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Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
well, electro told me I'm dead already, so I'll just say this:

You guys already know what to do, just see it through


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Well, this is embarrassing. I may have fallen asleep last night when I was working on updating to day ._.
Anyway, here's your delayed update:


The players were shocked at nah's suicide, but they left Luma's house feeling a little better, knowing that they'd cut off the head of their enemy. Undoubtedly, the Reborn was still out there, but now they had the upper hand. Six out of the original eight went home, only five of which would wake up in the morning.

After running his errands for the night, Srentiln was the last one to go home. There was no way he could have known what was about to happen. He stepped on the pressure plate to open the door to his house and walked in, ready to get some rest. But the Reborn had rigged a trap connected to the pressure plate, putting multiple layers of TNT under the house and its surroundings. When sren heard the hissing, he turned back and ran outside, but he couldn't get far enough.

Srentiln, the Innocent Agent, went out with a BANG!

You are the Innocent Agent! You can contact any player anonymously by telling me the message and who you want to send it to, and I will deliver it to them without saying who sent it. This can be done multiple times in one day/night, and is usable at any time.
Everyone not involved in this was either sound asleep or very far away, so nobody knew about the explosion until morning.

Current players:
Pro Luma


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Ok. Here is my official plea for life.
Can you all please not lynch me today?
Tomorrow is totally fine, but just not today.
(Also, please don't nullify me)


Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
Also, i got the same lyrics as Zath, im almost guessing sren sent it to everyone.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
(yes odin, I sent it to everyone. I had nothing useful to say ever, so I used my power to just mess with everyone and build up the cash :p )


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Creepa has been lynched 2-1 (nullifier included), plus a one-time forcelynch power that guaranteed the win for the innocents. Final update coming.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Since we have the confirmation of end-game, was there a second independent? I'm just curious if there was a counter-balance to sleek


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Despite nah's death, creepa was now confident in his own victory. Now that everyone thought he was dead, he could take them all out at once without them ever suspecting a thing. After finding out about the meeting at Luma's house, it didn't take long for him to finish developing his plan. He forged three notes similar to the previous day's, making sure to set a time before Luma would leave, and left them on the porches of MarstaVidar, Zatharel, and Rmanimal. He then begun to sneak off to Luma's house, prepared to wait nearby until morning and then fill the house with lava once they went inside. It was a simple but deadly plan, one that would finally take out-

"Going somewhere?"

Creepa jumped and spun around, seeing the Mayor, Zatharel, standing a few blocks behind him. Next to him was Rmanimal, who seemed calm like his companion, though he was simply hiding his anger and disappointment in his former friend. Creepa opened his mouth to speak, but no words came to mind. What exactly is a dead person supposed to say?

"We know what you're doing," Zath continued. "Your best option now is to give up and come quietly. If you're lucky, the others will settle for seeing you imprisoned

Creepa started to panic and struggled to hide it, seeing his plan fall apart right in front of him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop, Creepa," rman said, his anger starting to show a bit. "I caught you in the act near the beginning of all of this. I wouldn't have turned the mob against you if I wasn't positive it was you. Heck, we even knew that nah would try to bring you back to life, and we were right. Give up this ridiculous mission already. You've lost, it's time for you to see that."

You've lost. The Reborn, the organization made to succeed where it's members had once failed, was completely defeated. Creepa had been the last one.

Something snapped inside him. Switching to his diamond sword, Creepa saw red as he lunged forward. Zath was prepared for this. Angling his enchanted bow upward, he let loose a shot that would determine his fate.

It was done. A fake rolecard fell from Creepa's pocket as he hit the ground, his weapon skidding away.

"Goodbye, Creepa," the Liberator said by Zath's side.

CreepaShadowz, the Mafia Thief, could not accept defeat.

You two are the Mafia, or in this case, the Reborn! Your goal is to either gain or tie the voting majority by killing one player every night. In the case that one of you forgets/ is unable to say whether you're acting that night, the other can force you to use your power on a player of their choice. A tie vote for who to kill will result in no kill at all.

CreepaShadowz- You are the Thief. Every night, you can rob a player and take one random item from their collection, and they'll be informed that it mysteriously disappeared. This is counted as a hostile action.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
One week later...

The sun shone brighter than ever, despite the cold December weather. For the first time in ages, the players of minr woke up happy rather than worried. Rman and Zath had been promoted to staff positions (yes, I know what they are, shaddup), while Luma and Marsta were highly respected throughout the server and had begun to focus on making maps and living a normal minecraftian life. Srentiln was mourned along with the other victims, but his legacy and impact would not be lost or forgotten. As for our unnamed town where the battle had ended, people were finally starting to return. Greens went to the outside world and explored without fear. The future of the server looked hopeful.

Seeing all of this from a distance, Electro smiled to himself. I chose the right person.

Wasn't this what minecraft's greatest parkour server should always look like?

The Innocents have won!

Surviving players:
Rmanimal, the Innocent Liberator
Zatharel, the Innocent Mayor
MarstaVidar, the Innocent Imitator
Pro_Luma, the Innocent Martyr

Sleek's angel target was Srentiln. He officially lost the game at the end of Night 3.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Ha ha, killing sren was much more worth it in the end. :)
Sorry for snaffling your role card night 1, that happened by sheer luck.

There were a LOT of power roles in the game. @ElectroUnderwear What did Mastra and Luma do?

Technically, I should have flipped innocent in that final scene, since I clearly still had the role card :p

Mafia Night Actions:
Kill Sleek
Investigate Zath
Rob Sren

Kill Luma??? (I have no idea why nah chose this, but if the kill had succeeded, I might have survived the last lynch)
Buy Mystery Item 2 - Defib

N3: Kill Sren
I was trying to decide between killing sren and rman, for a variety of reasons. In the end I chose sren, as part of a gambit with rman (which he hinted at in his post) which failed expectantly.

Nah revealed a lot of information on Day 3, despite that he knew zath had a force-lynch ability and that he heavily suspected nah. Perhaps if the day had been shorter, nah would have died quicker revealing less, so I might have been able to escape for an extra day (which probably would have helped me win).
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Aug 8, 2014
Good Going and good game. Well, other than my suicide.. I have to say, being evil is fun :)

I should have killed Rman to silence him, but I am trying to remember why I attempted murder on Luma. If there were more people, I would have used something else. Sleek's death was insignificant. I shouldn't have said anything about the Defibulator. Though, I have to laugh at the death scenes Especially Sren's death of TNT. Even though Electro posed me as a cold hearted killer, it was absolutely fun.

Good game everyone!


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Even if you said nothing about the defib, the fact you knew there was a possibility of a fake role card did you in. Nice round electro, I liked the shop addition and hope to see it implemented in future rounds.
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