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Minr Mafia VIII: Biomes

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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'm somewhat in the same situation as Zath. I have time to play/vote and stuff, but I probably won't be able to do this at 100% for the next 2-3 days due to finals.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Same as zath and forgot. However, even when school gets out I'll be less active on the weekdays due to summer camp.
Apr 16, 2014
Same. I have a HUGE project that will effect my grade by a lot that I have to finish. I prob will be on and off for today(tues) and wed-thurs


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
The players were done. They knew who they wanted dead, and they killed him. No defense would have stopped them, no unexpected twists would stop them, they just wanted rickyboy dead. They all took turns stabbing him, and then they left his body for the mobs. But as they walked away from his body, they saw a strange light appear in square 5. It was identical to the light appearing in square 2. Another portal had appeared.

  • rickyboy, the MAFIA Big Brother, is now dead
  • another portal has appeared on square 5
  • it is now NIGHT 2
  • Updates will be sent shortly


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Piece now is your time to prove to us that you aren't mafia. Post a screenshot of your pm with ricky so we know you really were just trying to get him to die


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Dis, ricky said the pm was a lie, so a screenshot of it isn't possible (unless he was lying about the lie...). Looking at the facts thus far:

  1. yeroc decided to get blie killed in order to determine if his story was true or not.
  2. blie was innocent, so "we" assumed that his story was the truth and ricky was the chosen target.
  3. ricky has now been shown to have been mafia, giving substantially more evidence to the idea that piece is as well based upon the info that we have been told.
  4. ricky claims he lied about the pm with piece since he doesn't talk and figured he could get away with it
  5. piece claims that he was a part of a scheme to get ricky killed off
My personal thoughts on this:

  • I was previously concerned with the possibility of a strong mafia member sacrificing a weak one to throw us off
  • while we (or maybe I just missed something that tells us) don't know what the role names are or which have powers and what they are, the "big brother" role does have a tone of importance to it.
  • There more than likely is a large concentration of players in a single spot due to strategical advantage.
  • Since blie is dead, he cannot confirm or deny piece's statement.
  • blie did not mention such a plan to other players, but that could have been a precautionary measure
  • The only roles we know for sure are our own and those of the people who are already dead

Now, from the information at hand, I strongly believe that yeroc is innocent:
  1. his actions directly resulted in the removal of a mafia
  2. that mafia's role sounds like it has some significance to it instead of being just a minion
  3. *-insert joke about the randomization algorithm-*
I also have enough information from the actions done so far to agree that piece has a very high probability of being a second mafia.

Current participant list (red - dead, green - possibly innocent, white - I have no clue):
1. Henni
2. Spon
3. Coolgolfer
4. Blie
5. Jk
6. Distinct
7. Yeroc
8. Ian
9. Freak
10. Bstrey
11. Ricky

12. Grave
13. Sren - I know I am innocent, but I have no way to provide evidence that could confirm it to anyone else
14. Cory
15. Forgot
16. Lord
17. Electro
18. Zath
19. piece
20. red


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Sren, Ricky's role was being able to tell others' roles. I thought I had mentioned this somewhere previously in the thread, but that was the reason most of us went after Ricky rather than Piece first. Blie had said this before he died.

EDIT: Also, would you mind explaining the third bullet? I'm not quite sure how you arrived at that conclusion.

EDIT 2: Sren, I don't think that would make sense. If Piece and Blie had been working together as he suggests, Blie wouldn't have mentioned that Piece and Ricky were related in any way. Assuming that Blie trusted Piece, he would have known that saying something like this would be extremely counter-productive. He would have known that this would frame Piece if we killed Ricky.And if Piece WAS innocent, and we killed him first, it would make it seem like Ricky might have been innocent.

Therefore, that doesn't make logical sense. I'd still like to vote for Piece tomorrow.
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Sren, Ricky's role was being able to tell others' roles. I thought I had mentioned this somewhere previously in the thread, but that was the reason most of us went after Ricky rather than Piece first. Blie had said this before he died.
Unless Ricky or creeper were to say it after ricky's death, I can't say 100% that it was the truth. The only thing I know for sure is that he was mafia.

EDIT: Also, would you mind explaining the third bullet? I'm not quite sure how you arrived at that conclusion.
Through simple reasoning. There are two spots of high ground from which a large portion of the map can be viewed. Therefore, it would be rather advantageous to move to this high ground in order to keep an eye on movement. For innocents, it might give some insight as to the mafia member. For mafia, it could help them track potential targets.

EDIT 2: Sren, I don't think that would make sense. If Piece and Blie had been working together as he suggests, Blie wouldn't have mentioned that Piece and Ricky were related in any way. Assuming that Blie trusted Piece, he would have known that saying something like this would be extremely counter-productive. He would have known that this would frame Piece if we killed Ricky.And if Piece WAS innocent, and we killed him first, it would make it seem like Ricky might have been innocent.

Therefore, that doesn't make logical sense. I'd still like to vote for Piece tomorrow.
My thought is to just look at multiple possibilities. You must eliminate the impossible before you can know the truth. I had thought of the possibility in which piece was actually a powerless innocent who had schemed to not only remove a mafia, but cause others to play their hand by forcing them to show a difference in reaction towards a mafia being eliminated and an innocent being eliminated. The idea being that the mafia members might be more active in one case rather than the other. A simple case of the soldier diving on a grenade in an attempt to save others.

Once again, I am simply sharing my thoughts in the hopes that it might help to spark more ideas that could lead to better results.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
1. Henni
2. Spon
3. Coolgolfer
4. Blie
5. Jk
6. Distinct
7. Yeroc
8. Ian
9. Freak
10. Bstrey
11. Ricky

12. Grave
13. Sren - I know I am innocent, but I have no way to provide evidence that could confirm it to anyone else
14. Cory
15. Forgot
16. Lord
17. Electro
18. Zath
19. piece
20. red
You must eliminate the impossible before you can know the truth.
Based off that logic the only 4 on this list that are 100% guaranteed to be who you say are Bstrey, Henni, Blie, and Ricky. Yeroc could still be mafia and while you acknowledge yourself and say you have to way to prove you are innocent, you still should not have put yourself as a green. No i am not accusing you i am just saying what i see :p and don't just nit pick all of this post like you did in previous games.
EDIT: Mafia is a game of guessing, the goal is to just make the most educated guess


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
see dis, this is the main reason why you and i just won't ever get along. Instead of taking my posts for what they are (my thoughts and reasoning), you accuse me of nit-picking while showing no sign of any true reasoning in your own posts, only agreement with what other people are saying. Games like mafia are not meant to be played by blind guessing, they are meant to be played by looking at the evidence and working out the truth.

Also, since you and forgot jumped all over my back about mentioning anything from prior rounds, I would appreciate it if you didn't do so now.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
I honestly think everyone is quickly just pointing at me because i'm an easy target, and it's not hard to convince the innocents to vote me out.
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