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Minr Mafia VIII: Biomes

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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
At least yeroc said he would explain himself after
Which is exactly why they aren't countering the vote. If blie dies and is innocent, we can interrogate yeroc to find out his reasons, or we can counter the votes and possibly never find out why yeroc is voting for him. Personally, I'd rather go with the first one and I'm sure the ones who voted agree with me. If his reasons aren't convincing enough for us, he could become a possible suspect (if blie is innocent of course).
While part of me believes yeroc wouldn't risk that as a mafia player, another part of me thinks he might be a mafia player who found out blie's role and sees him as a threat that needs to be removed quickly. However, I'm not going to start pointing fingers at him before we find out why he started the vote.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Look, as of right now i don't think yeroc is mafia. and i d o think blie is innocent. However, even if i thought blie was mafia, i wouldn't vote him without a real reason. None of these people have provided any reason or even suggested that have a real reason EXCEPT FOR yeroc. Plus as we all know yeroc is a very smart player, so unless he really wants to put himself out there for lynching as a mafia, which is generally a stupid move, we shouldn't be questioning him as of right now.

What i'm saying is that we need to question all those who bandwagon with him. Like for instance freak , cory, and piece. They voted for literally no reason. Perhaps they are mafia and are just trying to guarantee a quick kill.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Before 24 hours have passed, I'd like to help out my fellow innocents a bit.
I know why piece voted me, and I'm 100% sure of this. It's because piece accidentally gave me info. Don't ask how he did this, as it was a mistake over Skype, but I know piece's role, as well as one other minion. Hopefully you'll all find this believable once I die, and you'll see that I was innocent and only wanted to help.

I'd also like one, just ONE, reason as to why there is so much suspicion around me. I did nothing, and honestly, I am innocent.

Edit: I'm going to die in a matter of hours anyway, so I'll just say that that other minion I know of is ricky, of whom I suspect may have some sort of power.
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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Look, as of right now i don't think yeroc is mafia. and i d o think blie is innocent. However, even if i thought blie was mafia, i wouldn't vote him without a real reason. None of these people have provided any reason or even suggested that have a real reason EXCEPT FOR yeroc. Plus as we all know yeroc is a very smart player, so unless he really wants to put himself out there for lynching as a mafia, which is generally a stupid move, we shouldn't be questioning him as of right now.

What i'm saying is that we need to question all those who bandwagon with him. Like for instance freak , cory, and piece. They voted for literally no reason. Perhaps they are mafia and are just trying to guarantee a quick kill.
Well unless people were countervoting, blie was going to get lynched either way. However, I can't say that isn't at least a little bit suspicious to me.
Before 24 hours have passed, I'd like to help out my fellow innocents a bit.
I know why piece voted me, and I'm 100% sure of this. It's because piece accidentally gave me info. Don't ask how he did this, as it was a mistake over Skype, but I know piece's role, as well as one other minion. Hopefully you'll all find this believable once I die, and you'll see that I was innocent and only wanted to help.

I'd also like one, just ONE, reason as to why there is so much suspicion around me. I did nothing, and honestly, I am innocent.
If you're 100% sure about his role, then what is it? Also, I don't know the answer to the suspicion question as I wasn't involved in it.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I thought it was obviously by the way I mentioned minions, but piece and ricky are both minions. Hopefully you'll believe me once I die and you see my innocence.


Professional Lurker
Nov 6, 2013
So far i have no reason to suspect anyone. It seems to me yeroc has heard that blie knows something and needs to take him out. However, I do not think there is enough evidence yet. I would advise voting no one, yet...
Apr 16, 2014
I agree with distinct..
Yeroc said that he was voting blie after a few discussions, and even said he will wait to explain after the first lynch... But right after yeroc voted him, gravebound voted blie. And gravebound does not have anything to defend his vote, he just went with yeroc, who he does not even know is mafia or not yet. Same with Piece, and a few others.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
I agree with distinct..
Yeroc said that he was voting blie after a few discussions, and even said he will wait to explain after the first lynch... But right after yeroc voted him, gravebound voted blie. And gravebound does not have anything to defend his vote, he just went with yeroc, who he does not even know is mafia or not yet. Same with Piece, and a few others.
If i understand correctly grave is more or less in the clear if yeroc has a good explanation because grave has been in communication with yeroc so he knows the whole plan


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
I voted Blie because #Yerocarmy

Also I tend to join any bandwagon I come across in Mafia games and try to justify myself afterwards.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
David Icke said:
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
It is. Unless you have a reason, you shouldn't be bandwagoning.

Please do not bandwagon. This means you simply vote for people without reason. You should truly only vote to lynch if there is supporting logic. Otherwise, it may end up harming you badly. When a player is killed, their Role is revealed. You may vote for nobody.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
No sooner had creeper begun the fight then all they players jumped blie, who was minding his own business. Led by yeroc and grave, they took him and tied him to a post. Blie spent the remainder of they day tied there, shouting his ideas at the top of his lungs, only for them to fall on the deaf ears of the others. At the end of the day, as the sun fell down, the players tired of hearing his shouts. One of them took a sword and stabbed it into the gut of blie4. Blie looked at the players with loathing and said "You fools. You know that lynching early doesn't work." Then he died.

  • It is now Night 1
  • Blie4, an INNOCENT, has been lynched
  • All roles have been confirmed, so we should have an interesting game
  • Expect update PM's soon
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