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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
@Edan- I don't think you ever responded to this:

Why bring it up as suspicious if you don't have a real opinion on it?

I'm mostly curious because it was just such a strange thing to call someone out for either way, and without any reason or context for why it caught your eye. Questioning people is a green light in most cases if anything.
As for the way Z3 is trying to lynch Luma, I think that's actually a good sign from him. We both play on a site where the gameplay is pretty hardcore and people learn to form strong opinions in the early stages in the game. I've been a bit less blunt here because the general playstyle/experience level is different and I'm trying to adjust to that.

But I'm slightly more inclined to trust him because he's showing a conviction that comes more naturally from innocents. I can go into more detail later about why I feel this way, but I don't really think the emotions he showed in response to a lynch that was pointless in his eyes were faked.

@Z3: The "contradictions" you're pointing out might be more about poor communication than anything shady. What I'm getting from him is that my aggression and supposed questioning were suspicious in the context, since bstrey hadn't done anything wrong and was only trying to clarify something about the setup. And I think the bstrey case can be applied to almost anyone on the nahfackler bandwagon and doesn't hold much water with the general lack of solid opinions.

Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
I felt it was the most suspicious thing to me at the time. I've moved past it now that other, more suspicious things have come up, such as Yeroc's behaviour.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
But yeroc, you are a mythical beast :p

In all seriousness, though, it was meant only as a way to keep the conversation moving instead of it keep circling back to a post that, for all intents an purposes, was useless to the development of suspicions that have enough context behind them to have a chance of being valid.

Personally, I see nothing suspicious in yeroc's behavior at this time. He is getting frustrated with me, which is understandable, and it is affecting his posts.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
You guys honestly sound like you're just putting on a show, one criticizes the other but compliments him at the same time to not do any real harm and to get your faces against each other in chat somewhere. Just seems kinda passive-aggressive on the same team but still exchanging words-ish to me


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
lol, take it for what you will swimm, but it was sincere. Yeroc and I have a good amount of time around each other in the community and just have a fairly good understanding of how to talk to each other. He knows that I respond best to straight-forward, blunt statements, and I know he appreciates an acknowledgement of what he took issue with and a clarification of intent. Yes, it can come off as a "show", but it is just how we interact.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
That really doesn't change how it looks much either way. You're still kind of making it sound like you guys are teamed, but it's fine.

Anyway Creepa, you decided on 24 or 48 hours yet?


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
What I said was certainly part of the game, why act like it wasn't?

This is why people think you're suspicous, you say nothing then confuse everyone momentarily, make jokes, go super saiyan angry as heck on sren, then cool off immediately

It just all seems kind of strange

Btw electro, didn't mean to rate your post negatively, it's undone now. Am on mobile and keep accidentally rating people's posts.
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
I'll make sure to tell him off privately next time. I tried putting my concern in the post that was clearly outside of the game, but literally everything from the outside has been sucked in and scrutinized unnecessarily by someone. I think that's really stupid.

If you want to know about my jokes, ask about my jokes. If you want to ask about my "m", ask about my "m". If you don't want to ask anything, then what can I think is suspicious?


Jun 19, 2017
@Z3: The "contradictions" you're pointing out might be more about poor communication than anything shady. What I'm getting from him is that my aggression and supposed questioning were suspicious in the context, since bstrey hadn't done anything wrong and was only trying to clarify something about the setup.
It may have been bad wording but it looks to me like Luma was accusing you of being agressive on its own and stuff like that.
And I think the bstrey case can be applied to almost anyone on the nahfackler bandwagon and doesn't hold much water with the general lack of solid opinions.
I didn't think about this. I guess at the time my mindset was that bstrey's vote came right after my case and stood out more to me as redirection because given the timing it looked the most like completely ignroing my post.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
I'll make sure to tell him off privately next time. I tried putting my concern in the post that was clearly outside of the game, but literally everything from the outside has been sucked in and scrutinized unnecessarily by someone. I think that's really stupid.

If you want to know about my jokes, ask about my jokes. If you want to ask about my "m", ask about my "m". If you don't want to ask anything, then what can I think is suspicious?
I mean there's no other way to put it except you're acting suspicious, the whole 'don't care for a good joke?' just kind of sounds like you're messing with us, but the biggest thing was you saying just now 'Back to the game please' when I was questioning sren. I was still on topic, what was the point of that?

Also z3 and electro, that argument is getting pretty dated now, I don't think it's going anywhere.


Jun 19, 2017
I've looked for hidden messages in yeroc's posts and I haven't discovered anything, am I the only one who doesn't get anything he's saying?


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
I've looked for hidden messages in yeroc's posts and I haven't discovered anything, am I the only one who doesn't get anything he's saying?
Him saying 'come at me bro' is only kind of noticeable if you're mafia, an innocent wouldn't give it a second thought. So it's a good sign you and electro were so confused when people brought it up.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
How is saying come at me bro more noticablr if youre mafia?
Well I mean when we said we didn't understand he said 'then it wasn't for you :eek: ', meaning he was supposedly talking to the mafia, but it could just be a smart ruse at this point, as sren promptly complimented him on.


Jan 19, 2015
Just ask him, he's literally right in this thread.
Why does your post have a different font M than normal, yeroc?


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
To draw out the word it was in, of course! I *think* only one person would understand it. Now I've been way too obvious with it, but that really doesn't affect me too much yet. Even if I find the person I'm looking for, I don't know what I'm going to do after that.

Fun fact: the letter b was also a different font
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