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MM XV - Savern Taren-Odern

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Jan 19, 2015
My only real question was how my role of detective was a neutral role rather than a crew one, but eh.
GG guys, sorry I couldn't leak much info, but it actually might've turned out better that way, considering the convo had 2 pirates in it.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
My only real question was how my role of detective was a neutral role rather than a crew one, but eh.
GG guys, sorry I couldn't leak much info, but it actually might've turned out better that way, considering the convo had 2 pirates in it.
I also had convos with 2 pirates.
They definatly tried to blend in (before awkward shot them).


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
I got rid of you fairly quickly Rm heh. You seemed to have too much information without many links to other people which led me to believe you were detective.

I also still don't understand which pirate I hit. I attacked Cory twice very early on as he was one of the few active players and didn't get a hit either time. I attacked Creeper2685 and killed them and attacked and killed Rmanimal also. I then targeted Blie and.. Well we saw how that turned out.
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I made the detective a guest role because I wanted to see what would happen if the pirates managed to convince him to work with them


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Fun fact for those that didn't already know: freak's role was made up on the spot since he wasn't able to be there the first week. I made it so either side could use him. If pirates managed to use him, the system they used him on would permanently be crippled.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Fun fact for those that didn't already know: freak's role was made up on the spot since he wasn't able to be there the first week. I made it so either side could use him. If pirates managed to use him, the system they used him on would permanently be crippled.
But I got to him first > : )
But then I died, then he died.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
If you didn't get any alerts than you weren't paying attention to the forum and/or didn't follow the thread :p


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
If you didn't get any alerts than you weren't paying attention to the forum and/or didn't follow the thread :p
I was checking for alerts pretty much every day, and I don't know why I would suddenly not be following the thread anymore. I've automatically followed threads over months of inactivity, which I know because of the alerts I got later on.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
@Freakworld You're up next. Based off the length of this round, I'd wait a bit before starting your round. Unless anyone else has a closing statement, I think this thread can be closed
(close in about 24 hours)
Sorry for not posting sooner, didn't notice the round ended tbh
If I'm not participating in a round, if the round host could message me to tell me when the round ended, that'd be swell :D
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