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Minr Mafia VIII: Biomes

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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Now, if it had been yeroc instead of electro, he would have found a way to salvage the situation instead of flat out confirming piece's statement.
The reason I did that was because I wanted to send out a message that all rule breaking does is tick people off and turn a fun round into a hellhole. Maybe next time that someone wants to do it they'll reconsider. Also, I was probably on my deathbed even if I denied it, especially after distinct said that piece was telling the truth.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
If there is any innocent that has a role in which they can protect another player, I ask to be the recipient. I'd like to win as an innocent for once, as I've only ever survived and won as a mafia before :) I don't need to know who you are, but please help me out.

Also, if there are any surviving innocent killers, I think we know our third mafia member. Better to use the power now instead of later.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Because of piece's action, I'd be tempted to give electro a stay of execution. However, that sort of mercy probably wouldn't be looked on favorably.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
He broke rules 3,6,7, 10, and was also a monumental **** to his teammates. That's screwed up, even if it is just a game.

I'm debating kicking you to the bottom of the hosting list as punishment.
@ElectroUnderwear Do you have a preference either way?


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
I_F, I suggest not punishing him outside the game. I think this round has been shit enough for him, especially since his mistake with blie forced him into a bad situation from the get-go. I'd like to think we left round six in round six, let's do the same for round eight.

Though it does suck that there was a member willingly taking down his team under the premise of "getting tired of this". I actually believed electro's story well enough, so props for doing the hard work for me.

And bringing up Freak's post about "almost as good as the ending of gaiden @halex":
Halex had a good reason that he betrayed the innocents. The round wasn't over when we were found out. This is a bit different though, since there was seemingly no good reason to take out a well-off teammate.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Not necessarily, if there's more than 3 mafia, then there'll still be one left that we need to lynch.


Nov 5, 2013
If there is, I'd like to see the odds of them winning. What is it, like 16 to 1 or something?


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
The chances are obviously slim, but if we can't find the mafia and lynch a bunch of innocents, then it'll be more like 8 to 1.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
He broke rules 3,6,7, 10, and was also a monumental **** to his teammates. That's screwed up, even if it is just a game.

I'm debating kicking you to the bottom of the hosting list as punishment.
@ElectroUnderwear Do you have a preference either way?
I think a punishment like that is too harsh, seeing as how he would (based off the length from round one to round eight) have to wait for about eight months longer than he signed up for. I don't like what he did, but he doesn't deserve a punishment like that.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
May i remind you of last game where not only was ricky never suspected but he managed to pin the blame on kelly.

There is still a fair chance that mafia could win. That being said, we also have forgot and yeroc this time who are pretty much the best we have at mafia so take that with a grain of salt


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I'd also like to add that piece apologized to me in-game. I actually do think I'm going to play rounds 9 and 10, I was just speaking out of anger at the time.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I_F thought he understood the mafia. He knew their game, he knew what was up. So imagine his surprise when he saw the edge of that wonderful sharpened stick come sliding out of his stomach. He turned and watched as the mafia player laughed. And laughed. And laughed. I_F's final thought was "who would ever be so strange to laugh at death?" Sren, on the other hand, played the game different. He voted for the mafia to not be executed. He didn't think it was "fair". So imagine HIS surprise when he saw a diamond sword swing from the trees and almost chop off his head. He ducked it, and then walked foreword to his chest. Which then opened a piston door under him and dumped him into lava. Such a shame.

  • I_F, an INNOCENT, is dead
  • srentiln, the INNOCENT parkourist, is also dead
  • it is now DAWN OF DAY 4
  • updates will be sent shortly


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
All the innocents left, quote your pm's from creeper in this thread, we should be able to get the mafia from this:
Mine is this:

You are the INNOCENT Scientist. Every other day, you can create either a Speedpotion, which allows someone to move anywhere, a Poison potion, which does 1 heart of damage to someone, or a Fire Resistance potion, which blocks fire damage for 1 turn. However, you can't use any of these potions on yourself. You give away the fire resistance and the speed, and you throw the poison potion. Good Luck and Happy Hunting.
#vote electro


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Meh, i wouldn't be surprised if my death was an attack by an innocent thinking my taking pitty on electro was a sign i was mafia.
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