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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
@Luma: Fair enough. I had some sideways looks at your post on me, but it can probably be chalked up to misreading.

I'm not a huge fan of how fast these votes are piling on to nahfackler. At this rate, he's very likely going to be lynched by default even if he does come back and post content.

@Antonio: You said that we should hold off on lynching inactives until tomorrrow, but it's still Day 1 and you joined the bandwagon. Is there a reason for this?
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Active Player
Apr 13, 2017
@Luma: Fair enough. I had some sideways looks at your post on me, but it can probably be chalked up to misreading.

I'm not a huge fan of how fast these votes are piling on to nahfackler. At this rate, he's very likely going to be lynched by default even if he does come back and post content.

@Antonio: You said that we should hold off on lynching inactives untio tomorrrow, but it's still Day 1 and you joined the bandwagon. Is there a reason for this?
I said that yesterday, I meant the next in real life day

If nahfackler started playing most people would probably unvote him
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Jun 19, 2017
my explanation of Electro was wrong simply because i got the information mixed up. Him questioning me was completely fine
I get you may have misinterpreted things but you said:
You started the game very aggresively especially questioning bstrey immediately when all she did was ask a question that she didnt know the answer to, this makes you seem very suspicious in my eyes
I can see misreading something and thinking someone did something that they actually didn't.
But this isn't misinterpreting something someone said, this is just a contradiction.
Aggression isnt always suspicious
You said
You started the game very aggresively especially questioning bstrey immediately when all she did was ask a question that she didnt know the answer to, this makes you seem very suspicious in my eyes
And you did make an explanation:
but the way that i misread your interactions made it seem like it was.
But how would certain interactions make you change your mind on whether aggression as a whole is suspicious?


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
Day ends in like ~12 hours if you guys haven't voted.

I think nahfackler will get lynched no matter what but voting someone else makes a pretty strong point.
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Oct 29, 2013
This came right after my case on Pro Luma and you didn't make any response to it, making me think this could be a redirection off of a partner. I would've thought you would make some type of response to my Pro Luma case and explain why an AFK lynch is better than it.
I didn't really think your accusations made sense, but didn't have the words or the time to convey it in a way that made sense. So I quickly posted a vote for an AFK person before I had to leave.

As for my ceasing to comment on Electro, I wasn't super interested in lynching him yet, just wanted to voice my opinions and see how he reacted. There's no rush; this will probably be a long game; so I was getting a feel for his stance.[/QUOTE]


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
#vote Edan456

Only because you called me suspicious; I'm just tossing a vote as a gesture to spit in your direction. Nothing to make headlines or anything :)


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
lol, reading these posts from while i was sleeping is funny. To those who haven't played this with yeroc before, there is a reason why I call him a silver tongued demon. No one in this community is better with the art of the spoken word, especially in relaying messages in a mostly unnoticed way.


Jun 19, 2017
Before I leave I want to say that I still have no idea wtf yeroc is talking about and how/why people are understanding him. Am I supposed to know?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
No, yeroc made a comment that will only be understood by the person/people who it is meant for. he is quite skilled with producing these messages. Basically, he is giving indication that his role somehow interacts with another role, but at the same time it could just be a red herring.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Votes are locked in. The day is over.
Nah is getting the axe.

EDIT: Nooo I missed 7pm


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
There was no way of _Z3_ knowing what he had started. It was just a solitary vote, but it kicked of a chain of voting that was created so fast that everyone knew there was no coming back. They agreed, that those who didn't show up, who showed no interest in punishing those who had scarred this world, that they must be responsible.

Nah was having the most wonderful dream, the kind of dream where you don't move for three days straight.
It was about a horse. A very large horse.
Then, as the other Innocents dragged him from his bed, propped him up by a tree and put an arrow through his heart, he saw everything blow up.

[7] nahfackler - bstrey, rickyboy320, Gravebound, Zatharel, Edan456 the 2nd, swimmy1212, AntonioT111
[1] Pro Luma - _Z3_
[1] Edan456 the 2nd - yeroc424

You really wanted him dead...


POLL: Should Night last 24 or 48 (current) hours?
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Aug 8, 2014
Wow, well, at least I get more freedom this summer. I've had a friend over this week and I kind of deemed him more important than Mafia. The past 4 days have been chaos for me so I've had little chance to remember this game.

I probably would've gotten aft killed, but since you all decided to kill me.. You have lost an innocent life as a result.

I thank those who were trying to defend me. I probably would have posted on Night 1 or Day 2 if was still alive.

Good luck to those still in the round. May the best side win.

(on a quick side note, I think I might create a forum account under my current Minecraft username Old_Herobrine)


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
I'd say 48 hours, especially since we can still talk during it.

Also I don't think creepertntman has posted yet if we're still looking for afkers


Nov 5, 2013
Regarding creeper, I think we should wait until daytime before discussing him (or deciding what to do with him). If he doesn't show up by then I'll try and contact him via Skype. I know that I was among the first to agree to voting for AFK-ers but it's different now considering:
a) nah turned out innocent and I don't want to potentially lynch one more when he could have just forgotten about the game.
b) we can actually contact creeper and ask him to respond. I almost know for a fact that no one has any other method of contacting nah other than the forums so that was a different case.

Forgot about the 24/48 hour thing.
There's reasoning for both tbh.
On one hand, 24 hours is enough because we can't actually do anything other than discuss what just happened and wait for mafia/potential power roles to act.
On the other, if a lot happened the previous day (which it kinda did I guess..?), 48 hours should be good.
I'm okay with either.
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