist message contains a clue?
I tried the red letters from the first message, there aren't any words that you can make with those letters (without removing a few)

Also, we should pay attention to what was said - that piece was closer to halex than freak was and that a sword was thrown at piece.


Oct 26, 2013
Maybe the fact that halex was put in a tree when he was killed could be important. It seems kind of strange that the Antagonists would take the time to put him in a tree.


Nov 18, 2013
I'm pretty sure that we have 2 options for today:
1) No lynch d1 + figure out clue - seems like the safest thing we could do.
2) Figure out clue, if any evidence, we lynch.

Now, I'm 99,99% sure there IS a clue in this Chapter.
We just need to figure out what it is.
I think we should go for 1? Because creeper came up with quite a good answer to the clue in this chapter. If you didn't read it yet...
"Keep on working, little mice" - The Antagonists

Also note what Forgot said in his main post:
  • Every time someone is killed, a clue is left behind. This clue may or may not prove helpful.
Which may lead to a useless clue? Anyways in the case Creeper was right, there are 3 mafia's.
Which means if we lynch someone we have a 18% chance of succesfully killing a mafia, but a 82% chance of killing a protagonist.
The problem is: Will we risk it?

If Creeper isn't right and there's only one mafia (which is highly doubted by me) there's a 1/17th chance of us killing him/her...

Also note how Forgot didn't post a role of halex, so we don't know what he could've brought us.


Nov 5, 2013
Maybe the fact that halex was put in a tree when he was killed could be important. It seems kind of strange that the Antagonists would take the time to put him in a tree.

so a tree, mice, and piece getting a sword thrown at him...
I call for a no lynch and we just try to figure this out.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
what electro said for the red drippings, that's what it is. I've already tried to find some logical clue out of it.

Also i don't think that piece or electro is the mafia based off of what he said but i think piece might be the anti hero with him having the book and all
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Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Well, he did say the clue may or may not be helpful, but I still think the mice thing has some sort of meaning.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Why am I not surprised that halex gave a bad rating to my first daytime post?
Never mind about piece and freak being possible murderers of halex, I forgot about the part that said the Antagonist threw a sword at piece because he was the closer of the two (though if the antihero is alive, they're not definitely protagonists).
@Ricky The chances of lynching an enemy are higher than that if the antihero is alive (not halex), but I'm still against day 1 lynching. No-lynching can give us more days to scumhunt and possibly prevent killing an important player.


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Maybe he threw the sword at piece to get rid of the evidence... Maybe he tried to frame piece. I don't know.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
@Freakworld I doubt it.
Forgot wouldn't do that, because that would be unfair to the people who he uses. However, I don't know what to think of it, because he also wouldn't use that to clear either of you of suspicion


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
I never learned how to do that either

corygolfanatic said:
Also, I'm just testing how to quote people,
Edit, thank you cory, now I can write what I was going to say =P

Edit 2: I can't find the original post about someone mentioning the red letters in the start of the post, but they read as followed: gaesbunhean

Unscrambling that leads to the city Bausenhagen in germany.
Zero's server used to be in Germany.
Zero is a Minecraft server

We are in Minecraft in a parallel Zero where the server forgot to get upgraded, trapped in a book that I_F0rgot wrote when got green in just under a week, and anyone that asked got op. Mystery solved.

(In all seriousness, I agree with the notion of not hanging anyone on the first day.)
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Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Ajdj said:
I never learned how to do that either
When you're doing the first part of the (QUOTE), instead of leaving it as that, do (QUOTE=(player))

Instead of the parentheses, do brackets.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Not sure whether to like AJ's post or mark it as funny because of 'I_F0rgot wrote when got green in just under a week'


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Anyway, getting back on topic.

To Ben, the reason that Halex was put into a tree was because, as said in the Prolude, if all protagonists/antagonists are HUNG then you may leave, meaning that they most likely hung him in a tree.

Also, I am all for not lynching on Day 1.

As for the clue, "Keep on working, little mice", I like the idea of the 3 blind mice, but there are one or two things that I see along with that.
  • The first part of the clue saying "Keep on working" could be referring to the protagonists being the ones to either control the story (A bit out there) or that we are the ones "doing the work"
  • The little mice makes sense to be the 3 blind mice. Again, this may be a little out there, but there are also laboratory mice, which are manipulated and changed to do certain things for us humans.
I am probably way out there, but you guys can use this information for whatever purpose.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
Well, us protagonists do most of the work. Every time we fail in a lynching, we make the job of the antagonists a little bit easier. We really need to be careful, and watch for people who bandwagon repeatedly at the end of the vote
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