I don't know what you're trying to convey hereI believe I am most suspicious of Electro. He is very experienced in the game, so if I was testing the waters with my question, he likely would have realized. My guess is independent
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I don't know what you're trying to convey hereI believe I am most suspicious of Electro. He is very experienced in the game, so if I was testing the waters with my question, he likely would have realized. My guess is independent
Why bring it up as suspicious if you don't have a real opinion on it?I don't know if I find it suspicious, but I have nothing else to work with![]()
I agree with this, its day one and there isn't any substantial evidence for anyone at this point which is part of what makes this random lynch mechanic so interesting.As for Z3 being fillery, I don't think that means a lot at this stage. If he keeps posting like this as the game develops and there's substantial content to look at, I'd start looking into him.
Any opinion on my interactions with Edan/bstrey?I agree with this, its day one and there isn't any substantial evidence for anyone at this point which is part of what makes this random lynch mechanic so interesting.
You started the game very aggresively especially questioning bstrey immediately when all she did was ask a question that she didnt know the answer to, this makes you seem very suspicious in my eyes and the eyes of most people here. Your interactions with Edan were definetly much more brief and just ended up with each of you becoming suspicous.Any opinion on my interactions with Edan/bstrey?
Maybe the sense of how things go in mafia has changed since the last time I played, but in the past, I might've been a slight bit suspicious to see one form an opinion about someone based on a simple question.I don't know what you're trying to convey here
1) Why is aggressiveness suspicious? It's starting to get us somewhere, isn't it?1) You started the game very aggresively
2) especially questioning bstrey immediately when all she did was ask a question that she didnt know the answer to, this makes you seem very suspicious in my eyes and the eyes of most people here.
3) Your interactions with Edan were definetly much more brief and just ended up with each of you becoming suspicous.
Whilst there isn't any substantial evidence there definetly is alot of questionable behaviour surrounding you.
So much this. And I think what a lot of people don't realize in mafia is that being really cautious and having an innocent-until-proven-guilty mindset isn't going to help catch scum the vast majority of the time. There's a fine line between reason and inaction.The problem is that someone needs to be lynched, no matter by random chance or voting. I feel like it'd be way better to lynch someone ourselves than leaving it up to luck.
So far SleeknFoxy, creeperTNTman198, and nahfackler haven't replied to the thread at all. As long as they respond I'll be fine with them but if not I say we lynch one. Even if they prove to be an innocent, if they haven't been involved in beginning chat it'd be hard to rely on them in endgame.
As for the likeliest mafia, innocent, and independent counts from what I can gather:
16 Players currently exist
3-4 Mafia?
2-3 Independents
10 Innocents
I agree with rm about the inactive players. I'll give them 24 hours to post, and if they don't say anything, we lynch one of them.The problem is that someone needs to be lynched, no matter by random chance or voting. I feel like it'd be way better to lynch someone ourselves than leaving it up to luck.
So far SleeknFoxy, creeperTNTman198, and nahfackler haven't replied to the thread at all. As long as they respond I'll be fine with them but if not I say we lynch one. Even if they prove to be an innocent, if they haven't been involved in beginning chat it'd be hard to rely on them in endgame.
As for the likeliest mafia, innocent, and independent counts from what I can gather:
16 Players currently exist
3-4 Mafia?
2-3 Independents
10 Innocents
Electro didnt even question bstrey AT ALL, and even if he did this makes NO SENSE as a case for why hes scum. Asking stuff doesnt make you scum.You started the game very aggresively especially questioning bstrey immediately when all she did was ask a question that she didnt know the answer to, this makes you seem very suspicious in my eyes and the eyes of most people here.
I would like more elaboration unles i missed something.Your interactions with Edan were definetly much more brief and just ended up with each of you becoming suspicious
You said theres no substansiall evidence yet you said hes "very suspicious". I don't understand.Whilst there isn't any substantial evidence there definetly is alot of questionable behaviour surrounding you.
I agree that players that don't do anything should be voted for but we should wait until tomorrow to do it because there is still time for them to do stuffI think we should start with lynching the AFK folk first. Then we have more time to think things out and see how a night phase goes. That way, we'll have more to go off of. Might be busy tomorrow, so just in case, #Vote nahfackler .