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Minr Mafia 12: Creature Feature

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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Wish we had another creeper... :(

We could have Minr Mafia 12 Massacre 2!


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Day 4 Events:

Even more players migrated to the Ocean. yeroc couldn't count how many heads were bobbing on the surface of the water, but he did his best to keep an eye on the action.

Noticing three animals huddled together, he kept an eye on them. The creatures, consisting of the Squid, the Pig, and the Cow, started swimming toward the Guardian. Apparently the Squid had convinced them to assist it. The Cow and the Pig grabbed the Guardian and held it in place. The Squid swiftly swam toward the Guardian. Approaching the Guardian, the Squid prepped its tentacles. What followed is something so disturbing and gruesome that even yeroc looked away. I dare not repeat these events. Just know that the Guardian hightailed it to the Swamp after the assault from these three.

The Ocelot was very curious why the Witch did not respond to getting attacked. Thinking it could pull it off again, the Ocelot swam to the Witch and struck once more. Again, the Witch didn't flinch, but it visibly took damage. We all know that curiosity kills the cat; we shall see how this plays out.

Just for the lolz, yeroc visited the Mushroom Island. Here he found plenty of powerless cubes of various colors bouncing around the island. It was really cute.

Night 4 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Night 4 Events:

For the first time in the span of the server, the clouds grew heavy. No longer was the deep blue of the night sky coloring the bodies of water their standard shade; no longer were the stars sparkling and twinkling high above y=100000, no longer was the Wolf howling at the moon. It was eerie how the addition of a few clouds changed the atmosphere so much.

The Ocelot, who had been playing around the Witch for a whole day, decided it was to strike again. Once again, the Ocelot swam over to the abomination. It prepped its claws, and poised to strike. However, the Witch cackled loudly, scaring the Ocelot! The Ocelot swam a distance away before considering what had just happened. Had the Witch known the whole time was it was doing? Did it just pretend to be unfazed? Did it fake its passive reaction?

The Witch had a good chuckle after startling the feline. Surely the wild beast wouldn't do that again. Now it knows what fear is. The Witch was oblivious to the two figures creeping in on it, perhaps too amused by the Ocelot. Suddenly, two large figures body slammed the Witch! They were the Cow and the Mooshroom, squeezing the life out of the Witch using their large sizes. After a bit of torture, they released the Witch from their sand-witch. It made sense that the two creatures would eventually work together; they're practically cousins.

The Witch swam quickly away towards the Swamp. Throwing a potion on itself, it made itself invulnerable for a very short time. It was during this time that Bully McSquiddles tried to strangle the Witch, but it had no effect. By the time the Witch's potion wore off, it was already on dry land.

It seems that there won't be a nice sunrise this morning.

Day 5 Begins Now
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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
There is no reason for people to post on here, other than to take a overall look of the game and comment on it. No gameplay takes place here apart from the stories.


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
However in previous Mafias, the post has been a place for people to openly discuss tactics and theories. I guess the heavily team-based aspect of this round doesn't lend itself to that..


Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
I think the reason why this thread is less spammy than others is because the other games had some sort of voting system to vote someone out while here, there is no reason or barely any to discuss your tactics since it is much safer to pm


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Day 5 Events:


The sky flashed white only for a moment. Then it was back to its depressing gray color. The storm had finally rolled in. At first, there was very little rain; now, it fell in sheets that soaked the earth, pouring into its cracks and crevices along its path to be stopped by the dry bedrock...

As usual, the Ocean housed an interesting scene, but yeroc had to get rather close to the action to see through the fog. The Magma Cube (or rather cubelets, albeit many of them) were bouncing along the surface of the sea in the attempt to reach the Plain. Seeing the red cubes off in the distance, the Cow made like a bull and charged in on the mini creatures. Unlike its previous attempt on the Slime, the Cow was able to crush a few of the cubes. Noticing the action, the Pig and the Squid joined in with the Cow, each destroying at least one cube. Still, some of the Magma Cube made it to land, but there was a sizeable loss to be had.

While he was up above the Plains, yeroc took note of yet another ambush. This time, the Wither Skeleton initiated the attack. It ran toward the Rabbit and sliced away, severely injuring the creature. The Silverfish, also being nearby, noticed the struggle and joined in, attacking the Rabbit. I suppose this makes up for their failures against the Bat. Nonetheless, they kept attacking the small animal. With a bunch of adrenaline and fear, the Rabbit somehow got away from the enemies and bolted it to the Cave. The Wither Skeleton and Silverfish each gave chase, but they were too slow for the Rabbit. They were easily lost in the fog and downpour. It seemed like the Rabbit was going to escape alive after all.

It's a shame that lightning is quite a bit faster than a Rabbit.


Freakworld, the [Passive] Rabbit, was Cooked by the Gods!

There is no end to the storm in sight.

Night 5 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
I have not received many responses, and my schedule for this weekend's nights is a bit busy. Instead of updating tonight and tomorrow at 10pm, I'm updating Saturday at 4pm and resuming normal schedule Sunday night 10pm. Moves sent from 10pm to sat 4pm are valid.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Night 5 Events:

The storm raged on.


Lightning struck the Wither Skeleton, standing open in the Plain. He dropped a bone or two in damage, but he didn't die.

The Ocean was the scene for the largest attack yet. Almost every creature in the turbulent waters tried to attack the Slime cubes, who were bouncing along the surface toward the Plain. The Pig made the first attempt; it was pushed away by a wave before it could destroy any cubes. The Mooshroom got close to one and ate it, ensuring its demise.
The Bat tried echolocating the Slimes, but in the rain, it was no good. It swooped multiple times and missed.


Lightning struck the Wolf, who had been bobbing in the water. It stayed alive, but its tail was at a lower angle than ever before.

The Ocelot, much better at swimming now (but not any more happy) sliced a Slime into extremely small chunks, which mixed into the water and went away. The Cow attempted the same strategy of the Mooshroom, but the Slime block wriggled out before the Cow could taste its jelly. Of course, the Squid swam in with ease and tore apart one of the blocks. Only a few Slime blocks made it to shore.


Lightning struck the Pig, turning it into a Zombie Pigman!

yeroc went to check the other biomes, but he didn't find many players outside of the Plain and the Ocean. He flew above the treetops of the Forest, hoping to see someone. Resting on a branch, he scanned the area for anyone else.


Lightning struck yeroc! It doesn't affect him, but the tree he was on is now ablaze!

The fire spread very quickly underneath the cover of the trees. Soon the entire Forest was on fire! Perhaps it's not a good idea to go there anymore. yeroc flew somewhere else so that he didn't ruin any of his other beautiful biomes.

The thunder has stopped, but the rain continues.

Day 6 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
It's time to call out some players.

From now on, if you have 3 turns of inactivity in a row, I will kill you off. I don't want players to AFK-win.

With that being said, the following list of players must move this turn or else they will die:


I'm not even going to bother with tagging you. You have over 24 hours to do something. I don't want a PM saying "do nothing", I want you to move or attack.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013

You'll all be getting your proper update tomorrow; homework has my brain fried. Only one of those deaths is true. No moves will be counted from now until tomorrow night's update. And the story will be corrected.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, this will ne a bit awkward for those whose names and creatures are listed...
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