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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Good game everyone! I hope that the next Mafia game doesn't get into personal matters and it stays strictly within the game! Overall, I had a lot of fun, and you did a awesome job hosting this round Freak!


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
*tilts head* so the mafia technically was neither good nor evil...they used evil means to obtain a good goal...Okay, that's an epic ending. I love it when things don't look like they appear without it being inexplicable. I'm only skipping next round, that ending offset most of the stuff for me XD


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Some other things about this round:

Mafia Forum: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/g3crkEjt99u

EDIT (2nd December 2021): I have been informed that Quicktopic is shutting down so here is an archive link graciously provided by Creepa https://web.archive.org/web/20211201235553/https://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/g3crkEjt99u/p-1.-1

That thread was used by the Mafia to communicate with each other and with me. It is only accessaible by direct link.

I have recently found out that the original japanese title of Zelda: Majora's Mask was going to be Zelda: Gaiden.

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Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
Freak you did a good job on this on minr mafia round, too bad I was already killed the 1st night :/
GG everyone.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Only question: how did the mafia kill 2 people in one night?
You mean in endgame? Well, by choosing to kill you, the mafia has technically won the game, so I've taken the liberty to make them kill off Dis too.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Oh. Well, gg everyone!
Happy that I got to live until endgame and that the team I assisted won.
Sren a quote comes to mind from Shakespeare's julius caesar that is said by Brutus when misforutune occurs after caesar's assassination, including the death of the conspirators:
"Srentlin, thou art mighty yet!"

And to the mafia: don't come crawling to me next round, chumps ;)
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The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Some other stuff:

I tried to make some off the classes based off of TF2. I have originally also written a spy class, that I couldn't put in use for either team because I found the independants could be spies too if they wanted, and it just would've been too confusing.

The weatherman class was directly stolen from another mafia game I've played before. The others were either common or self-made.

My original plan was to give a location name of where piece's turrets etc. where standing because nobody would have known the number. Halex has effectively ruined this by pushing everyone to give out their location numbers and names.

Halex was the only user who needed a location name.

@Mafia: Had you not roleblocked jk he would've revived henni.

Also note that i have decided to go with 3 mafia members, but instead gave them some buffs by teaming them up instantly and also gave Zath an auto-replace function.

Despite that, Cory and Halex also sided with the mafia, even though halex was technically an innocent.

I found that I had to make some special roles, and that i wanted them to be themed, and independant, hence Link and Ryu Hayabusa (Gaiden theme).

@Creeper: Should you decide to make your game play on the normal zero.minr.org, it now acts as if this Gaiden (Side Story) never happened.

So, if I happen to host another game in the future (very likely), expect it to be themed, with character roles 'n stuff.

I will also try to improve my roleset, because I found some things to be very unclear.

K I think that everything has been said now.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
looks like i ruined a lot of stuff
Not really. You see, it worked either way.

But I am definatly going to change sth. about stuff like this in my future game(s).

Also thank you guys for the overwhelmingly positive response to this game!


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
For those wondering, creeperTNTman198 is up next, but he said it will be a while. He want to give you all a bit of a break.
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