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Minr Mafia 12: Creature Feature

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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Wow, uh, okay. It's not letting me edit that last post.

I may have to send a message to Chillers or someone regarding this. It's not done this to me before, and I feel so bad leaving an unfinished post. But oh well, bugs are bugs I guess.

Back to the story!


Day 8 Continued:

Anyways, yeroc was trying to fly toward the Mushshshshshshshshshshshhhhhhhhhhh

He flew to the MMMMM
lsI moorhsum eh
6349C UO32 59 55Y3 J7WY599J 8WO


yeroc arrived in the middle of the burning Forest! It seems players near or in the Mushroom Island got glitched by the Ender Dragon's presence! Those players have been teleported randomly across the biomes!

As such, the Mooshroom was teleported into the void of the Stronghold, never to be seen again.

henniboy321, the [Passive] Mooshroom, was Ended by the End!

The Dragon continues to fly.

Night 8 Begins Now
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Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Also yeroc, how is the movement of the dragon decided? And how did you decide where the players were teleported?


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Probably random number generator or flip of a coin, like he used for the lightning in the plains.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Sleek and Creeper: ;_;

Night 8 Events:

As the stars shimmered in the sky, the Arachnid swam for shore in hopes of finding safety. Unfortunately, it was attacked by the Zombie Pigman and the Ocelot one last time before escaping the waters.

There didn't seem to be too much going on at the moment. The Ender Dragon is strangely hovering high over the center of the map. Who knows what it might do next?

Day 9 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Day 9 Events:

The Bat swooped down from above the Plain and struck the Spider. After its successful hit, the Spider ran into the Cave to recover. The Bat flew back above the Plain to assess the area.

The Ender Dragon began to descend from the clouds, rather silently. It seems the last glitch caused the Dragon to move without sound, and a few of its polygons were missing.

The Bat, being a creature reliant on sound, did not hear the Ender Dragon quickly falling from right above.

The [Passive] Bat has been ki-

Wait. The Bat simply passed through the Ender Dragon, with neither mob taking damage! Suddenly, the Ender Dragon began flying in circles, and the Bat flew erratically. It seems that the Bat has lost control! But the Ender Dragon is also moving strangely! What happened?


For some reason, one of the mobs in the Plain was not moving. Not used to being in the heat of the sun, the Silverfish had nowhere to cool off. It had struggled to move before, but now it lay motionless on the terrain. It was cooked to death!

Jkjkelly1, the [Aggressive] Silverfish, became a Golden-Brownfish!

Night 9 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Night 9 Events:

In the dark of night, the Ender Dragon blended with the deep hues of the sky.

Down on the Plain, it seemed like a lot of creatures were migrating toward the center of the map. Last time there were an abundant number of players in the Plain, catastrophe struck. What made them think now would be any different?

The Magma Cube(s) were bouncing along, trying to reach the Cave. They were not used to the cold of the night.

All of a sudden, the Ender Dragon dove from the skies and flapped its giant wings right above the Cubes! The Cubes went into the air as a result of the sudden gusts. The Dragon took in a deep breath, and let out a gargantuan blast from its mouth and nose! The flamethrower was so intense that even the creatures born in the magma could not withstand it!

Mathwiz592, the [Aggressive] Magma Cube, became a bunch of Magma Jelly!

Suddenly, the Ender Dragon began spazzing out again! The Bat fell from the sky and began to fly early enough to not smack the earth. But the Enderman was acting oddly now...

Day 10 Begins Now

Everyone except the Squid is in the Plain. If I don't send you a PM, note that your health is the same as it was. Be sure to check for a PM either way.
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Day 10 Events:

The Ender Dragon flew to the upper atmosphere.

The Zombie was out in the Plain. It had arrived in the sunrise in order to scout the area and try to attack anyone that it could.

The Zombie spotted the Bat hovering off in the distance, still flying low because of the body switch with the Ender Dragon. Seizing the opportunity, the Zombie ran over and swung. The Bat noticed the Zombie approaching and flew to about 4 meters in the air. The Zombie was unable to reach the Bat anymore.

Knowing that it had been defeated, the Zombie did the smart thing to do (especially for a creature with an infected brain).

The Zombie took off its tattered shirt and its torn pants. Don't worry; it still had underwear on. It pulled out a pair of shades that it stole from the Village a while ago. Donning the shades, it lied on the open grass. It didn't even attempt to attack any other creatures. It knew what was to happen.

Noticing this mini spectacle, yeroc began broadcasting a song across the server.

Ajdj, the [Aggressive] Zombie, spent the day Developing its Tan.

The Ender Dragon began a mach-speed nosedive!


Flying above the burning undead mob, the Bat swooped around in glee after avoiding an attack. It was glad to see one of its enemies dead on the ground below. With all of the projectile mobs dead, it was certain that it was going to stay alive and help defeat the rest of the Passives. Congratulations, Bat! You have won!

Coming in faster than the speed of sound, the Ender Dragon forced the Bat underneath it as it zoomed for the last moment. The flaming mass had captured its victim.

The impact was tremendous. Whereas the Creeper had left a fairly large gap in the Plain, the Ender Dragon had smashed about half the upper earth down into the bedrock lair. For miles around, the grass was scorched at the very least.

Zatharel, the [Passive] Bat, got the Guano Knocked Out of Him!

The Ender Dragon didn't move. Was it dead? Was it switching players again? The Enderman regained its composure and seemed to be normal again. But the Dragon didn't even budge. Funnily enough, there were a group of little mobs that haven't moved in a while either...

Night 10 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
srry 4 late, had hw
Day 10 Events:

The remaining six players were scampering all over the map. With the crazed Ender Dragon, nobody knew who had true control and who was going to be targeted.

The Enderman ran toward the northern Cave, taking long strides with his lengthy legs. The Squid swam helplessly in the Ocean off to the south. The Ocelot ran west toward some giant black stones.

Finding a resting spot, the Ocelot caught its breath and began cleaning itself. A strange trembling shook the immediate area, and the stones began to move! They moved in a long chain, and soon enough they were hovering a few feet off the ground.

Staring right on the poor kitty cat, the Dragon bit a chunk out of the earth and swallowed the Ocelot whole!

rickyboy320, the [Passive] Ocelot, was Served atop Lo Mein at the Dragon Express!

The Ender Dragon began phasing in and out; its graphic were becoming more distorted. The Slimes began hopping around again, but the Pig Zombie began jumping and jumping and jumping and jumping and jumping and jumping

Night 10 Begins Now
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Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
None of my pm contacts have responded to any of my messages today since the update. :/
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