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Minr Mafia 11: Forums

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
/ban cory to save my own skin
Also @Zatharel I was referring to others who have gone along with the vote, not you. The entire reason I mentioned you because I respect the fact that you're questioning the authority and to tell you to keep doing what your doing. Didn't intend to have it sound like that, but was more of an encouragement than a condemnation. Apologies for any offense. As for my own inactivity, I apologize for it but the last round or two I have been killed in the first night and I've been trying to stay under the radar. In no part of my post was I claiming my own innocence, since I have no way to do it, only trying to spur some action. Whatever happens, it was a pretty good round to watch and I believe you can pull out the win, zath
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
@Spontida10 since you have been killed, do NOT talk in the thread until the game is over.

Forgot has already said that this game, so thats a strike against you.


Nov 5, 2013
My vote still stands, halex.
Can't try to pin a vote on someone without looking at yourself first. I'm leaving the last decision to our trusted little innocent @blie4


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, I am breaking the no talky rule not as commentary on the round but as forum moderation. I think both Dis and Forgot can agree that it is an acceptable exception.

I am starting to see a lot of potentially serious hate forming within your guys' posts. Don't forget that it is just a game meant to be fun. It would be a real shame if we had to stop playing it because it caused problems within the community.


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Okay, I am breaking the no talky rule not as commentary on the round but as forum moderation. I think both Dis and Forgot can agree that it is an acceptable exception.

I am starting to see a lot of potentially serious hate forming within your guys' posts. Don't forget that it is just a game meant to be fun. It would be a real shame if we had to stop playing it because it caused problems within the community.
I've been going through changing some of the more... violent... wording when I see them.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013

I don't know what to think. I've gotten so many role PM's from so many people I'm about 90% sure that the mafia have the innocent role PM's. I might vote in a minute or two.

Edit: Until I reach a conclusion, /ban corygolfanatic. I was messaging piece and it would take him a while to respond, as if he was talking to someone and then responding.Supporting this, cory seems to have jumped and defended piece out of the blue. It's very suspicious of him, as well.

And if this doesn't work, I didn't care about this game very much anyway (sorry :p).


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Can confirm piece's innocence.
/Ban Halex
Seriously? Look what you just posted a while ago:
That's exactly what I didn't want. Do you have a reason? It's clearly not going to help getting others to vote with you if you vote with no reasoning.

/ban No one
Now you're completely contradicting yourself by voting halex with no explanation whatsoever. No offense, but if you aren't mafia, you're crazy.
#ban corygolfanatic


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Let me explain myself here. Last time I gave an explanation for my vote, it all went to hell, having everyone tell me how vague of a statement it was. Upon asking for a role PM from piece, his role matched mine. If you want to vote me, you're wasting a vote. To blie, if you're basing your vote off of piece "taking too long to respond", that would be his concern, not mine. @blie4, The fact that I sent you my role PM in the very beginning of the game should indicate that I'm innocent. In my defense, voting for halex with no reasoning may not have been the best idea and has clearly affected the voting right now.

To electro, even if you say "no offense", offense can be taken. This is the first game of me posting more than just votes, and clearly it has not worked out in my favor.

In order to save my own ass and not accuse anyone that could potentially be innocent....
/BAN No one
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Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Been re-convinced.

/ban No-one.

Cory was one of the first role PM's we got, and he did change his mind about my incrimination. At this point, both halex and cory look innocent in my eyes.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
As the members came around the ban button, for one of their last ever ban sessions, nobody knew who to ban. It was a big mystery to everyone who to kill. They gathered round and some names were thrown out for banning. But out rose a shining star. Even though the members had a leader, blie wasn't quite able to keep them all corralled. They were getting antsy, unsure of who to REALLY trust.

Halex had always been a team player, despite what the other thought. When he got into this shady business, he was never contaminated, never looked down, he was always the optimist, willing to crack a joke in the toughest of times, even if it made some of his peers hate him. But he wasn't all charm, he was also a great friend. Why just 3 months ago he had saved cory from a pack of vicious wolfs. And the week before he had helped blie to make his house look nicer. But now was not the time for halex to be the nice guy, no, now was the time for him to take charge , for him to become the hero the members needed, maybe not the one they deserved, but certainly the one they needed. He began his speech.

"Fellow members, I know that you have no reason to trust me, and to be honest, I wouldn't trust me in your situation either, but the point is YOU HAVE to trust ME. If you don't, and you decide to ban me off, its basically over, the spammers will soon outnumber us, and if that is so then there is no hope of us being able to stop them. But with this reasoning i'd like to give you who i think is a spammer: Piece. His post count is high, he doesn't help out the team, and to be honest, he isn't very helpful :/. Don't let the fear control you. Don't let the spammers win. Fight back now. Fight back hard and never let yourself down, because that is what dooms us all."

Zath was ticked off by this newcomer a bit, why was he trying to lead a revolt? Zath had been there helping since day 1 and now this guy who had done nothing for his team just comes around and says believe me i am not mafia and vote off piece? Not by zaths book. That was not gonna fly:

"And just why should we trust the man that has come to be known as halex? What has he done for us? How has he been helpful in anyway?"
Zath said as he strutted over to halex.
"What has this pleb done for our team? As far as i have seen he just makes sarcastic comments and tries to be funny, not exactly helpful in my book."
"Uh well, as of right now, I am saying that all we know is piece has done the same stuff i have, and at least NOW i am contributing." Countered halex
"And at a time like this, wouldn't it be easy for a spammer to say, I don't know, rise to power and gain control over the remaining innocents? Wouldn't it just make his life nice and easy, all he would have to do it kill off his own pawns and suddenly he'd have won?"
"Well i suppose so yes, but at the same time..." Halex started but zath cut him off saying, "So you're agreeing with me? Well with that i say why don't we just ban off you?"
"You haven't let me give my case yet." Halex stammered but as soon as he finished saying that cory came in and said "PIECE IS INNOCENT, I can confirm that!"
"HA!" yelled zath loudly since he had just won his battle with halex
"But i never gave my case!" Halex all but screamed at them
"Doesn't matter anymore, you're getting banned."
"How could cory possibly know piece was innocent, the only way he could possibly know this is if he himself was the spammer! Plus he is accusing me, along with zath that I am the spammer! That screams spammer to me, how do you all not see it?"
"Yea what he said" electro said from the back row
piece then spoke up: "Well I know i am innocent, and so I'm gonna go out and say halex is the mafia."
The bell rang and it was time to vote:
The votes:
3 votes halex
2 votes cory
1 vote no-one

Halex44, the innocent, has been BANNED!
Offline period 7 begins now:


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
piece cory and zath all banned for halex. and while i was writing it both blie and cory posted adding to the ban no-one. Hence the 2 ban noones. I started writing that piece at 9:30 ended at 10:10 Hence the vote being the way it is.

I apologize for any confusion, I'll post an update saying voting will no longer take place next time, but both blie and cory literally cut it last second. I also read corys response, but he editted after i read it, so i missed his addition of ban nobody, or i may have been able to chance the story around that. Sorry,

If i could simply go back and fix that i would, but since you all know halex is now innocent its kinda unfair to put him back in the game. If you want to feel more morally satisfied you can give me a strike for being a bad host in this instance.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
The spammers met up that night. They collaborated, and decided on a person to vote. It was a quick decision, since they were soon to be in power. They decided on Ian. But in order to commemorate his death here is a little back story of ian:

Ian started the server a long time ago, and he was determined to be one of the best greens there was. He got through all of hardcore, and started to make maps. After a little while though, he got kinda bored of the server, so he stopped for a while. He would come back periodically with bursts of inspiration, and would make some good maps. Then came the forums. It was ians way to stay in touch with everyone in the community, not having to constantly log onto the server. He loved it, and hated to see it overrun with spammers, he hated all of them with a bitter resentment. It was through this resentment that he had gotten so far in this twisted "game" if you will. He had been determined to take down each and every last one of those SOB's.

But when he tried to log onto the forums that day, it didn't let him in. Realizing what happened, he slammed his fists onto his desk.
"damnit, and there were so few left too... i would have gotten rid of the rest... i could have been a hero. :("

IanAnth66, the innocent, has been BANNED!
Online period 8 begins now:


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
That's actually a rather flattering backstory dist, thank you. Good luck everyone!
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