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Minr Mafia VIII: Biomes

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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
The slaughter continued. The players knew who one of creeper's minions were, and they spared no mercy for him. They threw him in a pit of spikes and left him there to rot. They felt nothing as they heard his screams. They just turned and walked away. Finally he died, and the players were struck by the peace of the area when they weren't killing people. They really wanted to end the slaughter so that they could return zero to its working state.

  • Electro, the MAFIA Rouge Soldier, is now dead
  • It is now NIGHT 4
  • The square 16 mountain is really shaking. It's kinda scary. Those square around it are shaking slightly too
  • Updates shortly


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
Dist tried to run. He knew he was close to safety. He could almost see the sun. He was running, hoping to survive the night. And then his hunger bar ran out. He saw that and tried to eat the fish he had. But before he could run again, the mafia decapitated him. Seconds later, the sun came up.

  • It is now DAWN OF DAY 5
  • Dist, the INNOCENT Scientist, is dead
  • Updates shortly


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
There are two people I know nothing about, but I'm betting the mafia is among them.

#vote IanAnth


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Whoa whoa whoa guys, don't you think killing without evidence is at least a LITTLE unfair?

Heres why ive been so silent: MM7 was my first mafia game. That one was very different than what they regularly are (as ive been told.) Coming into this one, I was like "oh yeah im so good at solving clues im so pumped!" Then I was informed that 7 was drastically different. I've never been too good at the whole "confrontation and questioning" kind of thing, so I was naturally caught off guard. Plus, youve got the leaders (like yeroc and sren) who kind of take control, and put people like me in a bad position, because you guys are doing all of the "heavy lifting" so to speak. Everyone is going to bandwagon along with you guys, so whats the point of even putting in your opinions? That's just how I see it.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
"Everyone is going to bandwagon along with you guys, so whats the point of even putting in your opinions? That's just how I see it."

Well yeah, that's the plan.

I've talked to enough people to figure out others' roles, and I'm assuming all of them I know are innocent for the moment (for various reasons, don't make me go through them all). So the odds are that one of the two people I know absolutely nothing about are mafia. And honestly, a 50/50 shot on a mafia is a risk I'll gladly take; my teammates and I always have next round should we be wrong.

As I've gotten my information from a huge network formed on trust, and your info is from a defensive and ally-less state, I value the other info over yours. Yes, the bandwagon has helped this round, but you know what, I've identified most of the mafia by my own methods and helped lead the lynch in three out of four successful days. They have good reason to "bandwagon" even though there has been very clear evidence. Because people could trust my actions, I've gotten others' opinions in private, in a position of openness and trust. You come forward now only because you're being attacked. You shared nothing, and thus you're a target in my eyes.

I don't care why you were silent. Just realize that it did you no good this round.


Nov 5, 2013
I have a good guess to who that other one of two people is =p
Eh, at this point I'm not even going to bother trying to think this through more then once.
#Vote Ian


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
And so the game ends. Ian, hoping to avoid notice, remained silent the whole game. However, the innocent's rage knew no bounds, and they found him. He tried to defend himself, but no one would listen to him. As the sword stabbed him, he laughed and said, "You will not escape!" Death came right after, as his head disconnected from his body. As the players rejoiced, their joy was shattered when…

The mountain, shaking over a period of days, blew open. Lava flowed and destroyed all the surrounding squares. Some players, even as the final mafia died, were unable to make it too the end.


  • freak, the INNOCENT Mod, died in the explosion
  • grave, an INNOCENT, died in the explosion
  • zath, an INNOCENT, died in the explosion
  • Ian, the final MAFIA, is dead
  • the following players are the victors: spon, coolgolfer, jkjk, yeroc, cory, lord, and red. Congratz


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Hey, at least I tried to salvage the god awful situation I was put in!!!!&#&3&3&3&!444!!3 well i mean i didnt really do that good of a JOB, but you know

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