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MINR Mafia Round 4

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Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
Night 1:
After everyone gathered what they could find from mathwiz's decaying quartz spawn they setup a fire for the night and went to sleep. Some members of the party found strange and bizarre objects with no texture and simply the name "Corrupt Object." Confused, they kept it to themselves and didn't bother telling anyone.

Everyone please check your inbox for your role. All power roles please send me your movies
Special nightly event: Corrupted Objects discovered
List of Players:
-2 Glitches
-2 Detectives
-2 Smugglers
-8 Blues

-3 Whities

(In case anyone is wondering, nobody is paired up at the moment.)
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Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
Nobody knows who any of their respective "teammates" are at the moment.
(Misc note, because of break I'm extending night one until Monday; some people may be on break)


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
so night one is basically anyone who has special abilities does them and everyone else just waits?


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
Everyone gathered up their belongings and began venturing towards X. It wasn't long before they got to a jungle biome where the floor was literally lava. The group took to the trees and used their skills to traverse the treetops. However, one player, Yeroc424, was a little rusty. He wobble sprinted off the edge and then proceeded to grab the very end of a vine. The group began using what blocks they had to construct a ladder up to safety, but Yeroc didn't see players. His glitched eyes saw an army of silverfish coming straight towards him.

Confused and afraid, he let go, and fell down into the lava.

Yeroc424, a blue, was touched by a glitch and fell into lava.

Concerned about one of their highest ranks being gone, the group set up camp among the edge of the trees, with everyone eager to start pointing fingers.
It is now Campfire 1
Use *Nominate and *Vote (Because F%$! hashtags) to determine who you think is a glitch.
After 24h the 2-3 with the most nominations will be chosen and allowed to defend themselves with a single post explaining why they aren't the glitch, and which point everyone can vote for who should be thrown into the fire.
The final tally will be taken 24h after nominations end (or as close to 24h as I can be; Evening classes suck =[ )​
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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
Because someone has to start this, ill start this off by saying that i think forgot is a glitch, as he seems concerned with whether a glitch can kill another glitch, which is something that would only be a point of interest for the glitches. *nominate TheForgottenUser


New Fish
Nov 8, 2013
Because someone has to start this, ill start this off by saying that i think forgot is a glitch, as he seems concerned with whether a glitch can kill another glitch, which is something that would only be a point of interest for the glitches. *nominate TheForgottenUser
i didnt even think anything suspicious of that till you said that, but it brings up a good point.
*vote TheForgottenUser


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
lemmer we are nominating, you can't vote until nominations are done (Like the FFA+ ballot...)


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
*nominate creepertntman

Forgot's question was one that was on my mind as well, but he posted before I read the post. However, pointing out an otherwise trvial question as suspicious is suspicious...


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I simply want to know everything I can regarding aspects of the game. If you had seen me play in the last game, I asked maybe twice the questions anybody else did, even when I didn't benefit from them.
And to reiterate that point, I wouldn't ask whether glitches knew each other if I was a glitch. That'd be pretty obvious to me, don't you think?

That being said, whoever is the glitch is obviously going for the more powerful players first, starting with our two-time champ Yeroc.

I'm going to go ahead and nominate creeper, seeing as you were so quick to judge me without pointing out the above-mentioned post.

*NOMINATE CreeperTNTman198


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
*nominate srentiln

might be playing some sort of mind game by stating that saying something is suspicious is suspicious...


Nov 5, 2013
Not very sure who I'm going to nominate.
creeper has a small point about Forgot's question, although Forgot was also asking similar questions last game, and he ended up not being a grief

Piece's nomination concerns me tho, it seems a bit suspicious.

I don't like the "Might be playing some sort of mind game..." reasoning, it basically states that Piece doesn't have a better reason to nominate someone, so he is making a "might" input, just to be able to vote someone off. As we all know, the glitches' goal is to kill as many players as possible, Piece's nomination basically does that, nominating someone because of bad reasoning, just to be able to nominate someone.

However, I want to know, is there a nominate no one option? I don't think we can get an accurate lynch from Day 1.
If there is a no one option, then
*nominate no1

if I have to nominate someone
*nominate Pieceofcheese


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
You can choose to not nominate someone, you can also choose not to vote, but then you're practically throwing away your voice in the game...


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Zatharel's comment of GL HF at the beginning of the game makes me suspicious, seeing as he must be pretty happy about the outcome of the placing. Also, he seems to overreason his nominations of piece, using several paragraphs what he can basically say in one sentence. Also, zath in general is a pretty sketchy character.
*Nominate Zatharel
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