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Minr Mafia VIII: Biomes

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Nov 2, 2013
@yeroc424 ??

Blie was innocent which means his suspicions might be right. Therfore, piece and rick might actually be minions. (A.K.A. mafia)


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Holy shit guys, give me some time to type it up XD

Right after the game started, Grave and I teamed up. We both trust each other relatively well. As we were discussing our roles and such, blie came freaking out to both of us with relatively big news (if it' true): that he knows who two mafia members are already. However, his way of explaining the story to each of us varied in small ways.

The claim goes that blie was in a voice chat with piece and ricky, as they were discussing something else. Supposedly piece was screen sharing a project of his. When blie said he had to brb, piece then started talking to ricky about mafia and changed his screen briefly to his role. Blie had caught part of this, and confirmed both others as mafia. However, this is where we thought he was lying. The first time he told me, he said he then "spoke up like an idiot" and that's how he was caught. The second time he tried clearing things up, he said that he must've been "breathing heavily into his mic" and that's how they knew he was listening. This, and Grave knows ricky doesn't voice chat. If ricky would've typed something to piece, blie would've seen it as long as he didn't hit "Leave Conversation". Clearly he hadn't. So blie explained to us that he was SURELY going to die the first day... just to come back an hour or two later and tell us nope, he was going to live after all! It was the combination of these inconsistencies that helped us make our choice.

Using this info, Grave and I came up with a little sacrifice, one that would give really good info once blie was dead. If blie was indeed mafia, and I was right, then we'd have killed one mafia as soon as possible. If blie was innocent, as Grave speculated, then we'd confirm two mafia members right off the bat. The other scenario was that blie could have been innocent, but just trolling everybody, and in that case we'd just want to take them out before they ruin the game for everyone. We began the lynch, and before anyone said anything against us, piece joined the lynch.

Not too long before creeper's previous update, someone came to me with additional info. Using quotes from a prior Skype conversation, he showed that blie claimed to have a mafia member supply him with info. He would not say the source mafia member, but he did give ricky's role away: ricky has the power to find out other people's roles. I had doubted the validity of this, since it doesn't make sense for the mafia to give info to an innocent.

Now I see that I was wrong, but the wager still was beneficial. We can confirm ricky and piece as mafia, and we have ricky's role. Also, blie was most likely not lying, but was probably very scared and frantic with what he was saying, just a rookie mistake on his part.

I made a risk on another player's life, but I believe we have found out half of the mafia already.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
And really, thanks for tagging me twice. I said I was going to give a response, why not let me get to it on my own?


Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
Since yeroc and grave teamed up they obviously got a reason but @corygolfanatic @Pieceofcheese87 and @Freakworld don't. Do you guys mind telling us why?

Also if yeroc is telling the truth about what blie said i suspect piece for being mafia, not only for that but if indeed piece found out that blie was listening he might as well want him dead. He was also the 1st one to start the bandwagon probably thinking grave started it and thinking he was safe for now.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
I talked to cory this morning about why he voted with us, despite not knowing our plan. He did because I did.

Did you forget that cory is my little bitch? (There, I spared you a response, cory.)


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Err... I'd also like to mention something I thought up a little while ago. There are 20 players. There are 16 squares on the map. We also know that there is a portal on square #2. It's rather likely that each of us spawned on a different tile. That leaves us with 4 players who didn't spawn on a tile. Which means they may be on/in the portal, indicating they are the mafia.

From that I deduce that there are 4 Mafia.

I also know a player who claims to be neutral, so this theory may be wrong, but I'd like to think the ratio of Innocents to Mafia is somewhere around 4:1.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, let's think about something here...firstly, if piece did screen-share and show his role post to another person, he knowingly violated a mafia rule, as a screen share is pretty much just a screen shot in real time
Rule #4
Do not share a screenshot of a PM from me or any other host.
I don't think piece would have done that, so I can see where yeroc would be suspicious of the story.

At the same time, though, I'm always suspicious of yeroc because of his silver tongue. So I must consider if he is the type of person who would sacrifice two team members in order to prevent future suspicion...

I am still going to hold off voting for now, I want to see if the information proves true.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Sren you misunderstood, piece was screen sharing mc and accidentally minimized it with the one with his pm behind it


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Even more of a reason to be suspicious of the story. Why would he have that left open in the background?


Nov 18, 2013
Just for your interest: I've not been in any skype call for weeks.

Also distinct.. How do you randomly know what happened, because freaking honestly, I don't even know wherefor I'm getting pointed at.

Yeroc then, how is 2 the half of the mafia, where the hell did you get that info.. This is quite scrambled eggs thrown over eachother indicating that something happened even that I don't know anything about.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
" I'm always suspicious of yeroc because of his silver tongue."

Get over it already.

Ricky, I just guess that 4 or close to it is the number of mafia in this game. If you're gonna nitpick about such a small assumption, then look for real reasons to get me out.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
actually dis, I don't screenshare at all, so I have not done that ever :p

since dis is /msg-ing me on zero with obvious mis-interpretation of my wording here, I'm going to be as clear as possible:

1) From what yeroc has stated as his reason for getting rid of blie, I can understand his suspicion and agree with his course of action
2) From my experience with yeroc, even if I agree with his actions, I am taking them with a grain of salt
3) this is in no way a statement of defending or accusing anyone, it is merely a way of sharing my thoughts of the events thus far.

Hopefully that will make things clear.


Nov 18, 2013
Okay here we go.

After talking a bit with piece we decided to share this:

When the game first started, piece and I teamed up too. (Like yeroc and grave). As a tool to communicate we made a pm thing on the forums titled as Mafia 8. Then we started channeling through roles. The reason blie appearantly thought WE were mafia, is that he read the title as a mafia thread, and saw both of us as participants. If there ARE 4 mafias, that's why he only said our names.
Apr 16, 2014
ok, so now that most people cleared up about why they voted blie, why did FreakWorld vote blie? to follow in with yeroc aswell as cory?


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Okay here we go.

After talking a bit with piece we decided to share this:

When the game first started, piece and I teamed up too. (Like yeroc and grave). As a tool to communicate we made a pm thing on the forums titled as Mafia 8. Then we started channeling through roles. The reason blie appearantly thought WE were mafia, is that he read the title as a mafia thread, and saw both of us as participants. If there ARE 4 mafias, that's why he only said our names.
That's pretty far fetched if you ask me, sounds like you're trying to save yourself honestly
ok, so now that most people cleared up about why they voted blie, why did FreakWorld vote blie? to follow in with yeroc aswell as cory?
Freak voted for blie because freak likes bandwagons, or at least from what i can tell. he is not a threat as of right now
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