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Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Which makes me think there are two possibilities:
1) It's something REALLY good that could have a huge impact
2) it's a troll item that will irritate whomever buys it

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
I think option two is the best bet cause an OP item would just be horrible if some people earned more money than other


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I would assume that the opportunity to earn is fairly equal. Even if it is just troll items, though, I still want to know what those items are, heh


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Until someone can buy one, how about we start talking a bit. I know it would be a miracle to figure out any useful information before someone is targeted, but even then we have nothing to go on if we have no information to draw connections from.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013

The night after the incident was surprisingly quiet to most players. While Reborn plotted their next move, others split up and went to great lengths to ensure their own survival. Except one. SleeknFoxy was here for one reason only, and that was to protect his “chosen one” at all costs. He had no way of knowing that his own time was running short.

The Reborn was annoyed by their enemies’ persistence, so they decided to step up their game this time and really play the fear card. As Sleek was walking across the street, a hand clamped over his mouth and he was dragged against his will into an abandoned cobblestone building, where he was beaten and tortured before finally being burned alive. As the world was fading to black around him, he thought about how it had at least been him who took the bullet… he was a protector, after all…

SleeknFoxy, the Third-Party Angel, has been burned to death!

You are the Third-Party Angel! You have been assigned to another player, which turned out to be <hidden>. Your goal is to make sure he lives to the end, even if it's at the cost of your own life. Only once per game, you can choose to use your guardian protection on him, which will cause you to die in his place if he were to be killed. If he's left untouched, you will not die unless you were going to die anyway.

Remember, he doesn't necessarily have to win, he just can't be killed. It's up to you whether or not to contact him.
The others were initially relieved the next morning, but once they gathered for the second time, they realized that someone was missing. It took them a while to find Sleek, but once they did, the damage to everyone’s morale was done.

Mystery Item #1 has sold out. Voting is now open until Saturday night. Good luck.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Pro Luma

Okay, so we know two things: 1) the money gain rate is indeed uneven between players and 2) there seems to be a third party that might be aiding wither side.

which leaves me with three questions:
1) has anyone else been getting those strange messages? 2) who has mystery item 1 and what is it? 3) does anyone have any information that is useful with this attack?


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
1) I believe they are quotes (the ones I got anyway):
Apparently they may be or may not be relevant (according to electro).

As Sleek was walking across the street, a hand clamped over his mouth and he was dragged against his will into an abandoned cobblestone building, where he was beaten and tortured before finally being burned alive.
That is some pretty.. uh, gruesome flavour.
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Nov 5, 2013
1) has anyone else been getting those strange messages?
What, the anonymous ones? I have. I tried googling them but my search results don't really make sense. One is a Doctor Who quote and the other relates to some weird article about a note in a student's hotel room.

I think we can speculate that either:
  • Sleekn's assigned player was not a member of the Reborn for these reasons.
  • Sleekn did not reach out to his assigned player.
a) His function as a neutral is pretty useless if he doesn't reach out to his assigned, which, doesn't mean he did. But it seems a bit more logical that he would.
b) If he did reach out, then his assigned player can't be the Reborn. It would make no sense to kill a neutral that's protecting you.
c) If he did not reach out, well, that solves itself. No one really knew what he was so no one really knew whether or not he should have been killed.

I'm going to try something different this round. I'm just going to flat tell you what I did last night, and what I found out while doing it.
  1. I spent last night in the shop.
  2. I bought a security camera and decided to use it the same night.
  3. I received one of the anonymous messages, warning me against opening a locked door and "trusting its whispers".
  4. I received a whisper that told me someone is coming to find me.
  5. I was notified that two people used their powers on me, and I know the identity of these two people.
So here's how we're doing this. They know who they are. I want both of these people to reach out to me, in private. Because I don't like the contents of the whisper I received.

If that doesn't happen within this day cycle, this is what I'm going to do:
  1. I'm going to reveal both their identities to 2 different people. This way, if there are 2 Reborn members then I trust that at least one of the people I message will be innocent.
  2. If I die the following night, these two people will be free to do whatever they want to do with the information. They could be Reborn, they could be innocent. It can go both ways, but at least the information won't be entirely lost.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Do you know what the powers are, or was that not part of what was reveled by the security camera?

If there is someone that you trust, you should notify them who it was in case something can happen to prevent you personally from revealing should they neglect to contact you. Maybe it's a bit of paranoia, but I'd rather this not be an easy reborn win.

And whomever has the secret item 1, if you feel that you can trust me please pm me whether or not it was a troll if you don't want to say in public chat at the very least. I'm just too curious about it at this point.


Nov 5, 2013
Do you know what the powers are, or was that not part of what was reveled by the security camera?
Why, I can't tell you everything, can I? That'll spoil the fun.

As for the revealing bit, I have that planned out. Don't worry.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I wasn't saying you should reveal those details, I'm just asking for consumer reviews on the product to see if it is worth spending my earnings on. (great addition to the game imho, especially something as obsession-grabbing as mystery items, lol)


Aug 8, 2014
So we have three groups.. Good guys, Bad guys, and neutral guys. This almost seems like a movie. Over the next day, I'll try and fish for more information.

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
Sadly im not sure if this really leads us down anywhere cause we have no idea how many neutrals are left. I think there is gonna be a neutral that might have to murder everyone


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Sadly im not sure if this really leads us down anywhere cause we have no idea how many neutrals are left. I think there is gonna be a neutral that might have to murder everyone
I don't think that neutrals would make up 25% of the players. Including mafia, that would probably be about 50% of the players who aren't directly town aligned.


Nov 5, 2013
It's 2 mafia members/Reborn, 1 neutral. Anything else would be VERY unbalanced.

2+1 = 3
There are 8 players playing. If in theory the neutral is helping out the Reborn, that means it's 3vs5. If there is even one more neutral the game is lost from the start. Both neutrals could align with the Reborn from day 1, making it 4vs4. This leaves us at a Day 1 LYLO + Day 1 MYLO, since:
  • Not lynching leaves us vulnerable to a kill. One down means 4vs3 at which point the mafia already has majority.
  • Mislynching leaves vulnerable to a kill AND minus one. Leaves it at 4vs2 at which point we're hopeless.
So, no, there are no other neutrals.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
My time for mafia was limited yesterday, so I'm going to catch up and respond to PM's now. You have 9 and a half hours left.
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