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Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I'm in agreement with rman on a lot of points. As I stated, nah KNEW that a fake role card was possible before it was ever brought up. Since it was stolen from me, he has to be connected with the person who stole it somehow. Additionally, it was stolen before the vote on creepa, making him a potential thief who used it and hoped rman would comply with his request for a re-check.

whether or not his role is a role checker is a bit unclear. There are things that almost make me believe that he is just a conduit for the role checker to use as a shield.

Additionally, it makes no sense for a mafia player to start a vote-kill on an innocent. It would immediately draw suspicion onto them.

The only thing That makes me hesitant is the lack of knowing who nullified creepa's vote.


Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
About this fake role card, i got a whisper a while back saying this:
"there is a shape-shifter in our midst, one who can pretend they are something they are not."

Im guessing whoever messaged me was talking about this fake card, but it could possibly be something else.
As of now i have no idea who to vote. I suppose nah seems to be the most likely, but i don't want to accidentaly kill someone innocent.
If anyone wants some information, hit me up with a pm. It might not be much but meh.

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
There is so much against nah that i have to vote him up, he hasnt replied recently and there is lots of evidence against him. Not to mention his points being so vague
#vote Nahfackler


Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
Tbh ill join on the Nah train. Someone needs to die today and Nah is the most suspicious.

#vote Nahfackler


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I will add one more thing:

While nah had told me my role details, he didn't visit me the night before. Either he isn't the one who saw my role, or he used his only invis potion


Aug 8, 2014
Sorry guys, been busy with the relatives. To prove to you I am a role checker, I'll tell you my role.
I am the night stalker, I can do role checks per night. I have only done one role check as the first person who I tried to check was Sleek, but he was killed by the Mafia. The second was Sren. Since only 2 nights have passed, I could only check 2 people. I did speak with Creeper and he did tell me that he stole something on night 1.

Also, I don't have the capability to PM people. So, If you were hoping to do PM to me, you would have to start the conversation with me.

I will say this again about my replies and the timing:

If I don't reply immediately, I do have relatives in town that I am spending time. I'll try to reply as time will allow me. I apologize if this is an inconvenience to you.


Nov 5, 2013
I am the night stalker, I can do role checks per night.
Night stalker...? Isn't that very typically a mafia role? I thought the innocent detective was The Liberator...

I have only done one role check as the first person who I tried to check was Sleek, but he was killed by the Mafia. The second was Sren. Since only 2 nights have passed, I could only check 2 people.
So... how did you visit me and Luma then? You claim to have investigated Sleek and Sren, but as far as I know... you can't have been at two places at once?

I'm sorry but I just see way too many holes in this story to believe it.
#vote nahfackler


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
nah's statement only solidifies in my mind the thought that he is not the actual role checker. He visits zath and luma, doesn't visit me, and yet has only checked my role...

Additionally, your statement that creeper told you that he stole something makes me feel even more that you are on his side and that he had my fake role card. Considering his words when called out by rman, either you are a neutral (which could go either way) or you are mafia.

#vote nahfackler


Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
Im keeping my vote on Nah. Evidence is too stronk for it to be anyone else.


Aug 8, 2014
I'll admit that I am Mafia, but good luck finding the rest. The only thing I wasn't lying about was my role and the item I had. Also, There was an opportunity for me to be in two spots in the same night.

Just to make this permanent.

Happy holidays to you all, I'll peek in here just to see what is happening. Good Luck!
I'll be cheering for the Mafia.
May the force be with you!


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
luma, zath, odin: assuming that nah is telling the truth (and I know each of you who isn't a mafia is going to think similarly), I need to hear some reason as to why to trust you. I trust that rman is innocent since he's called out two mafia and, as a ploy, that would be rather risky.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Final vote count:
Nahfackler- 6


As the minrites woke up that morning, they each exited their homes to find the same note waiting for them outside.

Come to my house today. I have something to show you all that will help bring an end to this mess.

The innocents were wary of the intentions behind the message, but nonetheless, they all complied and headed over to Luma's. Before long, they were all waiting in silence, glancing at Luma to begin. One of the members was missing from the meeting, but this went mostly unnoticed.

"Good morning, everyone. I have something important to tell you." He glanced over at Zatharel, who nodded for him to go on. "Last night I ran into Zath, who had been searching for evidence against the Reborn and found this." He opened a chest next to him and pulled out a security tape. "You were wondering how Sleek died? It's all on tape here." He put it on television for them all to see, and their faces were horrified as they watched, from a hidden camera in a dark corner of the cobblestone house, as Sleek was dragged in and killed before their eyes. One of the attackers' faces was very clearly distinguishable.

Luma glanced over at nahfackler, who had been deathly pale the entire time. "Have anything to say for yourself?"

Everyone turned to look at them, making sure to keep their distance from nah. Several seconds of silence passed before he spoke up, saying, "Just get it over with."

"Get it over with?" Luma said furiously. "You hypocrite, you're asking us for mercy even though you couldn't give any to Sleek. You have some nerve!"

"Fine," nah said coldly. "I'll do it myself."

Before anyone could react, he had slipped a dagger out of his sleeve- probably the same one used to commit the first murder- and plunged it into his own heart. With one last glare at Luma, he collapsed to the floor and went still, never to kill again. Once more, the room went completely quiet.

Nahfackler, the Mafia Stalker/Leader, has taken his own life!
Nahfackler- You are the Stalker. Every night, you can investigate a player and find out their role and exactly what it does. If they're inside their home, this does not count as a hostile action.

Also, for all story purposes, nah is the Reborn leader. This will not affect the gameplay.

Somewhere away from the meeting, MarstaVidar jolted out of a daze, looking around in confusion. It seemed he'd forgotten exactly what was happening.


Even farther away from the meeting, even stranger things were happening. A player suddenly woke up in a deserted graveyard, gasping for breath. He tried to gather his thoughts, not sure exactly what was going on. A few seconds later, it all came rushing back to him. The murders, the accusations..... his own death.

CreepaShadowz has returned from the dead!


The game is now going back to its normal schedule, meaning this phase will end on Sunday. Good luck to all players.

Current players:
Pro Luma
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, we already know creepa is mafia, so next morning we can get rid of him easily. Fake role card probably still holds its effect. Not specifically stated, but the fact that it says it shows the fake role in death just makes me think that.

If we hunker down, we should be fine.


Nov 5, 2013
Also I recommed everyone stays at home tonight so we can all be alive when the endgame occurs :D


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Actions are now locked
EDIT: Sorry guys, the update is going to be kind of late tonight
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Nov 5, 2013
Not sure who sent this my way last night, but props to you for knowing it. I absolutely love this song.
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