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MM XV - Savern Taren-Odern

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
The system comes on again:

passenger Blie lifesigns gone
a moment later
passenger Awkward_Hamster lifesigns gone

Well, the list isn't needed as Awkward was the last pirate, lol

So, some fun stats:

- Ian caused his own death because he damaged life support. He was shot, but would have survived it if he wasn't chosen by the dice XD
- security officer Pieceodcheese gave a weapon to a pirate, but then managed to shoot only pirates when he gave himself weapons.
- awkward_hamster, the pirate gunner, managed to target his own team twice, successfully killing one of them
- overall, the pirates did the heavy lifting with their own removal this round. Really wishing now that I had gone with the "no real pirates" idea, lol


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Piece was a huge component in this game. I really trusted him. The fact that he was able to hand out guns really made me believe that he was a pirate role of some sorts. I'm glad that awkward wasn't lying to me, too bad we couldn't go further in the game and really hash things out. Good job everyone, too bad we pretty much killed ourselves off. :rolleyes:


Nov 5, 2013
so uh, is it over? I want to go back home, I hate space, it has too much death and stuff.


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
This game was really frustrating for me in several places. I was let down by lack of communication throughout but eh that's how it goes I guess. GG everyone.
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Killer of Very Large Horses
Oct 27, 2013
Well then, I pretty much gave away my role as the last systems tech and still managed to live... guess the pirates need me as much as the rest of the crew.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Well, here's what happened with me:
I was an independent guest. JP told me to talk to Cory, so I did. I found out he was a pirate, and joined Cory while telling JP incorrect info.

GOOF #1:
JP soon told me he was innocent but had a power, so I told Cory to kill him. JP turned out to be a pirate lying to me.

GOOF #2: I soon talked to awkward, and told him everything I knew since I wanted to get away from the losing-pirates. Of course, awkward was a pirate. He didn't tell me this, so I told him that piece was a pirate too. He added piece to his pirate-group-chat with Cory, and piece proceeded to kill them all. Basically, the pirates' lies were their undoing. GG.

Also, if I may ask: Who ended up killing me?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Awkward targeted blie at the same time as piece targeted awkward. For hunting his target, awkward got an 85% whereas blie's counter-roll was 34%. Piece's hunting got a 96% while awkward's counter-roll was 48%.


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
Relying solely on Blie was a bad idea on my part but when absolutely no one else seemed interested in replying, I didn't have much choice
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