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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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Jun 19, 2017
Some notes from my end:

-Z3's post agreeing with my entrance and question 10 minutes later of how long the day is implies that he might not actually be reading that closely? I made it a point that we had to make a decision in 3 days.
I know you said that, I wasn't totally sure if you were correct which is why I asked. But I can understand your thought process.
-bstrey's question to Creepa is probably more likely to come from an innocent than scum. Otherwise she'd have access to the mafia PT and likely wouldn't have as much incentive to ask that question.
I don't think being mafia would make her less likely to ask that. Also, it said in the first post that there are independents that aren't sided with innocents or mefias, therefore she could be serial killer or something.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I know you said that, I wasn't totally sure if you were correct which is why I asked. But I can understand your thought process.
Alright, that actually makes more sense when I read it in context.

I don't think being mafia would make her less likely to ask that. Also, it said in the first post that there are independents that aren't sided with innocents or mefias, therefore she could be serial killer or something.
Why doesn't it make her less likely? And yes, she /could/ be independent scum, but it would be reaching at best if I ignored it on that assumption.


Nov 18, 2013
In my opinion, Electrounderwear seems very interested in questioning people, so he's a bit suspicious in my eyes.
Isn't that what you're doing here as well? ;)

Good points Electro, I think those'll be the only way to get some things going in a game where messaging is prohibited.

Anyways to elaborate on bstreys question (and creepa's answer):
That also means you'd be able to message Creepa for questions - or I'd think so. Not sure if posting it in this thread makes anyone less suspicious, although there's the option this seemed the only way.

Not sure how many independents there are, but they may have their own 'mod-sanctioned location' as well.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
It would be tempting to point the finger back at edan after that, but it just doesn't feel like a smart move for traitors to use to get suspicion on a target before they have gained the trust of a few people...


Nov 5, 2013
Ehh honestly looking at their posts I'm inclined to think neither Edan or Electro are scummy. Both are kinda trying to start pointing fingers somewhere because of how the round works, but that's kinda what all of us should be doing.

I'm not really interested in those who have already started saying useful or semi-useful things in the thread. It's those who are staying silent that concern me. Then again I understand there's not much to say during this phase, but still, anything would help.

I also feel like _Z3_ is kinda just going filler with his questions and statements. One question was something that could be answered by just looking at the thread and two statements are just agreeing with what someone else said. Regardless, that doesn't mean he's scum it's just something I noticed.


Jun 19, 2017
Why doesn't it make her less likely?
Because as mafia she still might not realize that a mod sanctioned location is the main thread, mafia thread, etc.
Not sure how many independents there are, but they may have their own 'mod-sanctioned location' as well.
I doubt it. There most likely wouldn't be other players they'd be talking to so I don't see why they would have their own private chat.
I also feel like _Z3_ is kinda just going filler with his questions and statements. One question was something that could be answered by just looking at the thread and two statements are just agreeing with what someone else said. Regardless, that doesn't mean he's scum it's just something I noticed.
I hadn't seen much to analyze early on but wanted to say my thoughts.


Jun 19, 2017
I don't have any reads so far except for Electro. His attempt to gamesolve seems to be making the most out of the little we have to analyze and the details he's noticed seem a tiny bit more likely innocent genuinely wanting to gamesolve than scum. But it still very well could be scum faking wanting to gamesolve (I can be bad at telling the difference, which is why there are a LOT of times where I have no green reads when I play Mafia.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
The only assumption that I could point out that has a good chance of being true is too meta to bring up


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
All the rounds so far have been using the

Rule #9
No Meta-ing.
My observation isn't related to actions of previous rounds, but deals with stuff outside the context of "within the game", and therefore probably falls within the confines of the rule.


Nov 5, 2013
I think I know what you're referring to sren, or at least who is the person related to it. But I'll stay silent as well until Creepa gives us an answer.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
What forgot referred to in the commandments is a very different kind of meta if I'm not mistaken, more along the lines of grudge-killing people over past events rather than using information from previous rounds or out-of-game context to change your view of a player. It's probably fine, but it would make sense to wait and hear back from Creepa first.


Oct 29, 2013
I believe I am most suspicious of Electro. He is very experienced in the game, so if I was testing the waters with my question, he likely would have realized. My guess is independent.

I have another question though. Independents aren't anyone's enemies, right? Or do one of the sides also have to kill them off to win.
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