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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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Nov 18, 2013
I don't see why you're so intent on lynching luma, just because he voiced his opinions on electro. Yes, they were based on an invalid assumption, but nothing points to being a mafia.

We DON'T have evidence and we DON'T have information right now, so the obvious thing is lynching afkers.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Z, just wanted to point this out in case you didn't know:

At the bottom-right corner of each post is a "+" button. Clicking this adds that post to a quote pool that you can use in the posting form (a button comes up when you have posts selected in this way) so that you can reply to all of them in a single post.

A lot of people choose to eliminate the quiet ones because they tend to not contribute to the game. Personally, I prefer to give them some time to reply, but others like to do a temporary vote and change it if things change.


Nov 5, 2013
You don't KNOW nahfackler won't contribute anything to the game, he could come back later and do stuff. Plus, it's dumb to lynch an inactive over a person that is scummy just because "the scummy person could be bad town". Yes, they COULD, but it's better than lynching someone who hasnt said anything.

Why do you want to wait to lynch a player with actual evidence that they are scum and instead lynch an AFK player that could come back?
Because as ricky points out, you don't have "actual evidence". You have an assumption which you can't expect everyone to follow you on. You're free to vote on it but some of us prefer to have a bit more to go on.

If nah or any other inactive comes back days later and "do stuff", what good is that to us? If they come back at such a late time, they likely haven't even been paying attention to past days and can't even contribute anything new.


Jun 19, 2017
But we already have facts. It's irrational to lynch an inactive who hasn't evidence against them.
I still think nahfackler is town because it looked like bstrey was redirecting a lynch off Pro Luma onto him.
Edit: I do have evidence. Pro Luma's case on Electro was BS. BS cases are a big indicator that someone isn't trying to gamesolve as much as they're just trying to get someone lynched.
Plus, I think bstrey was trying to redirect a lynch in a way that I already explained why I think it's a partner interaction.
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Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
Kind of surprised pro_luma has stayed silent through this.

If he WAS mafia, not that he is, the others would be telling him not to say anything and let it cool down I'd suspect.

Neither has bstrey stepped out to defend herself at all considering everyone went with voting nah, unless she's busy.


Active Player
Apr 13, 2017
I don't think that there is enough evidence to vote for pro luma. I think that the players who aren't doing anything should be voted for.

#vote nahfackler


Jun 19, 2017
I don't think I can argue with you guys on this one.
If nahfackler is innocent, everything I said still applies.
If he is independent, everything I said about other players still applies.
If he is mafia, one of my suspicions in [bstrey, Proluma] is probably wrong.
I realize now that nahfackler could be independent assuming I'm right about bstrey and Luma being mafia. So my green read on nahfackler is slightly weaker than before. He's still more likely inno than solo in my eyes.

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
Sorry for the silence, i have been busy. Ill just explain upfront that my explanation of Electro was wrong simply because i got the information mixed up. Him questioning me was completely fine but i guess in my search for his interactions i may have misinterpreted his entire message and got it mixed up with _Z3's comment just simply going through each of the pages.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Sorry for the silence, i have been busy. Ill just explain upfront that my explanation of Electro was wrong simply because i got the information mixed up. Him questioning me was completely fine but i guess in my search for his interactions i may have misinterpreted his entire message and got it mixed up with _Z3's comment just simply going through each of the pages.
What about the other points that both of us have brought up about you/my question about my Edan interactions?


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
Anyone worried about how quiet some people are being? Grave, yeroc, and rm have yet to speak much at all and the only posts grave and rm have made were to suggest lynching afkers.. Would have expected those two in particular to be pretty deep into this
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Mar 26, 2014
I feel it's simply too early to draw any conclusions, We're still in the early stages of the game, and I feel there isn't a lot of information to share at the moment, therefore I feel no need to talk just for the sake of it. The game still has to develop.

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
What about the other points that both of us have brought up about you/my question about my Edan interactions?
Aggression isnt always suspicious but the way that i misread your interactions made it seem like it was.
My misunderstanding of your post covers your other points and regarding the fact that i spoke when i did, i just felt as though if i had mentioned anything before i would be just saying filler.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Actually my post was really important. Just because I don't want to talk to you/the group doesn't mean I'm not trying to communicate (?)


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Oh baby, I'm all about communication ;)
But seriously though if you did not pick up on my first message, then it wasn't for you.


Jan 19, 2015
Anyone worried about how quiet some people are being? Grave, yeroc, and rm have yet to speak much at all and the only posts grave and rm have made were to suggest lynching afkers.. Would have expected those two in particular to be pretty deep into this
I didn't need to really emphasize anything considering 5 or 6 people already have lynched, and both of my previous discussions were pretty much done, so eh.
The main reason why I'm being quiet is because it's so early into the game and getting involved in suspicion throwing isn't going to improve anyone's situation.
[after checking mail] "come at me bro"

Haha seriously, glhf everyone.
Well thanks to yeroc and pointing out things, there's an M in that message that is clearly out of place that is... there.
Any relevance to anything, mates?
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