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Minr Mafia VIII: Biomes

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The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
I have my reasons to believe that Piece is mafia right now.

So no random bandwagoning for me this time! yay

#Vote Piece


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I may be reading it too literally, but if it were an attack redirect why wouldn't it have been hinted at in some way?
I'm not too sure about that either. Maybe if it's an alternative to the mafia kill, like I guessed before, creeper would want it to be written in the same way? Just another theory.
Forgot, I can't really blame you for not believing me. If it was another player in my position telling the same story, I don't think I would have believed them myself. In fact, the main goal of my defense was to get a mafia player lynched by lessening the suspicion on me and shifting it to piece, since I believed that either way I would get lynched eventually.
(hopes that piece really is mafia)


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
All the storys involving electro are far fetched. If he his mafia then it strange that only one was pointed out. If he isn't mafia then its strange that his attack was "intercepted" by yeroc. Either way the story is a bit far fetched, but being as i don't know 100% that electro is mafia and we do know that piece is mafia.

#Vote Pieceofcheese

I would like to point out though that electro being mafia who is just the sacrifical lamb makes more sense then the interecpting story to me, so electro you should come up with a way to prove your innocence to the rest of us. For instance you could quote your pm from creeper, just don't actually screenshot it.

Edit: Changed some spelling

Edit 2: If you really were trying to get rid of a mafia why would your target yeroc? Why not piece or someone like that, since you have more proof of them being mafia?
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, if piece is telling the truth on this then I say the mafia successfully killed the round by basically killing each other...


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Pretty much, unless the 1 remaining mafia (I'm assuming that there were 4 as was suggested earlier) feels confident


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
i was in a skype call with piece and electro threw him under the bus so piece sold electro out... piece is definently mafia and so is electro


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
inb4 we can't find the final member and we somehow lose

Piece, if that's true, you not only broke the rules (twice now), but were also a monumental dick to Electro.

2(Rules Broken)*8(Round 8) =

-16 Brownie Points.
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Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Creeper is unable to update the game at the moment because his internet went down. Not sure when he'll be able to update, but just thought I'd let you all know.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I even explained to piece why I turned on him. The reason was because I figured both of us were going to get lynched even if we kept coming up with defenses, so I thought that if one of us got lynched and we had appeared to be enemies, the innocents might reconsider the other player's alignment. Looks like the plan backfired on me.
I just want to let you all know that I won't be playing the next couple of rounds. I'm sick of the fact that people have to keep ruining the game by backstabbing their own teammates, and I don't want to cope with it anymore. Cya in round 11 \o/
Apr 16, 2014
I even explained to piece why I turned on him. The reason was because I figured both of us were going to get lynched even if we kept coming up with defenses, so I thought that if one of us got lynched and we had appeared to be enemies, the innocents might reconsider the other player's alignment. Looks like the plan backfired on me.
I just want to let you all know that I won't be playing the next couple of rounds. I'm sick of the fact that people have to keep ruining the game by backstabbing their own teammates, and I don't want to cope with it anymore. Cya in round 11 \o/
well... you backstabbed him aswell...


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
The difference, lord, is that electro tried to give his team a chance by trying to make piece, whom we already were targeting, look like the more suspicious player. Piece just flat out hurt his team by outing electro and himself. Now, if it had been yeroc instead of electro, he would have found a way to salvage the situation instead of flat out confirming piece's statement.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
The players met, and immediately attacked electro. Electro explained events to them, however, and they all turned on piece. I don't really have anything more to say about this, other then piece's blood still hasn't been cleaned up. I think his bones are still in that fire too. The sun went down, along with the morale of everyone.

  • It is now NIGHT 3
  • pieceofcheese, a MAFIA, is now dead
  • square 16 is experiencing small tremors
  • I'm so sorry that I didn't update on time. As bstrey and cory can tell you, my internet went out around 10 EST 2 days ago and Its only just been fixed
  • Updates will be sent shortly
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