?Well, its pretty obvious now. because if nothing suspicious was happening, he would not mind at all.
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?Well, its pretty obvious now. because if nothing suspicious was happening, he would not mind at all.
Well, Forgot asked him if he could have added some people to the convo in pm. But, since he did not, every one got suspicious of him and voted him.Here's my interpretation of the thoughts behind ricky's choice to remain silent:
1) if mafia: saying anything more won't help in any way
2) if not mafia: saying anything will just be seen as an attempt to convince not mafia when mafia.
So, his silence only proves that he knows nothing he says will help his case with how strongly the majority of the players feel.
Piece.. You played well.
If I'm correct you went into some conspiracy with blie, and trying to get rid of me straight away. It only went wrong because of yeroc and grave having a different plan..? Blie also made a smart move changing the truth around. WP
Whatever, I'm now dead.
Literally all you have to do is screenshot the message you were in with piece. should be easy enoughIf they have proof, they could always post a screenshot too Sren. I don't understand why you're on the border.
did not work : Phover the cursor over the area underneath the reply button and "karma options" will appear
the way it took you a while to respond, and how ricky is kind of giving up now makes me suspicious about you 2... but ricky is gone any way I guess, so im keeping an eye out for you..I'm really bad at finding things to say. You know how I play this game, just like last round. quiet.
I would really like to help but I don't know what to say most of the times. I never have any ideas/suggestions.
But what I can say right now is that I helped fool ricky into getting his role revealed. I hope you guys can believe me.