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Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

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Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
I think Yeroc defended himself really well, so I think he's innocent. We should continue to question quieter players, such as Zach, Ricky, grave, Antonio and sleek.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, I "know" two things from this:

Yeroc has a role of some importance.

His message was most certainly not meant for me.


Nov 5, 2013
I think Yeroc defended himself really well, so I think he's innocent. We should continue to question quieter players, such as Zath, Ricky, grave, Antonio and sleek.
Quieter players...? I'll talk when I have something to say. Would you prefer I communicate exclusively through cryptic jokes like yeroc does?

But sure, ask away.


Nov 5, 2013
Okay, I'll bite:

Are you innocente, indipendente, or mafia?
Innocent, but without the little french e at the end. Or maybe with the e? Dunno. But I can confirm I'm not mafia.

How about you sren?
Clean as a whistle, on your own or part of the mafia?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Italian, but they're both latin-based so meh

Hello my innocent bretheran, shall we mull over the possibilities of who we think is whom?


Nov 5, 2013
Hello my innocent bretheran, shall we mull over the possibilities of who we think is whom?

-Electro is innocent, as is swimmy. Edan is probably clean as well. Maybe bstrey as well.
-There's one independent if that wasn't blatantly obvious by now.
-I'm concerned for the alignment of ricky, Antonio and Sleek. But only concerned.
-I'm fairly unsure on the rest including you. I don't like _Z3_'s playstyle but that's a personal thing and has nothing to do with whether he may be scum or not.

What do you think?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, I am unsure of almost everyone.

I have a slight feeling swimmy is innocent, since it would be pointless for mafia to mention suspicion over an "argument" (not solid enough to use as a foundation for setting someone up to be targeted).

Electro has been leading the charge with the discussions, so I feel he is either innocent or playing the long con.

My general interactions with you tell me you are thoughtful in your analysis, which means your silence could either be innocent waiting for somthing significant to bring up, or are either independant or mafia adapting Ben Franklin's advice about appearing foolish.

Z3 I have no read on, as I see a lot of his comments as being unfamiliar with the group he is playing with.

I think yeroc isn't mafia, but that's mostly my gut reaction instead of built on logic.

As for myself, I know my innocence but have no way to prove it outside of being eliminated. I have no abilities, and therefore would be a safe target for the mafia to chose with no major detriment (other than voting numbers) towards my team.


Oct 29, 2013
I'm not sure if I have any real opinions yet, but just as sren's gut tells him yer is not a mafia, mine tells me not to trust Electro. At the same time, he hasn't really done anything distrustful, and his logic so far has seemed clean. My best guess is he is an Independent.

<Partly posting this to show I am not inactive>


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
For me-

-Z3 and Electro are definitely innocent as far as I can tell, they're bringing up pointless arguments from pages ago just to defend themselves when everyone has already moved on.

-Zath is being kind of quiet but I think he's good. Definitely suspicious of bstrey, has only made a few posts and each confront people I believe are innocent players

-Yeroc is just purposefully irritating us at this point, and sren seems to be piggybacking on that. I think Edan is independent, he's gone after all sides. Antonio is new to this like I am so he hasn't said much and I'm not sure what to think of him.

-I think rm is innocent even though he hasn't talked much, I believe if he was mafia he'd be much more involved. Who knows about grave tbh

Edit: for yeroc's comment, I had completely missed that m and b someone pointed out. Why on earth would you hide something like that if you were innocent? You're just asking for it to be interpreted wrong
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Mar 26, 2014
Edit: for yeroc's comment, I had completely missed that m and b someone pointed out. Why on earth would you hide something like that if you were innocent? You're just asking for it to be interpreted wrong
Yeroc stated that his message was intended to only be caught by a certain individual, as to what the reason behind that might be I'm just as much in the dark as you. If he were mafia he would not need to make use of these tactics, rather, I'm also convinced we have an indepentant running around.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
We really shouldn't publicly speculate about who has an important role and who doesn't. It gives information to untrustworthy players that we don't want them to have.

Anyway, here are a couple of my reads so far. I'll continue this later when I have more time.

Z3- Leaning innocent, as expressed.

Antonio/Grave: Leaning scum, as they've both been active lurking and their actions haven't really matched their words. Antonio's only content has been about lynching players who aren't doing anything without actually doing anything himself; Grave has been slightly better, but his only posts outside of that have been comments that aren't helpful or relevant, with the one exception where he just implied that yeroc was town(?). Not wanting to rush to conclusions is one thing, but I don't feel like either of them is even trying to find scum.

I have kind of a gut-innocent read on swimmy, but I'm not inclined to put any weight behind that before I reread him and see what's giving me this feeling. Zath is slightly concerning, but the same applies for him.


Jan 19, 2015
Here's how I feel about all of the different players thus far.
1. rickyboy320 ??
Doesn't really seem to be on a side, so eh.
2. Pro Luma ?
I feel like he's on the same team as bstrey with alot of the information against the majority. Especially the multi-suspicion of Electro being mafia is strange so early into the game, but still.
3. Gravebound ?
In all honesty Grave just seems more quiet than suspicious, but my gut reaction to most of his responses are filler-ish and sparse. He seems more like a mafia leader trying to blend in than an innocent helping the pack.
4. AntonioT111 ??
He has sparse posting, so not really sure.
5. swimmy1212 ?
Posts often and seems to try to help out the group
6. Zatharel (limited access July 16 - 23) ?
Mostly open with his thoughts and his thoughts are much similar to mine.
7. yeroc424 ?
The entire situation with the M font and possible Mod-Sanctioned Area as well as being obvious about it now tells me yeroc is most likely an independent at this point.
8. rmanimal !
Well... that's me. How exactly am I supposed to state an opinion of my own role?
9. SleeknFoxy ?
Honestly, I'm not sure, but with the info I have innocent is probably what he is.
10. creeperTNTman198 ?
In all honesty this is purely a guess.
11. ElectroUnderwear ?
He's been participating a lot in the mafia discussions and looks mostly open-ended with his opinions to the innocents.
12. _Z3_ ?
Even though much of the stuff he says is filler-ish, I think he's trying to help out the innocents more than get along with them.
13. Edan456 the 2nd (limited access at some point) ?
Much of his actions look more like town ones than independent/mafia ones.
14. bstrey ?
I have mixed opinions about bstrey's activity, with the nah lynch 2 days early and other early game activities. She seems to be causing alarm too many times daybreak into the game to be innocent.
15. nahfackler (limited access July 16 - 23) !
He died innocent. Not much else to clarify.
16. srentiln (limited access the entire game) ?
His actions look like they'd draw attention more than a mafia would want. Looks reasonably innocent.


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
What is scary is how we can't find out which innocent has powers without getting them lynched by mafia at night (Unless there's no mafia night turn?). This round is gonna be weird.

Also nights should be 48 hours in my opinion, 24 hours is not a lot of time.


Jun 19, 2017
Yeah I'm done trying to find anything that makes sense in yeroc's messages.
It worries me the possibility that he's communicating with other mafia with codes if he's mafia.
So yeroc, I would like you to stop doing this encryption stuff to
1) stop you from communicating with mafia partners if you're scum
2) stop you from getting mislynched as town.


Active Player
Apr 13, 2017
I think Yeroc defended himself really well, so I think he's innocent. We should continue to question quieter players, such as Zach, Ricky, grave, Antonio and sleek.
We really shouldn't publicly speculate about who has an important role and who doesn't. It gives information to untrustworthy players that we don't want them to have.

Anyway, here are a couple of my reads so far. I'll continue this later when I have more time.

Z3- Leaning innocent, as expressed.

Antonio/Grave: Leaning scum, as they've both been active lurking and their actions haven't really matched their words. Antonio's only content has been about lynching players who aren't doing anything without actually doing anything himself; Grave has been slightly better, but his only posts outside of that have been comments that aren't helpful or relevant, with the one exception where he just implied that yeroc was town(?). Not wanting to rush to conclusions is one thing, but I don't feel like either of them is even trying to find scum.

I think that electro was talking about me voting for nahfackler but I meant that I would vote for him on the next in real life day

I have kind of a gut-innocent read on swimmy, but I'm not inclined to put any weight behind that before I reread him and see what's giving me this feeling. Zath is slightly concerning, but the same applies for him.
I haven't been saying anything because there isn't anything for me to say right now. I will think about what people have said more and say something soon

edit: I'm going to say the things here
I think that yeroc putting the m and telling the joke is suspicious because I don't think that a innocent would want to make people think that they are not a innocent

I think that electro was talking about me voting for nahfackler but I meant that I would vote for him on the next in real life day if he didn't say anything, not the next day in the game
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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
if we are going to be going off gut instincts, I want to think electro and swimmy are innocent because their level of activity puts them far out in the open, which seems like something that would be bad for a mafia to do. While I never trust yeroc or sren, neither of them are behaving in a manner that makes me immediately suspicious of them. As for bstrey, I don't know what to think of her in this game yet.


Jan 19, 2015
I think that yeroc putting the m and telling the joke is suspicious because I don't think that a innocent would want to make people think that they are not a innocent
Ant what..? That defies the whole purpose of someone hiding their mafia role if they're going to be obvious about it. Yeroc isn't new to mafia either which make him less likely to do something like this.
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