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Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

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Jan 19, 2015
Well we're in quite a pickle here... I wish I knew an easy way out of this one.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
What followed Creepa's death was one of the longest and most tense nights that most of the players had ever experienced. The innocents had the same general fears as the night before, but now they were losing numbers and the wrong people were even dying at the majority's hands. The thought of leaving had come back with a vengeance, floating hauntingly above the town. But they stayed out of sheer bravery and integrity, determined not to let the Reborn win.

But when they woke up the next morning, they were in for at least a temporary relief. Not a single one of them had been killed or even hurt overnight- and no one had any idea why. Did this mean that they still had a chance to survive this mess?

All of you that weren't already dead survived the night. Since I begin midterm testing tomorrow and I'm aware that some of you might as well, I'm giving you until the weekend before ending the day phase. The deadline is not locked in yet, but it will be no earlier than Friday night and no later than Saturday night.

Mystery Item #2 has sold out.

@MarstaVidar, you have one more phase to say something in here or in PM before being modkilled.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, this certainly is an interesting set of events we have here...

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
alright I got a church 2 miracle two nights ago: it allowed me to during one night phase visit two places
Last night I decided to get a security camera and go back to my house. Srentiln and nahfackler visited me. I want to know why you guys where there?


Nov 5, 2013
alright I got a church 2 miracle two nights ago: it allowed me to during one night phase visit two places
Last night I decided to get a security camera and go back to my house. Srentiln and nahfackler visited me. I want to know why you guys where there?
Interesting! I'd like a word with you in PM if you don't mind.

These two are the ones I mentioned before (can the person I PM'd this to step out and confirm?). Here's what I think:
-One of them is Reborn.
-One of them is not.
I have a fair guess as to who is who, and someone is going to die this day cycle.

Something bothers me about what you said @rmanimal
CreepaShadowz is a Mafia role when we investigated him last night
Who's we? Is there an exclusive club I'm not in?

We have 3 days, let's see some discussion!


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well now, you guys certainly have put me in an interesting situation. it seems electro assumed some details were more obvious than they were to my way of thinking when he told me my role.

I can either remain silent, risk being vote-killed, and keep my role semi-useful; or I can kill the usefulness of my role, share my knowledge with everyone, potentially save an innocent, and potentially keep myself alive.

I will say this for now:
  • I have shared one piece of partially true information with nah.
  • I have talked with one other person who I planned on telling something important, depending on how our conversation was going.
As usual, I'm not going to sit here fighting with you all over whether I am innocent or not. I know I am, but nothing I say can prove it.


Aug 8, 2014
I will speak up about something

I did buy something last night that was useful. But, I will say that Sren and I did exchange some information I told him what I bought.

The Item I bought was extremely useful. I will tell you that the item is not a malevolent object. The Item is extremely benevolent.

I can also say that Srentilin is Innocent after I did a little digging.


Jan 19, 2015
Alright Nah, this is getting ridiculous, for a wide variety of reasons.
1. You have been extremely vague and continue to be ambiguous, like you don't want to reveal too much information. The only other person that hasn't contributed a great deal is @MarstaVidar, and he's been afk enough cycles to prove it impossible for him to be a likely mafia.
2. Why are you hiding such a "benevolent" item? If it's so useful, why withhold information?
3. Role-checking you doesn't help either, as you show up to be a Mafia.
4. Your appearance on two different cameras is frightening. Why are you appearing so often on the cameras?
Since there is so much incriminating evidence against you, unless you have an even better reason than Creepa:
#vote Nahfackler


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I will say that hiding the nature of an item is not that suspicious to me, as knowledge of the item's ability can put a target on someone. Here are my thoughts on the round so far:

  • There is the potential for another neutral player
    • We had no indication of any neutrals until sleek died
    • sleek's role tied him to a specific player, therefore making him basically a voiceless member of that person's side
    • there could be a second one with a similar stipulation that balances it out
  • rman is likely innocent
    • I bought the first item
    • it disappeared before the vote on creepa (all I could get from electro was "It means you no longer have it.")
    • the nature of the item would have given rman a false reading
  • Zath has said little to nothing in public chat
    • called out people who used their powers
    • makes nameless threat towards myself and whomever else used their power
    • encourages discussion without offering any himself
  • odin is going to be mod-killed soon, so a vote on him is wasted
  • pro seems to be thinking along similar lines to me
    • shared curiosity of the nature of the mystery items
    • suspecting more neutral players
    • Ready to call someone out blatantly when catching them doing something suspicious
  • don't know what exactly to think of nah
    • claims to know I am innocent "after a little digging"
    • uses different coloring when stating my name and saying innocent
      • potential cue to someone?
    • shared the nature of his mystery item with me
      • have some doubts about its authenticity, but can't prove anything
    • if he was telling me the truth about what the item was, it could be to the benefit of either side.


Aug 8, 2014
How about this.. I have the power to bring back the dead right now. Also, I can confirm that the item I have is a benefit to both sides of the equation. For right now, I agree with what Sren said. Anyone could keep information for various reasons. They may have information that could paint a target on themselves. To me, keeping information is not suspicious. As for the cameras, I could be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Here's my question to you Rman.
How do you prove I am mafia if there is a possibility of me using a fake role card?
Until I get more information, here is my vote.


Jan 19, 2015
possibility of me using a fake role card?
Why would using a mafia role card even work?
  • The mafia clearly know their members, as they lynched a night kill on the 1st night.
  • It puts an inane amount of suspicion on you if role-checked
  • If I'm correct about your alignment, simply waiting til later to provide use on your mafia friend would be easy.
Besides, can't I just ask you that question back? How do you prove you're using a fake alignment card?
Revealing the possibility to the chat just foiled your plan. If you really had such a power, convicting me in turn for pressuring lynching people two days in a row would've probably won your argument right then and there.
  • You just contradicted yourself about what the mystery item is
Even in the vagueness of your mystery item description, you stated on page 3:
I can tell you that it was not worth buying
a post ago:
Also, I can confirm that the item I have is a benefit to both sides of the equation
in case it wasn't obvious, you stated the item was useless, then said it can benefit mafia and innocent.
You've made three slip-ups that link you to being a mafia role.
Three strikes and you're out.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
either rman or nah is mafia. Both claim to be role-checkers (sorry guys, but it's too important not to bring up here). I asked rman for the actual details of creepa's role check, and he didn't reply to me. nah told me my role word for word.

nah mentions the idea of a fake role card, an item that is not mentioned/eluded to at all in this thread. Mystery item 1 was a fake role card, which I bought and then somehow lost (serious electro, you have me going crazy trying to figure out for sure if it was stolen, dropped, or miraculously gifted). Details:
You received the first Mystery Item, a Fake Rolecard! If you choose to, you can make up your own role message and what alignment it goes with, and though you will not actually take on this role, you'll appear as it on any possible role-checks and the fake message will be revealed upon your death. So even though you're an innocent, you can attempt to trick people in a way that will benefit your team.
the bolded part lead me to postulate that creepa was mafia, had stolen the card, and used it when rman called him out. Now, I am not so sure.

rman, what was actually stated in your check on creepa?


Nov 5, 2013
the fake message will be revealed upon your death
Wait, seriously?
So there's a huge possibility he's NOT an innocent villager?

Doesn't this mean there's a possibility that Odin is the inactive mafia member, and we're basically pointing fingers at eachother for no reason? No one died last night. I don't think that was just luck. What if we've already won, lol?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
that could just be coincidence zath, after all:
HOME- Lastly, you can stay away from the public and seek refuge in your own home. Since you're harder to find, any harmful action against you will only have a 50% chance at succeeding. You MAY NOT use your power here, since you've isolated yourself from the others.
Invisibility Potion: Become immune to all actions for one night as soon as you decide to use it. You will not be protected at daytime. Can only be purchased once by each player. Cost: $60
if someone got lucky with their use.

and there's still the issue of two people claiming to be role-checkers. In this small of a game, that just flat out does not make any sense UNLESS the mafia players don't know each other. That would imply that there is one role-checker per side, and sleek's death was possibly either a random guess or he wasn't killed by mafia.

My first thought to respond to our current situation is to #vote nobody, give rman a chance to reply, stay home this night, and see what happens with odin.

More input from others would be greatly helpful in this situation.

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
Nah i want you to tell me my role, you visited me and unless i can get some serious proof from you your on the top of my reborn list and if you didn't visit me to use your power why did you visit me ?


Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
Hello, im back. Internet didn't want to help me. I've read through the whole thread and im now up for any information. Just a quick check, what should i message Electro? Where i go as well as if i use my action/buy stuff, right?


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Hello, im back. Internet didn't want to help me. I've read through the whole thread and im now up for any information. Just a quick check, what should i message Electro? Where i go as well as if i use my action/buy stuff, right?
It's currently day, but you can do that after the phase ends. Knowing that you're still here is enough, I won't modkill you now.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well darn, I should have deleted odin's post so we could see his role :p

In seriousness, though, anything to add to the discussion odin?


Jan 19, 2015
The problem with the role checks I have is that they're incredibly vague. The only information I get is the result of their "team" (mafia, innocent, and... third party I guess), likely so that I don't become more overpowered than I already am.
nah told me my role word for word.
I have a giant problem with this. The main issue is that he knows everything about you in role checking, and was caught on camera with two others both nights, so he shouldn't, in fact can't, know your role unless it is impossible for him to be a "cop."
I probably should state why I'm relentless to convict nahfackler, considering my credibility isn't the best and I've been on him for the entire day cycle:
  • There's obviously only one innocent cop. If there were 2 role-cop innocents, it means 3/4 of the people assuming we don't double-check someone (2 cop innocents + 2 people checked per person) are checked.
  • With this in mind, if I'm innocent he's mafia, and vice versa.
  • If nah lives and is mafia, he can revive Creepa and night-kill someone in one night, being 2 people closer to win condition.
  • He has immense power. He knows more roles than nights occurred thus far, he has a (if not both) secret items, and can raise someone from the dead. This is excessive to be a liberator, let alone an innocent against 2 mafia at most.
  • We're not going to get anywhere fast if we keep waiting for more evidence to convict each other.
  • Nullifiers will easily cancel one lynch vote, so just relying on "equal votes" or just one vote better isn't really going to cut it with how cheap the thing is in shop. We've nearly won, but we won't if at this point no one lynches.
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