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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
you know what they say halex, misery loves company. Why don't you join me? :p


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
End of Day 5.5

Srentiln - 4
Freakworld - 1

The remaining Innocents now knew for sure they were all by themselves, with the independants sided with the mafia. And so the next Innocent goes down, Srentiln... or does he?

Plot Twist

Suddenly, someone shooted Yeroc in the back!
"No, my perfect Disguise!"

Yeroc424 has been killed! He was the Innocent Furnacemaster!
you can cook food once per night and give it to people. Once somebody has received 2 food, they will be healed from all staus ailments. Also, if you find another member with the role "Oresmaster", you can craft their loot into weapons, armor, and something secret that I won't tell you yet.

Primary Win Condition: Find the Oresmaster and combine powers with him.

Secondary Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
It is now Night 5! The weather is clear, results are coming soon!


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
End of Day 5.5

Final Votecount:

Srentiln - 4

Sren made it quick.

"Well played, the mafia has won.", he said, as he swallowed his own last potion of pure posion. It instantly killed him (for continuity's sake, let's assume in his role he gave the people poison in their food so the effect was slower.).

Srentiln was killed! He was the Innocent Poisoner!
you are the Innocent Poisoner. You are armed with 2 poison potions. You may use one of these potions each night (maximum 2 uses) to cause a player to die in 3 phases unless healed by a regenerator/doctor.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.

It is now Night 5, a Matchball phase! If an Innocent or Independant gets killed tonight, the Mafia has won! This is your final chance to turn this game around, Innocents! The weather is clear, results are following soon!



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
EDIT to freaks post:
This is the gg phase!
Innocents, this is your final chance to say gg!
Make sure to make the most of it!


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, THAT was unexpected...So who was the real third mafia? I R confuzzled...

and in response to the round overall, I offer this song up:
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