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Minr Mafia 12: Creature Feature

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Oct 26, 2013
Sorry I've not been the best host. Hopefully I can keep things straight from now until the end.
Anyways, due to the outcome of the coin flips, not everyone successfully attacked, but it was enough to make a kill.
So here's the copy below, and I'll delete my old post.

Day 6 Events:

The sky remained cloudy.

The creatures of the Swamp noticed some impending danger. The fires from the Forest nearby were quickly approaching, and nobody felt like being trapped. They decided to head into the Ocean, where they could split up the other creatures and get through alive.

The Wither Skeleton, noticing the mass exuent and signaled over to them to save him. Unfortunately, a bunch of surrounding Passives noticed, and these creatures had a bone to pick with it. The Cow, who had been stricken before, made the first attack. It's allies, the Squid, the Mooshroom, and the Bat followed suit. The Wither Skeleton was barely grasping for life when the Zombie Pigman swam over.

Would the Pigman destroy all of the overworlders and save his Nether friend? Or would it swim passively by? Find out next time on Dragonball Z! Or don't. The Pigman attacked too.

corygolfanatic, the [Aggressive] Wither Skeleton, has been Slain by the Baconator!

The Enderman waltzed into the Cave, thinking the storm may be close to over. He stumbled upon a room with sand hanging from the ceiling, and being ever needy of a block, he grabbed one of the chunks. The ceiling started crumbling in, and the Enderman teleported to a safer part of the Cave.

But the Enderman wasn't alone, and the other creature didn't even try to move.

nahfackler, the [Aggressive] Blaze, got too much Sand in his Shorts!

Night 6 Begins Now

And again, I apologize.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Night 6 Events:

The sky was clearing up. yeroc knew that there was about to be a large battle in the Ocean tonight (he was finally picking up on the mob languages), but he wanted to visit the other biomes real quick.
Forest: Still burning and falling.
Swamp: The fires were very close now.
Mushroom Island: Fungal, as usual.
Village: Deserted.
Cave: Gloomy and quiet.
Stronghold: There seemed to be a weird energy coming from one of the rooms, but yeroc didn't spend too much time investigating.

Nether: Hellish, just like some of the mobs liked it. yeroc enjoyed his brief minutes flying around the giant stalactites, looking at the glowstone chunks that lit what the lava didn't. Finding one particularly fascinating chunk, he flew to it and admired its unique shape. Unfortunately, yeroc bumped the mouse and clicked one of the few pieces that it was hanging on by. Soon, the entire thing started to crack and crumble. Before yeroc could react, the chunk broke off from the ceiling. What's worse, it was about to fall right on top of the portal!

yeroc compassed down and lept through the portal just moments before the nether portal was smashed by the glowing substance. On the cave side, the portal's purple spirals simply disappeared. yeroc tried re-lighting it, but to no avail. It seems that the Nether is another lost biome.

Quickly heading toward the Ocean, he caught the initial parts of the fight in time. A large group of Aggressives had cut the Mooshroom off from his path to the Plain. Then, the Witch threw a potion of damaging! The Mooshroom took damage and became woozy from the effect. The Guardian backed off and fired a laser at the Mooshroom, hitting its back and knocking multiple mushrooms off. The Spider swam in and bit the Mooshroom, inflicting more pain. The Mooshroom snapped out of its daze and escaped the Zombie just in time. As it swam off toward the Mushroom Island, it was seen eating its own fungal creations to regain health.

After its attack on the Mooshroom, the Guardian left itself wide open. In a surprise attack, the Ocelot and the Squid ambushed the Guardian, both leaving their marks. The Guardian swam off.

The Cow, seeing its cousin brutally attacked by the Witch, decided to take matters into its own feet. The Cow slammed the Witch, crushing its own potion into its body. In a confused state, the Witch bobbed away.

Day 7 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Day 7 Events:

The Ocean was getting heated up in more ways than one. The sun, a previous symbol of beauty and life, beat down upon the players. The Passives and Aggressives were each gearing up for a mass murder. They all knew who was weak, and who needed to be avoided. It was time for sacrifices to be made.

The Cow made the first move. Treading water, it flopped onto the Witch and held it with its meaty legs. This gave the Ocelot and the Squid the perfect chance to strike without fail. The Witch, exhausted from the onslaught, passed out face down and drowned in the water.

ElectroUnderwear, the [Aggressive] Witch, did Not Drink the Potion of Water Breathing!

The wolf, who had been paddling idly as the chaos ensued, was delirious and hungry. Surely something in these waters is edible...

It swam over to where the Wither Skeleton was just a day ago, and without thinking, began gnawing on the bones. This proved to be a stupid idea, since the substance that the bones were made of were not meant to be consumed by overworlders. Poisoned by its last feast, the Wolf took its dying breath.

awkward_hamster, the [Neutral] Wolf, simply Withered Away.

The Aggressives launched their counterattack. Ambushing the Cow from all sides, the Zombie, Spider, and Silverfish began butchering the beefy creature. The Cow, having some mushrooms, tried to eat to regain health, but the Zombie bit deeply into the Cow.

The Guardian, wishing to make the last strike at the Cow, charged up its laser. The Aggressives backed off the Cow, who was floating motionlessly at this point. The Zombie, noticing the threat to the Guardian, tried to point to the Pig Zombie with its sword drawn. The Guardian began to turn around, but the Pig Zombie plundered its sword into the aquatic enemy. The Guardian's beam went into the air, where it passed right in front of the Bat. The Bat, being unable to see, kept on flying into the Guardian's shot. Damaged, it flew off to the Mushroom Island.

creeperTNTman198, the [Aggressive] Guardian, was Monumentally Sieged!

With the parting of the Guardian, who was going to make the final move on the Cow? It turns out that nobody was. The Cow had become infected by the Zombie's bite and ended up dying at the same time as the Guardian. There was a reason that it couldn't move.

Srentiln, the [Passive] Cow, was Taste Tested and Failed Inspection!

The fires have engulfed the Swamp. Along with the Forest, the Swamp had become a death zone. Yeroc wept as he realized the whole western portion of his map was ruined.

Night 7 Begins Now
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Great round yeroc,

Good luck guys, great job taking out the targets XD


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Night 7 Events:

Compared to the madness of the day, the night held hardly any significance. There was a lingering battle in the Ocean, but some of the mobs escaped to the Plain. While heading to shore, the Squid got a quick attack on the Silverfish before the Zombie came to save its friend. The Zombie struck the Squid, sending it off. However, the Ocelot and the Zombie Pigman came to the rescue of the Squid and each dealt damage on the Zombie.

"It's so odd seeing such small amounts of movement," yeroc mused. "Over half of the players are gone, and it seems like there's no activity on this server. Is that always what happens? We experience the hustle and bustle of one location, then leave it to find something better? Don't any creatures, humans or not, settle at some point? Are we too restless to be civil?"

Just then, a catastrophe struck one of the biomes. The earth shook at the Stronghold caved in on itself, sucked into some large, black vortex. Once most of the blocks (and surrounding earth) was sucked in, a giant beast flew out! The Ender Dragon had emerged, forcing its way out of the parallel universe in the game. What it was going to do was unknown, but it seemed as if only yeroc acknowledged it. The Dragon seemed to be glitching a bit, since it wasn't supposed to be in the overworld.

Day 8 Begins Now
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Day 8 Events:

The Ender Dragon flew due south at an alarming speed.

In the Ocean, the attacks had not ceased. The Zombie Pigman stabbed the Zombie Manman again, nearly killing him. In retaliation, the Spider went and attacked the Pigman. The Ocelot tried its best to defend its deformed buddy. This gave the Zombie time to try to escape. Instead of heading toward the Plain where some of his teammates were, he opted to swim toward the Mushroom Island.

yeroc was doing his best to keep track of everyone. But once the Zombie swam far enough away, yeroc lost sight of him. His render settings were high, and even though the Zombie was quite a bit away, yeroc should have been able to see him. To follow up on his mob of choice, yeroc flew towards the Mushroom Isl
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