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Minr Mafia 10 Chinatown

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Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
Well this round didn't quite go as I planned mainly due to the amount of time I had and my poor explaining. I thought this was balanced because you guys would vote and kill via the sheriff/judge some innocents, turns out you guys are smarter and therefore this was not really balanced.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
A few people have been curious what I was up to this game, and I'm sure you're all curious what the Mafia was doing behind the scenes. Here's what I saw:

  • First few days I had no clue who the other mafia members were. Zath let me know a day or two in and I had to bully the other members out of him.
  • Told him to kill Dist, Creep, or Hal. Thought Dist might have been the judge (also, he's one of the better players imo. He knew I was mafia after he died).
  • Thought the game was slightly unbalanced because I learned there were two deputies.
  • Went after creep second night, but he must have been in the pub. I mod-killed halex to make the game a little more fair. Felt like I had to.
  • Managed to have both of the guards guard me the same night since neither of them knew who the other was for a while. Did it for fun.
  • Ian confessed that he was the second deputy like I had suspected. We had cory muted one of the nights before, and he talked to me. Set it up so cory was guarding Ian. Killed Ian and modkilled cory. It was worth it.
  • I died.
  • People forgot to send in our moves, so we lost our advantage.
  • Zath went after creep without taking down blie, so we lost Piece.
  • Ricky guessed right.
  • GG
Overall I thought the game could have used a little polishing, but I really enjoyed the round. Thanks for hosting henni.

@yeroc424 is up to host if he can. If not, it's @DistinctMadness 's turn.
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
gg, with how forgot was saying he would reveal all at the end of the round, I was expecting much more


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Meh. I could have gone into more detail, but I already told bstrey the extended edition and didn't want to repeat myself. If you're really curious, skype me sometime.


Nov 5, 2013
  • First few days I had no clue who the other mafia members were. Zath let me know a day or two in and I had to bully the other members out of him.
  • Told him to kill Dist, Creep, or Hal. Thought Dist might have been the judge (also, he's one of the better players imo. He knew I was mafia after he died).
  • Thought the game was slightly unbalanced because I learned there were two deputies.
  • Went after creep second night, but he must have been in the pub. I mod-killed halex to make the game a little more fair. Felt like I had to.
  • Managed to have both of the guards guard me the same night since neither of them knew who the other was for a while. Did it for fun.
  • Ian confessed that he was the second deputy like I had suspected. We had cory muted one of the nights before, and he talked to me. Set it up so cory was guarding Ian. Killed Ian and modkilled cory. It was worth it.
  • I died.
  • People forgot to send in our moves, so we lost our advantage.
  • Zath went after creep without taking down blie, so we lost Piece.
  • Ricky guessed right.
  • GG

My turn.
  • @Srentiln yep, you got it right. I nominated forgot and you, knowing that you don't talk outside the thread and that people would instantly vouch for forgot considering how much he does. You actually helped me with that by confessing that you don't talk a lot. I may not talk a lot but that doesn't mean I can't play the game :p
  • Everything forgot said is true, but I'll clarify the "forgot to send in our moves bit" - I was sent @Freakworld to kill jk, but freak forgot to silence jk, hence being revealed.
  • After that I pretty much had 0 communication with piece considering the amount of time I had left to make a decision and send him to kill someone, so I did the most random thing I could do.
  • Pretty much it. GG
Overall a fun game, just had some small faults like creeper's game and my game.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
I thought that town had a pretty heavy advantage in this game, mainly due to the fact how their roles were setup and how all roles were known from the beginning in (I personally like it more when you don't know which roles are in the game as it keeps this kind of mysterious aspect and also makes it easier for the maf to hide amongst the innocents).

Yeah but it was basically GG I still think we would've lost anyways because we had no way of killing off jk before the next phase so I would've been revealed anyways.
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